That night, watching Yuanming being shaken by Yingxing's shoulders, the Sword Master thought, such a day is wonderful.

It would be wonderful if such a day could never fade, it would be wonderful if such a day could never end.

Such a day……


Jingliu hadn't finished thinking about these philosophical questions in his dream.

When Jingliu opened her eyes, Yuanming's head was still buried in her neck.

She turned her head slightly and didn't dare to make any big movements.

Yuanming didn't need to sleep, he just liked to hug Jingliu like this.

Jingliu just let him do it.

She got closer to him.

Muscles like knives, lines like ravines.

Yuanming's figure is still a little different from the sturdy figure of Yunqijun.

The body shape of star gods is generally more inclined to the kind of balanced beauty - referring to human-shaped star gods.

Jingliu felt his body, and her little feet playfully hooked Yuanming's instep.

Yuanming was actually awake, but he didn't open his eyes - he wanted to see what his little girl would do.

But Jingliu didn't do anything, she just kissed Yuanming's forehead gently, and then hugged him in her arms again.

Yuanming quietly opened his eyes and sniffed the fragrance on the girl's neck, like a deep breath before waking up.

Jingliu slightly opened her eyes, glanced at Yuanming in her arms, and closed her eyes again.

She woke up so early when she was alone before!

It was all Yuanming's fault.

Yuanming didn't know that he was accused of influencing the sword master to stay in bed.

He opened his eyes and looked at Jingliu.

The timing of opening their eyes was perfect. Yuanming lowered his head again, looked at the white skin in front of him, and gently stuck out his tongue.

Jingliu suddenly opened his eyes.

The hot color like flame surged from the neck, quickly spread to the earlobe, and then the whole ear


She panted a little and reached out to grab Yuanming's shoulders.

Yuanming just licked and kissed her white and tender skin gently, scraping it with his teeth from time to time.

The slightly cold skin was stained with the heat of lust. Yuanming's hand was raised at some point and covered her legs.


Jingliu only knew to call Yuanming's name.

She seemed to have a premonition of something, lowered her head and buried her nose in Yuanming's hair.

The buttons of the pajamas were gently unbuttoned, and Yuanming almost kissed the soft tip.

Jingliu bit her lip lightly, suppressing the strange sound rising from her chest and the waves of excitement like waves.

"A Liu……"

Yuanming's voice was a little hoarse:"Look at me."

Jingliu panted and lowered his head.

The two of them blended their lips and teeth, and their lips and tongues wrapped around each other, as if they wanted to swallow each other into their stomachs.

The slender fingers slid into the edge of the pajamas wrapped around the waist, like an uncontrollable snake.

The snake swam gently in the garden without trees.


Jingliu's hot breath sprayed on Yuanming's face.

The wetness of his fingers made Yuanming come back to his senses as if awakened from a dream.

His head was swollen and hot, as if it would explode in the next second.

Yuanming took a deep breath, gently let go of her, and pulled his hand back.

Jingliu's eyes seemed to contain a ball of fire. She hugged him, with questioning eyes, and just looked at Yuanming eagerly, like a child whose candy was taken away.

"It's still daytime, A'liu, you still have to go to the training ground soon."

Yuanming lowered his head and kissed her lips:"Control yourself." Jingliu's face flushed, and her mind that had been wandering quickly retracted into her mind.

She sat up, quickly turned over and got out of bed, and ran to the bathroom.

It's killing me.

Yuanming panted in small gulps.

The dignified Chaos Star God was broken by his own messenger.

If this got out, wouldn't the Joy Star God laugh his head off?

Yuanming rubbed his eyebrows and watched Jingliu push open the door and walk in.

Jingliu looked away, not daring to look Yuanming in the face.

It's killing me... something like that just happened, and the two of them almost went to the last step.

Jingliu, your brain is broken.

Jingliu raised his hand and patted his face.

He also changed into a set of... inner clothes.

Yuanming had already made the bed, he turned around:"You change your clothes first."

Yuanming got up and walked out of the room.

Jingliu sat on the bed and patted her face gently.

She had already had the corresponding result in her mind.

Something like this would happen between her and Yuanming one day. She had expected those things between men and women, so she didn't refuse.

But she always thought she would be rational... at least she should stay sober, right?

But the moment Yuanming's hand slipped in, her head buzzed. Let alone being sober and rational, there was only Yuanming in front of her, nothing else.

Jingliu rubbed her face.

Wake up, Jingliu.

Wake up... we still have to go to the training ground soon.


Wake up, Yuanming, wake up.

But it must be said that once a boyfriend and girlfriend move to the realm of sex, it feels like a layer of net separating the two has been torn off.

To put it simply, it means being one step closer.

Yuanming took a deep breath.

It was bright outside, and this kind of thing was not suitable to do at this time.

There was a sound of door opening behind him, Yuanming rubbed his face and turned around.

Jingliu's face was still slightly flushed, she coughed twice:"Let's go...let's go"


Yuanming stood up and said,"Can I still have a good morning kiss before I go out today?"


Jingliu took two steps closer, hugged his waist, raised his heels, and kissed him gently.

Their lips and tongues intertwined.

Jingliu suddenly sighed:"We are not pure anymore."

"It seems like the two of us have never been pure."

Yuanming chuckled:"Let's go."

He held Jingliu's hand and squeezed her little hand.

To describe Jingliu's hand as soft and boneless... is not appropriate at all.

She can now punch through a planet.

It's true that when you are in a good mood, you can't unscrew the bottle cap... When you are in a bad mood, you can unscrew the top of the head with your bare hands.

Jingliu closed her eyes and leaned on Yuanming.

Yuanming turned his head and kissed her:"Open your eyes and walk, otherwise what if you fall?"

"Isn't this you?……"

Jing Liu smiled, looking at Yuanming with eyes almost overflowing with love.


Yuanming smiled helplessly:"That's right."


"Bai...Bai Heng...I have a...thing……"

"Things, Ying Xing, are you saying something wrong?"

Dan Feng folded his arms and leaned against the dragon statue beside him helplessly:"It's just a wine jug, do you want to take this opportunity to confess your feelings?"

"Nonsense! What watch... watch?……"

"If you don't confess, why are you so shy? You've already given away the bow."

Dan Feng looked puzzled:"Bai Heng will definitely accept it with a smile."

"Ying Xing is a big coward."

Jing Yuan laughed twice:"He didn't even dare to send a wine pot."

"What do you know!"

Ying Xing swallowed his saliva.

He specially chose this piece of leather, first of all, it is windproof and heat-insulating, and it has excellent quality.

Moreover, the original creature of this leather comes from outside the fairy boat, where it is freezing cold and the wind is biting, so the skin of this creature is often used to make part of a wedding dress to keep out the cold, and it is also a symbol of love.

Ying Xing hopes that Bai Heng can see it, but also hopes that Bai Heng can't see it.

Otherwise, he should go and fight with Jingliu...

Damn, Jingliu must be with Yuanming now, God!

Why should Jingliu get out of being single first...

Ying Xing patted his somewhat stiff face:"Anyway... I'll just practice, anyway, you, Lord Longzun, have nothing to do... As for you, Jingyuan, why did you come here instead of training?"

"Hmm? Rest."

Jing Yuan smiled and crossed his legs, leaning against the bottom of the dragon statue:"By the way, I'll inform you that I will practice martial arts here every day in the future, read military books, and rest, every day."

This is the method Jing Yuan came up with to avoid Jing Liu and Yuan Ming showing affection.

It's too torturous.

Especially when the master who used to have a cold face suddenly changed his temperament, smiled so gently every day, hugged Yuan Ming, and occasionally acted like a spoiled child...

The contrast made Jing Yuan physically uncomfortable.

Especially... Jing Liu acted like a spoiled child.

On the day when Jing Liu was carried by Yuan Ming to Lin Yuan Realm for a tour, Dan Feng's mouth didn't close until the evening.

It's not that Jing Liu is not good-looking... But they have never realized so clearly that Jing Liu is also a woman. She rushed faster than men on the battlefield...

Bai Heng sometimes regarded Jing Liu as a man.

Just this... this... why?

Tell him why?

When I find a wife in the future, I will definitely run to my master every day to show affection and make her angry.

Jing Yuan hugged his arms and thought angrily


Master Jianshou, who was secretly criticized by his own little apprentice, was sitting in Jianshou Mansion reviewing documents. Jianshou

's work in Luofu was not much different from that of a general. If compared, the general was responsible for the entire Luofu, while Jianshou was responsible for the entire Yunqi Army and Luofu's military system - if you have to say it, Jianshou's rank was not as high as that of a general.

Yuanming was lying on a bench.

In fact, this chair was not so long before.

But Miss Jianshou felt that Yuanming was always standing on the side when she was working, so she simply modified the chair to make Yuanming sit more comfortably.

But Yuanming didn't just sit.

He rested his head on Jingliu's legs and closed his eyes with peace of mind.

He didn't disturb Jingliu from working, but just closed his eyes quietly, as if he had fallen asleep.

Jingliu was reviewing the documents quietly, and the only sound that could be heard was the flipping of papers.

The Yunqi Army guards in the audience watched with their eyes and noses, pretending not to see anything.

Many people were surprised to see Lady Jianshou in this state, but most of the Cloud Cavalry were used to it.

How should I put it... Lady Jianshou is a woman after all.

Jingliu raised his head and glanced at her, then lowered his head to look at Lady Xingshen lying on his lap.

Yuanming closed his eyes and made no sound.

Jingliu raised the corners of his mouth slightly, wrote the last sentence on the document in front of him, put the document aside, raised his hand and called the counselor next to him.

This is a girl from the Chiming tribe named Qinglu.

She is smart, but lacks vitality in her daily life.

"Qinglu, please send these documents to the General's Mansion. Sorry for the trouble."

Jingliu nodded to Qinglu.

"Yes, Lord Jianshou."

Qinglu nodded, picked up the documents, turned around and walked away quickly.

She must be very full standing here eating dog food, right?

Lord Jianshou's original cold image was the dream idol of many of them... Hey, after falling in love, his personality collapsed.

She still has a while to transform, right?

Qinglu sighed lightly.

In the next life, she also wants to fall in love

"Ah Liu."

Yuanming raised his hand and gently kneaded Jing Liu's face:"Kiss me"

"……I can't bend down, knock my head"

"Then I will kiss you."

Yuanming smiled, half straightened up and kissed Jingliu on the lips.


Jingliu tentatively pronounced the name.

This was a new one she came up with, and it sounded better than Amin.

"This title is OK, but I think it is not as good as husband."

Yuanming grinned and chuckled.

"You wish."

Jing Liu stretched out his hand and pinched his nose:"It's still broad daylight."

"Does that mean it can be done at night?"

Yuanming's eyes lit up.

"……I'll try."

Jingliu's whole body was burning as he said this.

Jingliu, you are becoming more and more shameless.

"Hehehe... OK."

Yuanming squinted his eyes and smiled, leaning against Jingliu's legs and closing his eyes again.


As the night gradually fell, Lord Jianshou was sleeping soundly with his eyes closed, leaning against the back of a chair, holding the Star God in his arms.

The two of them had spent a long time during the day thinking about what to do after returning home at night, and now they were sleeping soundly in Jianshou's mansion.

Yuanming was awake, but he didn't want to disturb her.

He sighed, his figure became ethereal, and he stood up through Jingliu's body.

His figure solidified again, and he picked Jingliu up.

Little lazy guy.

He secretly thought to himself, but Lord Jianshou in his arms didn't know what he was thinking, and was sleeping soundly with his eyes closed.

The figures of the two disappeared in Jianshou's mansion.


Gently taking off his boots and socks, Yuanming took a deep breath.


The white and tender little feet in front of him were swaying. Yuanming looked at them for a long time, but finally buried them in the quilt, turned around and climbed onto the bed to hug Jingliu in his arms.

Go to sleep, Master Jianshou.

Jingliu closed her eyes and slept peacefully.

Only in Yuanming's arms could she sleep so peacefully.

"Ah Liu."

Yuanming lowered his head and kissed her nose:"Good night."

The sky darkened.

Yuanming also closed his eyes.

At the moment when Yuanming closed his eyes, Jingliu opened his eyes.

"Good night, Lord Star God."

She whispered, raised her head and kissed the corner of his lips, and closed her eyes again.

All these actions were as fast as flowing water, so that when Yuanming opened his eyes, Jingliu had already closed his eyes.

Lingshi can control the speed of his sleep, and Jingliu even fell asleep just when he nestled in Yuanming's arms.

Yuanming smiled helplessly, but he had no way to deal with his own little Lingshi.

What can he do? He can't pamper his own Lingshi.

"Well, good night."

He gave her a good night kiss and closed his eyes.


All was quiet.

Who was still awake?

Lord Baiye.

And Lord Longzun.

Dan Feng rubbed his brows and suppressed the desire to throw the guy in front of him out of the Scaled Abyss Realm:"Ying Xing, how long are you going to drag on?"

"It's coming soon... it's coming soon……"

Ying Xing took a deep breath.

Yuan Ming's words that day reminded him.

If he were immortal, Bai Heng might die again someday...

Hold on tight... Ying Xing...Hold on tight.

He turned around abruptly:"Bai Heng... I……"

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