Jing Liu really didn't care much about how much money was spent on food and drink.

In her opinion, making money is for spending, especially since the two of them didn't always go out to eat, so she could still afford to treat Huang An to a meal occasionally.

"Let's go home."

Huang An nodded:"I have to thank the little rich woman today."

"Little rich woman? Me? What does that mean?"

Jingliu didn't understand, so she pointed at her face.

"It means you have money."

Huang An touched his nose.

It was time to go home. I left Xiao Bai at home all day. I guess the little fur ball would be upset after I got home.


It was night.

Whenever he felt the quiet night, Huang An would always think of the first house he bought in Lian City.

That house was in the center of Lian City. It was usually clean and tidy, and the environment was indeed worthy of its price.

But the biggest problem was that there were cicadas over there. They started calling from the early morning and did not disappear until the hottest time of the day.

Huang An was a light sleeper, and he would be woken up by any discordant sounds. He could not sleep peacefully in such an environment, and he could not fall asleep at all. Later, after being woken up for many days in a row, he chose to move.

The environment in this community is better, probably because there is the sea just a few dozen meters away, and those cicadas may also be afraid that their natural enemies will fly over from the sea and eat them for breakfast, so there is no such noisy cicada call here.

And the housing prices here are here. If there are still cicadas disturbing their sleep every day... well.

Close your eyes.

Huang An has been sleeping very peacefully recently, and he no longer has nightmares like before.

He doesn't even dream much now.

This is a good thing.

Huang An thought so.

But he happened to dream today.


In the darkness around him, Huang An opened his eyes.

He saw the boundless sea of stars. He heard the crazy laughter that made people addicted.

What kind of laughter was that... hard to describe.

Clear and crazy, these two adjectives should not be put together.

But this laughter just integrates these two characteristics, blending clarity and craziness together, making people addicted.

That laughter makes people want to laugh even if they just listen to it.

It is not a mockery, but a child's laughter when he sees something he likes or is interested in.

Then, Huang An saw Him - Huang An was not sure whether he saw it with his eyes, and he didn't even know what state he was in now.

He didn't know where his eyes were, he couldn't feel it, but he could see the surrounding environment clearly, he could see the boundless sea of stars, the daunting planet.

Universe, Huang An murmured.

He saw Him.

What kind of monster is that?

He sat cross-legged in the sea of stars, his figure was like a dark curtain, but he showed a clear human figure.

This is a very contradictory manifestation, even if it is described in words, it is very chaotic - but He is indeed like this.

He almost holds a circus, and the grinning mask passes in front of him. Huang An can't feel his hands.

The huge figure laughed wildly, but he couldn't tell whether the laughter came from the mask of the black shadow, or...

Huang An's sight fell on the neck of the black shadow again.

That should be the place where the face should be, but it was empty, very strange.

He laughed wildly, making that clear laugh.

The stars trembled, and the space of the universe gradually tore apart.

Just because of this laugh.

Huang An suddenly felt His gaze - that sight that was clearly invisible but could be clearly felt, fell directly on him.

The headless black shadow did not move, and the laughter seemed to come from the mask in his hand, clear and crazy.

But Huang An listened, and felt even quieter in his heart.

He said nothing, just stared at the dark shadow quietly.

The laughter did not stop, not even for a breath.

The shadow kept laughing, and it seemed that he had no intention of stopping.


When Huang An woke up in the morning, there was still a subtle anger between his eyebrows.

He got up late today.

Huang An rubbed his eyebrows.


Who is a good person who keeps laughing in other people's dreams? Without even a pause?

But that laughter is not annoying at all, but makes people a little addicted, and can't help but want to laugh along.

Huang An rubbed his eyebrows and walked out.

There was hot porridge on the table, and a line of handwriting left on ice.

The ice exuded a biting cold, but when Huang An really reached out to touch it, he didn't feel cold.

【I made porridge and fried a dish... I don't know if you like it or not. After feeding Xiaobai in the morning, I went to work - Jingliu】

The moment Huang An touched it, the ice cube dissipated. It did not turn into water, but broke into pieces and scattered in the air.

Huang An looked at the porridge and dishes on the table.

Still warm.

Jingliu probably saw him cooking and learned from him.

Stir-fried lettuce.

Huang An sat down and drank the porridge in small sips.

He felt a little sad for some reason.

It turned out that someone cooked for him in the morning and saved food for him.

Not bad.

Huang An closed his eyes and ate the lettuce and porridge clean.

Even though he was full, he still ate the last bit of lettuce.

Jingliu's stir-fry was average, not stir-fried, just dry-fried.

The bottom was a little burnt.

But Huang An still didn't leave any.

He wiped his mouth, and instead of washing the dishes as usual, he took out his phone and took a picture.


The phone vibrated, Jing Liu raised an eyebrow, took out the phone and took a look

【Huang An: (Picture)

Huang An: It's delicious. I ate it all.

Huang An: Thank you. 】

Jing Liu breathed a sigh of relief

【Jingliu: That's good... I was worried that you didn't like it.

Huang An: No, I almost licked the plate.

Jingliu: That's not necessary... If you like it, I can make it again next time.

Huang An: I probably won't get up late in the future.

Jingliu: Are you feeling unwell?

Huang An: No... I dreamed of a weirdo.

Huang An: My intuition tells me that it has something to do with your world.

Jingliu: ?

Jingliu: What does it look like?

Huang An: Uh... All black, no head, holding a bunch of masks... something like that...

Jingliu:... Can you be more specific?

Huang An: He kept laughing, laughing loudly, without saying a word, without even changing his tone, from the time I started dreaming until I got up.

Jingliu: I think I know who it is.

Huang An: Who?

Jingliu: Changle Tianjun.

Huang An: ? What Changle Tianjun?

Jingliu: It's the Joyful Star God.

Huang An: Why is he looking for me?

Jing Liu: I don't know... I can't guess what the Star God is thinking, but Chang Le Tian Jun has always acted based on his interests...

Jing Liu: Now you should believe that I am in a real world.

Huang An: Okay... Now I believe it. 】

Dreams are not groundless, and that feeling... so real...

Huang An believes that it is not just a dream.

But how can I see the Star God?

The phone vibrates again, and Huang An takes out the phone

【Mirror Flow: Feel whether there are other powers in your body. When you meet the Joyful Star God, you should be able to awaken the power of Joyful Destiny.

Huang An:...

Huang An: It seems that the Joyful Star God is a bit stingy. I didn’t feel anything.

Mirror Flow: This is rare... The Joyful Star God has clearly shown up in person, but you still haven’t awakened the Joyful Destiny. Why is that...

Huang An: Joy... It sounds like it has nothing to do with me.

Mirror Flow: You definitely can’t awaken it yourself, but if the Joyful Star God shows up in person to give you power, you will still embark on the Joyful Destiny. This has nothing to do with whether you fulfill your obligations or not.

Huang An: Really? Let me feel it again.

Huang An: With the power of destiny, can I beat you?

Mirror Flow: If you become a command envoy directly, then you will definitely be able to beat me, but if you don’t change at all, then you should sincerely accept the result of being defeated by two fingers.

Huang An:……】


Putting down the phone, Jing Liu raised the corners of her mouth.

But a moment later, a trace of doubt flashed in her eyes.

Why did the Joyful Star God show up? And he didn't come to find her who had destiny, but went to find Huang An, an ordinary person without destiny power?

Even if the Joyful Star God was pursuing fun, there were countless creatures in this universe, how could it be such a coincidence?

Could it be... the reason why I traveled through time was... too likely.

I was not familiar with other star gods in the universe, and those star gods didn't have such leisure.

Would Emperor Gong Siming do such a thing?

Just kidding, Emperor Gong Siming might not even know her name.

Destiny is broad, and she can't think of anyone else who can affect her range... except Changle Tianjun.

But Huang An can meet Changle Tianjun...

Jing Liu suddenly became excited.

If so, maybe Huang An can get in touch with Changle Tianjun and send them both back to the Immortal Boat...

Maybe when they get to the Immortal Boat, Huang An can awaken the power of destiny?

Jingliu had habitually thought of Huang An and her together.

Huang An had no relatives, only colleagues, and she did this kind of work...she had no worries at all.

With this thought, Jingliu became a little restless.

Anxious and excited.

Who wouldn't want their own home?

And take Xiaobai back. Jingliu's eyes narrowed with a smile as he thought about it. Bai Miao looked at him with his mouth wide open. It had been more than a month. This was the first time he saw Sister Jingliu smile like this.


When Huang An came to deliver lunch at noon, Jing Liu came to greet him.

"Are you hungry?"

Huang An raised his eyebrows and looked at Jing Liu with shining eyes, a little surprised.

It was the first time he saw her expression like this.

He put the lunch box on the table in the lounge:"No soup today, sweet and sour spare ribs with stir-fried kale, try it."

""Huang An, Huang An!"

Jing Liu leaned forward and looked into Huang An's eyes:"Didn't you meet Chang Le Tianjun?"


Huang An nodded.

"If you see Him again tonight... can you ask Him if He can send both of us and Xiao Bai back to the Immortal Boat?"


Huang An raised his eyebrows:"How can you be so sure that he can send you back?"

"He is the Star God! We will be back in the blink of an eye."

Jing Liu said quickly,"Let's go back together."

Huang An looked at her without saying a word.

"What...what happened?……"

Jing Liu was stunned for a moment, and his voice became softer:"If you don't want to……"

"Thank you for your invitation. If I can meet Him, I will ask, but forget about going back together."

Huang An shook his head and raised the corner of his mouth:"If possible, I will send you and Xiao Bai together."


Jing Liu frowned:"Why don't you go back? Wouldn't it be nice for the two of us to go back together... It's more peaceful and life is better there.……"

"Jing Liu.

Jing Liu's words were interrupted by Huang An.

He seemed to want to say something, but after opening his mouth, he still couldn't explain anything clearly.

"I 'll tell you when I get home tonight."

Huang An sighed and said softly,"Let's eat first."

Jing Liu curled his lips and said,"Yeah."

She lowered her head and nibbled on the ribs in small bites.

Huang An hugged his arms and looked at her.

Thank you for thinking of me.

A gentle smile flashed in his eyes.

A faint light finally flashed in his abyss-like eyes.

Although it was very weak, it was not gone.


Jing Liu seemed to be in a bad mood the whole afternoon.

Bai Miao looked at him.

When Huang An got off work, he was not surprised to see Jing Liu in that state, and he didn't even want to comfort him.

Did they have a fight?

Bai Miao raised his eyebrows.

The two walked towards home, and no one spoke.


"What do you want to eat in the evening?"

���Not hungry yet, I want to hear your answer"

"What answer?"

Huang An blinked.

"Why don't you come back to the Immortal Boat with me?"

Jing Liu raised his head.

"Why should I go back to the Immortal Boat with you?"

Jing Liu was stunned for a moment.

"What will I do after I return? Where will I live?"

"Living in my house?"

Jingliu raised his eyebrows and said as a matter of course.

After living together for almost a year, she had become accustomed to having such a person in her house and did not feel anything was wrong.

"Is your house this big? Are there three bathrooms? Are there three toilets?"

Huang An folded his arms and sat opposite Jing Liu:"There are three separate rooms? You are a girl, Jing Liu, you have to consider these things."

"And I don't know anyone, a short-lived creature that appeared out of nowhere, have you ever thought about the impact? Yes, you are Luofu Sword Master, you can use your connections to settle things, and then what? What will those people think of you?"

Huang An spread his hands:"How did you get to the position of Luofu Sword Master? You know better than anyone. You can not consider it, but I can, because we are friends, so I have to think about you."

"You may think that this person is too nosy, this is my business"

"That's right, this is your business, but since I have received your help, do I have no burden? It's not that you don't have to think about these things, so I don't have to think about them."

Jing Liu lowered his head and said nothing.

Huang An seemed to think that he had said too much. He put down his hand and leaned back.

He didn't know Jing Liu's past.

But he knew that her past must have been miserable, and something must have happened that forced her to climb to the position of Luofu Sword Master.

Using the past and the future to help herself, Huang An didn't need, and it was impossible for Jing Liu to do so.

"Be reasonable, Jingliu, we have just known each other for almost a year, strictly speaking, less than a year."

Huang An stood up:"It's just because you are used to my existence, it's the same without me."

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