Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 911: : This lineup is not great

Facing the Ainzurgon like this, even Albedo was taken aback.

But she seemed to react quickly.

"Let me go back? Back to the doll controlled by you?" Albedo sneered, "You are dreaming, my dear Ainz-sir, you think your stupidity can truly control me Look at you now, doing some unknown things, entering our encirclement, today is the time to end all this."

"Are you going to kill me?" Ainz Urgong clenched his fist.

"No, I want to imprison you and let you experience the feeling of being a puppet." Albedo seems to no longer want to continue such a conversation.

She took the lead in making the move.

The figure once again rushed towards Ainzur Gongrong.

The demon's powerful body strength showed her to the fullest, and the speed at that moment made even the other few people unable to react.

However, Ainz Urgon is still an experienced PVP player.

"Protection." As soon as he raised his hand, an instant protective barrier was released. Although it was completely torn apart by Albedo after only a short period of time, for him, the goal had been achieved.

One after another luxurious equipment appeared on his body.

His aura is getting more and more terrifying.

As if completely surpassed all people.

If it is not equipped, the strength of Anzurgon is at best a level higher than the guardian of the full rank, and even with the difference in combat experience, there may not even be a gap in this line.

However, in the game, how could there be no equipment.

The equipment bonus is terrible.

He even directly piled Anzurgong from the level of junior member to the level of intermediate member.

"Go together!" Albedo is deeply aware of the difficulties of these equipment. She quickly shared the equipment information with everyone, and then quickly said, "Everyone, those people in the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick I should be here soon. Don’t be stingy with your skills and hole cards. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity."

"Naturally, you don't need to say it!" Destiny also rushed up.

Don’t even think of her as a beautiful girl, but her fighting style is very similar to Albedo. She is also the king of melee combat. The two are directly in front, and Ainz, who is still constantly buffing herself. Urgon fought a close battle.

The battle broke out all at once.

Every collision produced violent fluctuations, and just the aftermath of the battle caused huge damage to the surrounding environment, that is, the entire palace.

The soldiers and those who were invited are all evacuating in an orderly manner.

The blood emperor looked at the imperial palace that was being continuously destroyed, and there was no change in his expression.

"This is not a good battlefield." When he said this, the smile on his face continued to expand. "However, the palace can be rebuilt if it is gone, and the people can be restored if they sacrificed, but the empire and me His glory and reputation will be engraved in the history of the entire world following this battle!"

"Why are you still talking nonsense?" The Saint Queen snarled uncontrollably, but her soft tone sounded like a baby.

"Ahahaha." The Blood Emperor laughed.

Draws out his rapier.

"Reshape! My palace!"

The moment the voice fell, the huge and invisible power seemed to cover everything around it, and the magnificent city walls began to emerge in the void with the light of magic.

Surprisingly, it is a more luxurious and huge palace in a little frame.

It is false and true.

It is not only wealth, but also strength, but also identity.

Unlike Albedo and Destiny, the transfer of the Emperor Blood Emperor is a practical auxiliary analogy. He can build a barrier and instill his will on everyone in the barrier. .

Those favored by the emperor will be rewarded.

Those who make the emperor angry will be punished.

Both Albedo and Jue Xing Ming felt a majestic force pouring into their bodies from the surrounding palaces, making them faster, stronger, and surging in their hearts. .

On the other hand, Ainz Urgon.

I only felt that the invisible power was constantly suppressing himself, making him even have an urge to surrender and give up.


As a **** game player, Ainz Urgon, he knows the situation is not good.

Although the opponent's camp is not the best, it is also very perfect.

Albedo, Desperate, Geoff, these are three fleshy T tops in front, and the blood emperor is the support, the saint queen over there, although he hasn't shot yet, don't be high. .

If so.

In this case, just let the responsible outbreak prepare a nirvana.

He did not resist the possibility at all.

Anzi Urgon has been deeply aware of the crisis.

All the members who were onlookers also understood this sudden battle.

"It depends on that little girl." The white beard grumbled a sip of the wine. "Azurgong is fully defending. Although UU看书 is losing ground, his companions are also catching up. Come, I want to take it before this, unless the little girl has some powerful offensive ability."

After this period of edification, the amount of knowledge that Baibeard now masters is no less than that of some modern game players.

He often played games with his sons.

The good name is to cultivate family feelings.

And at this time.

The Saint Queen finally shot.

"I will purify your sins and forgive your heart." As soon as she stretched out her hand, magics began to take shape around Anzurgon, and light continued to emerge.

Ainz Urgon's breath has obviously become weaker.

Even the equipment on his body began to become bleak.

However, he was not only not depressed by this.

Instead, she became excited all of a sudden.

It is not a high-explosive type, but is still an auxiliary type.

In this case, this lineup will not work!

Three Ts, two assists, this lineup can not lose the boss at all, but can only fight some blood-thick monsters.

Is the blood of Ainz Urgon thick?

Of course thick.

Not only does he have a full set of top-level equipment, but he also has a steady flow of healing potions, and he can even bless himself with some terrifying BUFFs. In this case, he can delay more time.

"No, I can't hold him." Albedo already felt some familiar breath.

Those are the guardians of the stratum that are fast approaching.

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