"I...want to say I disagree."

Bai Heng scratched his face awkwardly:"Do I have a choice?"

"I know you all disagree.

Yuanming frowned and said,"I want to hear your opinions."

"Jing Yuanyuan is also one of us... Why do we have to exclude him? We haven't seen each other for hundreds of years, and when we meet again, close friends will kill each other.……"

Bai Heng frowned and said,"What if Jing Yuanyuan falls into the evil spirit?"

"I will ensure that he will not fall into the evil spirit."

Yuanming shook his head:"But think about it carefully, with you behind him, can Jingyuan grow up?"

Jing Yuan is not lazy, but with four messengers behind him, it is difficult for Jing Yuan to grow to the level described by the end.

To be honest, Yuanming didn't know why Jing Yuan would be so valued by the so-called future...

He was even called the guide of the future fairy boat stage by the end.

But according to the end, what is more important for Jing Yuan in the future is connections, just like the Yinyue Rebellion must happen.

Or... Teng Xiao must die, Jing Liu and others must also die.

Jing Yuan was originally like a sapling protected by several big trees. He grew very tough, tall and strong, but the big trees above his head still blocked most of the wind and rain.

He almost didn't need money to go to the Gongzao Division. Yingxing would solve all his problems for him. The exchanges with the Chiming Clan were basically all for Danfeng's face, or Jingliu's face-the friend of Lord Longzun, the disciple of Lord Jianshou, everyone would give him three points of thin face when they went out, and the Tianbo Division had Bai Heng, the deputy helmsman, to support him, and no one would embarrass him.

But these are the other four people, not Jing Yuan's own

Being the hero of the Five Heroes on the Cloud is Jing Yuan’s only honor at present, but among the Five Heroes on the Cloud, he is not the most prominent one.

He is just called a genius. To be honest, except for the Five Heroes on the Cloud, no one else can understand the value of the so-called genius.

Besides... genius.

Who among the Five Heroes on the Cloud is not a genius.

A short-lived craftsman who is extremely talented and can even use the afterglow of the Emperor Bow Siming Light Arrow to forge weapons. He is ranked among the top 100 smiths at a young age. Despite such difficulties, he can still successfully forge superb creations. The most powerful and strongest dragon lord in the history of the Chiming clan.

He has twelve flying swords in his acupoints, and his sword talent is unprecedented and unparalleled. He is free in the universe, and his archery and star raft driving skills are both top-notch. Wuming guest... …Although his luck was indeed a bit bad.

Genius…is nothing among these people.

As many people say, geniuses will gather together, and only those who are more talented will stand out.

Jing Yuan is protected by them, and perhaps he will still grow and have future wisdom, but his character will not be as tough, because he has not experienced the loss and death of his loved ones.

His network of contacts will not be that broad, because with Jing Liu and Dan Feng above him, he may not be able to become a general in this lifetime.


Yuan Ming seems to have figured it out a little. There is no room for him to interfere, because these are things that have nothing to do with the Star God.

This is the cover-up of the future.

To avoid the Star God's involvement, there must be no room for the Star God to intervene.

"In the future, the five heroes of Yunshang will still be able to reunite intact."

Yuanming said calmly:"But if not, everything you have performed will actually happen."

Everyone's eyes almost involuntarily looked at Bai Heng.

In that catastrophe, the only person who died was Bai Heng.

"What if you help?"

Dan Feng frowned.

"If I help, everything will still happen, and it is very likely to affect the entire Xianzhou Alliance. According to the End Star God, if I try to prevent this catastrophe from happening, it will trigger a war with the greedy Obolos in advance."

Yuanming repeated the words of the End.

He didn't care at first.

But the End King briefly explained to him what it would be like to go to war with Obolos.

Then Aha told him what Obolos looked like.

"If Yuanming and Obolos fight, this universe will be destroyed."

Aha's voice still echoes in my ears:"It's not as simple as the Xianzhou Alliance, but this universe, your little envoys will not be able to escape."

Yuanming thought about what Aha said, frowned slightly:"The Xianzhou Alliance will be completely destroyed, and this universe will be destroyed."

As soon as these words came out, the faces of the four people present changed.

The destruction of the Xianzhou Alliance?

The four people frowned tightly.

"In short... there are still more than two years before all this will happen."

Yuanming shook his head:"The choice is in your hands."

The four looked at each other.


Bai Heng rubbed his brows and said,"Are you sure Jing Yuan will be okay?"


Yuanming nodded.

This is the best result for now...

Jingliu's grip on his hand gradually tightened, and a faint tremor came from her fingertips. Yuanming looked at her.

Jingliu lowered her eyes and couldn't see her expression clearly.

They actually knew that there was no way now, because the future was like this.

It was impossible to suspect that the End Star God was lying.

The star gods were firmly bound to their fate. If the End Star God lied about the future, at best, his fate would be shaken, and at worst, he would face a serious blow or even fall.

Even lies woven with facts would cause fluctuations in his fate, and Yuanming would feel it immediately.

Moreover... there was no need for the End Star God to lie about this kind of thing. The End Star God himself had no contact with the Immortal Boat.

The star gods were not that bored... except for the Joy Star God.

That was also because of fate.

"Hey...don't look so sad."

Bai Heng was the first to recover.

She smiled and said,"Everyone is fine, right?"

Several people cheered up.

"Let's go and treat little Jingyuan to a meal."

Bai Heng patted Ying Xing beside him:"There are still two years left... Why act like we're going to separate tomorrow? It's not a life-and-death separation."

It was said lightly, but the five of them were each other's family and regarded each other as their spiritual sustenance. It would be hard for anyone to be separated for hundreds of years.

There are still two years... How short are two years for them?

Jing Liu leaned weakly on Yuanming:"Can't the Star God resist the future?"

"……Sorry, there is nothing I can do.

Yuanming shook his head and said,"I have fought against countless futures to let the five of you live well... We will meet again in the future."

"Jing Yuan... needs to leave your protection to grow up."

Yuan Ming said softly


Jing Liu frowned and stood up:"Let's go, take him out for a meal."

The five of them walked out of the yard together.

So, what is Jing Yuanyuan, who is at the center of the incident, doing now?

Jing Yuanyuan was lying under a tree with the military book covering his face.

Jing Yuan was sleeping soundly, and he didn't notice the people around him staring at him.

Ying Xing's mouth twitched, and he squatted down and pulled the military book off Jing Yuan's face.

The sunlight suddenly sprinkled on his face, and Jing Yuan frowned somewhat uncomfortably:"Ying Xing... stop making trouble."

When faced with this kind of bad behavior, Jing Yuan subconsciously thought it would be Ying Xing.

But this time he guessed right


Ying Xing smiled helplessly, raised his hand and patted his face:"Hey, get up"


Jing Yuan's eyes were half closed and half open, and he obviously hadn't woken up yet. He glanced at the five faces in front of him and pretended to close his eyes.

"Jing Yuanyuan, wake up."

Bai Heng chuckled and patted Jing Yuan's head:"Are you awake?"

"Hmm... wake up……"

Jing Yuan still squinted his eyes, and the half-open look was very funny

"Jing Yuan."

Jing Liu finally spoke:"How can you fall asleep during training?"

"I didn't fall asleep!"

Jing Yuan still had the same expression, but his voice suddenly became louder:"I just rode Danfeng and helped ten Yingxing pass through the Jade Realm Gate.……"

Ying Xing:...

Dan Feng:……

"This is……"

Bai Heng chuckled, raised his hand and patted Jing Yuan on the ground again:"Hey, come back to your senses, your master is here"


Jing Yuan sat up suddenly.

When he was lazy, Jing Liu was Jing Yuan's deep nightmare.

But unexpectedly, Jing Liu did not punish him or scold him. She just reached out and gently ruffled Jing Yuan's hair.

There was an inexplicable look in her eyes, which Jing Yuan could not understand.

After a while, Jing Liu moved her hand away:"It's time to rest."

"Well...I saw a great strategy last night...I was too fascinated and didn't get enough rest."

Jing Yuan smiled and said,"Why are you all here?"

"I want to see you."

Ying Xing chuckled and said,"I want to have a drink with you, do you want to go?""

"Go! You must go!"

Jing Yuan suddenly jumped up from the ground:"Who's treating?"


Jing Liu crossed his arms and said,"Eat whatever you want.""


Jing Yuan's eyes lit up.


Jingliu nodded and said nothing more.

"Let's go!"

Jing Yuan almost jumped up from the ground:"I've been hungry for a day."

"Well, let's go."

Jingliu nodded:"You choose, I'll follow."

Yuanming looked at her.

Miss Jianshou is really good at learning.


Looking at Jing Yuan who was laughing foolishly in front of him, Yuan Ming sighed and pinched Jing Liu's fingers.

Maybe it was because he also accepted Jing Yuan?

He felt guilty like a parent who abandoned his child.

Of course, it was not the kind of abandonment without responsibility, but the"abandonment" that had to be transferred due to work reasons.

They will come back one day, but when that day comes, Jing Yuan will have grown up.

"Jingyuan, slow down."

Bai Heng looked at Jingyuan's back and said,"Don't fall."

"Can I still fall? My sense of balance is the best in the Cloud Cavalry Army, right?"

Jing Yuan laughed foolishly, and the next second he stepped on the mud on the side of the road and almost fell flat on his face.


Ying Xing grabbed him and said,"Be more stable."

He raised his hand helplessly and knocked Jing Yuan on the head,"You have to learn to be more stable, a grown man.……"

"Hey... why are you still nagging?"

Jing Yuan scratched his ears impatiently and glanced at Ying Xing.


Ying Xing was depressed and couldn't say anything.


The wine glasses collide, and the aroma of wine overflows

"When did I first meet Ying Xing?……"

Jingyuan holds his face

"It was when Jing Liu and I were sparring."

Ying Xing laughed twice and said,"It was Dan Feng who took me there."

"Ah...it seems so."

Jing Yuan nodded:"At that time, I thought you were really courageous. I didn't even dare to compete with Master."

"Simply because you are a coward."

Ying Xing laughed at him without any hesitation.

Jing Liu drank quietly on the side without saying a word.

But Bai Heng was also very silent today, which was very unusual.

"Why didn't Bai Heng talk today?"

Jing Yuan raised his eyebrows and looked at Bai Heng.

Bai Heng yawned and said,"I'm reviewing the situation. Don't disturb me.""

"What to review?"

"The things about Tianbosi."

Bai Heng covered up the emotional problems with a few words.

Jing Yuan was a little drunk and didn't notice anything wrong with Bai Heng. He turned around and continued to reminisce about his"youth" with Ying Xing.

Jing Liu turned around and found that Bai Heng's eyes were red.

Bai Heng was sometimes really outrageous in her emotions.

So outrageous that Jing Liu couldn't understand it.

But Jing Yuan was still beside him...

Jing Liu was silent for a long time, then gently raised his hand and touched Bai Heng's head.

The pointed fox ears trembled slightly, Bai Heng sniffed and shook his head slightly.

Bai Heng, who used to be the most excited at the table, suddenly stopped moving. Jing Yuan was very concerned about this matter, and turned around and saw that Bai Heng's eyes were red.

Jing Yuan stood up abruptly:"Bai Heng? What's wrong?"


Bai Heng turned back with red eyes.

The tip of her tail shook, and she quickly found the correct way to answer in her mind.

""I had a dream last night."

Bai Heng lowered his voice:"I dreamed that one day we went our separate ways.""

Bai Heng! You are so smart!

Bai Heng praised himself in his heart.

"I am the only one left."

Bai Heng forced a smile and said,"I have been in a bad mood."

""Oh, Bai Heng, that's impossible."

Jing Yuan waved his hand:"Don't say we are inseparable, we are separated!"

Jing Yuan was a little drunk, and raised his hand unsteadily.

Everyone's eyes were on him.

"We are the Five Warriors on the Cloud! When we gather together, we are a ball of fire; when we disperse, we are a sky full of stars!"

Jing Yuan laughed loudly, raised his glass, and drank the wine in it.


Bai Heng's eyes darkened:"Is that what you think?……"

"Actually, I thought a lot at the beginning. You said that the most realistic thing we faced at that time was life span, right?"

Jing Yuan waved his hand:"I just think that meeting is our fate. When fate comes, we will separate. If fate is not over, we will reunite. If the future is a fixed number, we may have a day to reunite. If the future is not a fixed number, then we will eventually reunite that day."

Everyone looked at each other.

"Jing Yuanyuan."

Bai Heng chuckled and said,"You have grown up."

"I have grown up a long time ago! I am the future of the Cloud Cavalry Army, a talented general!"

Jing Yuan waved his hand and put it in front of him:"Come! We want to be good friends for life!"

Bai Heng chuckled and stood up:"Yes, good friends for life."

She put her hand on the back of Jing Yuan's hand

"A lifelong friend."

Dan Feng stretched out his hand and placed it on the back of Bai Heng's hand.

"A lifelong friend."

Ying Xing stretched out his hand and placed it on the back of Dan Feng's hand, but he didn't try to do anything secretly.

Then Jing Liu

"Well, a lifelong friend."

Jing Liu smiled and stretched out his hand, but Yuan Ming held it.

"Add me, and you will cover the back.

Yuanming smiled and took Jingliu's hand, putting her hand at the bottom, below Jingyuan's hand.

"We want to be……"

Yuanming raised his hand.

The next second, under Yingxing's extremely surprised eyes, Yuanming raised his hand and clapped down.

"Good friends for life!"

At this moment, except for Jing Liu and Jing Yuan, who were placed at the bottom by Yuan Ming, the hands of the other three were scattered.

Especially Ying Xing.

Yuan Ming ran away after slapping, and disappeared in the house in just a moment.


Yingxing roared and chased after him, Danfeng also gritted his teeth and followed.

Then Jingyuan shouted"Master" and rushed out.

Jingliu was still stunned.

""Don't just stand there! They'll all run away soon!"

Bai Heng threw the bag of patrol arrows on the table and grabbed Jing Liu's wrist:"Let's go!"

The two of them rushed out after the four people in front of them.

The house was empty, with only laughter echoing.

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