The two exchanged glances. Madam wanted to look for it, but she was more afraid that the other party would be arrogant, so the adults should not take it lightly.

Shao Yunyun instructed Aye again: "Tomorrow you and Mianmian bring Qiao Wei to Madam's side, only Li Xia and Li Qiu are too few. You work harder, keep an eye on Qiao Wei, and don't let her have the opportunity to do anything. Small moves."

"Yes, my lord."

Shao Yunyun suspected that someone from the government office was involved in this matter. Since the other party succeeded, he would definitely make the next move, and he would definitely try to expose the news of his wife's disappearance.

If this is the case, Lixia and Liqiu may not be able to cope.

That night, the inn seemed to be quiet and business as usual, and a new round of scheduling had already passed in secret...

The next day, news of Qiao Xuan's dizziness and fever spread out, and the entire team could only stay temporarily.

The prefect's wife knew the news, and naturally she would not say nothing, so she brought the wife of the prefect and the two master's wives to visit the doctor.

With Qiao Wei, the official lady, she must have come forward to greet the prefect's wife and so on.

Mianmian and Lixia were also together, and Liqiu stayed by Qiao Xuan's side to take care of her.

Qiao Wei is not stupid. She thought about it all night, and she probably already thought that something must have happened to Qiao Xuan, and it was definitely not just a cold and sickness.

Otherwise, Shao Yunyun wouldn't kick her with a livid face in the middle of the night.

Thinking of his murderous kick, Qiao Wei couldn't help but feel a pain in her chest, and she felt a little tingly in her heart.

But she couldn't control her secret excitement!

That **** finally had an accident, it must be a big event, it really deserves it!

She was happy and happy, and she was kicked by Shao Yunyun and warned with suffocation, she didn't dare to have the slightest idea of ​​being a demon.

The prefect's wife and the others came to visit, and she only dared to entertain them in a proper manner, showing that Qiao Xuan was really just infected with the cold and was inconvenient to see others.

If it wasn't for the threat from Shao Yunyun, she would definitely not be so honest at this moment. Even if you don't dare to say it outright, you will definitely have a hint of what you mean, and you will even deliberately release some irresponsible self-guessing.

Unlike at this moment, Mrs. Fu Cheng was very concerned, and she repeatedly proposed to see Mrs. Shao in person and visit Mrs. Shao, but she had to sincerely express her gratitude and declined.

The prefect's wife asked if she wanted to invite a local doctor with excellent medical skills to come She also reluctantly declined.

Qiao Wei was so upset that she wanted to vomit blood!

What a great opportunity to make waves and be a monster, but when it was presented to him, he didn't dare to take advantage of it! Instead, she has to cover up for that **** Qiao Xuan...

At noon, the prefect's wife and the prefect's wife sent someone again, and three maids and two maids came together to deliver soup to Qiao Xuan and express their affection.

A maid called out with a smile: "Miss Lixia, Miss Liqiu!" Then she naturally and generously went up the steps with her companions to go into the house, and said with a smile: "It's a coincidence, our wife and Mrs. Fu Cheng ordered the kitchen to boil soup, and specially sent us to send it to Mrs. Shao!"

"This soup has ginseng and wolfberry added, which is very nourishing!"

Li Xia and Li Qiu quickly stopped them.

"Mrs. prefect and the lady of the prefecture are interested, you can give us this soup. Our wife just took the medicine and fell asleep, and she is sleeping peacefully at the moment, so please don't disturb me. We will inform you when the lady wakes up. her."

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