Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 912: : Advent of the Chamber of Commerce Rules

Everyone's hearts sank.

The degree of difficulty of Ainzurgon exceeded their expectations.

An endless stream of powerful magic, powerful and conceptual power-like equipment, and most importantly, obviously a mage, but unreasonably tough, the whole body is covered with an inexhaustible layer of bones. Various BUFFs, coupled with the tenacity of the bones and the turbulent magic power, a magic chanter actually carried the crazy output of two melee masters in melee combat.

Although it is not as powerful as irresistible.

However, it is unbalanced.

There is no weakness at all.

If you siege, it will take a lot of time to slowly cause damage, but now...


A loud noise came from the surrounding palaces.

Then came the second sound.

The third sound.

The walls are constantly shaking, the cracks are constantly expanding, and the debris of the building falls from the top of everyone's heads.

Everyone knows that this is a crazy attack from outsiders.

"Give up." The Blood Emperor was very simple.

"Wait a minute!" Albedo shouted.

However, the surrounding palaces had already turned into light spots at this time, slowly dissipating from the void.

The figure of Ainzi Urgon directly rushed out.

Except for Albedo's attempt to intercept, even if he was desperate, he had already given way.

Outside, a demon in an orange suit, a petite vampire, and a warrior of the opposite **** with an extremely hard shell like an insect, with several arms like a war machine.

"Albedo, you..."

"Xiatina." Ainzurgong stopped Xiatina's abuse.

He just wore a luxurious armor, suspended high in the sky, looking down at the few people below.

And the whole kingdom.

The blood emperor raised his head and remained silent, as if he was just looking at the demon king, while Albedo gritted his teeth, with various expressions on his face, as if even the blood of the demon king Unable to completely control my emotions.

"Let's go." Ainz Urgon did not say the last word, turned around and left directly.

The rest of the guardians who came over again did not say a word.

Presumably below.

It seemed that there was heavy pressure, pressing on the blood emperor and the crowd.

"Very strong." Desperately took a breath, "Every one of them is no less powerful than me in the past... Suddenly there are so many strong people. ."

"That's not all." Albedo said coldly, "To be honest, relying on our current strength alone, the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick is fully capable of turning us into embarrassed appearances being driven and fleeing."

"Then why didn't he do this?" The Blood Emperor looked over, "Don't say it's because you can't bear it."

The strength of Anzi Urgon still exceeded their imagination.

However, for the Blood Emperor.

What really surprised him was the power of Nazarick's subordinates.

In the previous war, the guardians of the underground tomb of Nazarick did not take action, so everyone did not really know their power, and Albedo was one of them, but Yaer Bader also gained the power of the jar, which cannot be used as a comparison.

Until just now.

Feeling the power of his palace being bombed, the Blood Emperor really realized it.

What kind of power does the subordinate of Ainz Urgon possess?

"He really can't bear it." Albedo showed a sneered expression, "but it's not that he can't bear to kill us, it's just that he can't bear to kill his own subordinates who are hurt and sacrificed. It's funny, isn't it such a" 'The King of the Undead', but he values ​​the dolls around him so much, and even regards them as his own companions, pinning his heart-even those who have abandoned him are regarded as treasures by him."


The Blood Emperor and the rest of the people looked at each other.

They did not expect it.

Ainz Urgon's heart still hides such an unknown emotion.

But they didn't doubt what Albedo said. After all, whoever knows Ainz Urgon best here can only be Albedo.

After a long time.

The blood emperor said slowly: "It seems that we need to discuss it carefully."

A few of them returned to the palace again.

The badges and jars really gave them the opportunity to change their destiny, but this opportunity does not seem to be so easy to get.

It's just a glimmer of hope.

If the jar can give more power, so be it.

Everyone thinks like this in their hearts.

And outside.

All members understand that the opportunity they think is not too far away.

"It seems that this confrontation of fate has to continue into the Chamber of Commerce." Otinus' voice came from the screen.

"Yes, in this case, we don't have to delay any longer." Bismarck seemed to approve her idea.

"Let's start," Otinus said.

So, under the watchful eyes of all members, Bismarck, Otinus, UU Reading at the same time clicked submit on their badge permissions.

next moment.

Three huge suns began to emerge in the sky of this world.

Every one of the auditees, including the protagonist Ainzurgon, all shook their heads suddenly, looking up at the sun that only they could "see" in these three rounds.

Whether it was the demon king, the emperor, or the devil, everyone's will flew into the sky under a force that could not be resisted.

Faced with this unparalleled mighty force.

at this moment.

There is a blank in everyone's mind, as if even the shocked emotions have been completely suppressed.

Only message after message began to flood into their minds.

About the chamber of commerce, about the transcendence, about the members.

And about the jar.

Members who are also watching all of this know that from this moment on, these people have officially become one of them, joined the Chamber of Commerce, and have the same authority as them.

I don't know how these people know that everything they do, even their psychological activities, are under the gaze of all members.

"Okay." Otinus' voice came again, "This'live broadcast' is over here. We have given all the auditees a decision to pass, and they have also succeeded in their own In the confrontation of the new destiny, the door to the new world has been completely opened. Basically, the auditor has a high degree of autonomy when performing tasks, but at the same time, the fundamental tasks and orders are still selected for the chamber of commerce. And have potential members."

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