Starting from Zero

Vol 16 Chapter 50: Anubis is a neuropathy

Why should we tell you? "A voice suddenly sounded at the door, all of them stunned.

"Anubis!" I was surprised that the person coming in was Anubis. What surprised me even more was that he was carrying a person in his left and right hands. When he approached me, I became aware of the relationship. The two are still acquaintances, one ghost-handed Nobunaga and the other gunman.

Anubis didn't pay attention to my expression, but instead deliberately grinned and asked me, "I don't owe you anything, why can you tell you such a big secret?"

Anubis had just said half of what she said, but the beautiful lady suddenly jumped up in my amazement and gave Anubis a shudder. "How to talk to the guests?" Instead of being afraid of knocking on Anubis, the beauty also taught Anubis. "Do you know why you can't make friends all the time? It's because of your weird personality. Be nice to your friends and you will die?"

What happened next was that my jaw almost fell off. Anubis, who had always been flying without eyes, was like a watchdog with his head lowered and trained there, let alone revenge, even the atmosphere did not dare to come out. Oh my god! Who is this woman? Is it the sun god's wife? its not right! Anubis was only obedient and respectful to the Sun God, far from the level of such humiliation, and it should not have been so good if he met the wife of the Sun God. Besides, the sun **** doesn't seem to have a wife? Who is this one? Anubis, who could scold, didn't even dare to talk back?

"Ah, why are you hitting him again!" A middle-aged man in black leather armor suddenly walked in from the door, and behind him were two guys like the guards.

Seeing this middle-aged man brightened up. Hurry up and salute. "Master Osiris, I'm Ziri. Don't you remember?"

"Of course I will not forget the chosen one, let alone the ring of commandments is still in your hands. Sooner or later we will deal with it. How can I forget it!"

The voice on our side has not yet fallen, and the beauty who has been regarded as a **** of mine has once again challenged my psychological limit. She actually came over and twisted Osiris ears and dragged him to Anubis, then pointed at Anubis and scolded. "You, as a father, don't usually set an example. When you meet someone, you talk about the benefits and benefits. Are you a role model? Nine out of ten children who have learnt badly are parents.

The word startled is no longer enough to describe my mood. I feel like the whole world is turned upside down. Wouldn't this woman be the spokesperson of the water god? Osiris is a **** of the underworld. The sun **** is only half a grade higher than him. Among the gods that can be seen throughout Egypt, the sun **** Ra is the largest, followed by Osiris and Cohopra, only half a grade lower than Ra himself. This woman now teaches Osiris just as she did with her grandson. What is her status? No wonder Anubis didn't even dare to breathe. The woman was so big. If she is either the incarnation of the **** of water or the spokesperson of the **** of water. Otherwise, I really can't think of anyone else in Egypt who has such a high status!

Wait, it looks like the situation is not right. The water **** is the supreme god. He cares about the war and grudges on earth. Why is he so interested in the family affairs of Osiris? Is it ...?

Sure enough, it really made me guess. Anubis suddenly said, "Mom. Just don't say it. Dad is for work."

Well, let me say it! It is true that this baby girl with a baby face turned out to be Anubis. I said why Anubis didn't have any rebellious spirit. Now I understand it completely. But Osiris was afraid that his wife ’s gossip in the realm of the gods was really amazing. I do n’t know if I could go out and sell the protoss gossip weekly. It may be blocked in advance.

The family of three is doing home education there. Suddenly I was now sneaking out by the two Anubisti coming in. I snapped my fingers, and a whirlwind rolled past me and teleported to both of them. The gun **** and the ghost hand Nobunaga crawled well and suddenly there were two more legs in front. As a result, I looked up and looked at me just smiling at me.

"Where are you two going?"

"Who are you talking to Ziri?" I didn't expect that the first one to speak was not the gun **** and the ghost hand Nobunaga, but Cao En beside him. Different from me. None of them are undead professions. So after the death of the player, there is no resurrected soul. They are invisible.

I didn't answer Cao En. Instead, he said to the gun **** and Nobunaga in front of the ghost hand: "Do n’t you think I can't see you? Hahahaha. It ’s funny, even when the ghost Nobunaga learns to puppies, it ’s just me Appreciate by yourself. What a pity! "

"You ...!" Nobunaga's hand finally could not help but jump up.

I deliberately arrogantly stimulated him. "What's wrong with me? Can you come and hit me?"

The ghost-handed Nobunaga is now a white soul, not to mention that there is no attack power, even if there is attack power, he knows that it will definitely not beat me without weapons.

"Why not fight? You are not very capable?" I glanced proudly at the ghostly Nobunaga who vomited blood. This kind of humiliating opportunity is rare. You must grasp it. It is best to anger this guy. A half body failure, then I will save trouble later.

"President, who the **** are you talking to?" Wen Rui asked this time.

I reached out and touched three bottles from Fenglong space and threw them three. "One bottle per person."

Cao En pours into the mouth after receiving the bottle, and I hurriedly stopped. "Who told you to drink, that was to wipe your eyes!"

The individual quickly poured the liquid from the bottle into his hands and wiped his eyes.

"Ah! There are two more people there!" Wen Rui cried first. "But why was it invisible just now?"

"Stupid you? That was the ghost before the player's resurrection. You didn't hang it. You should know that others can't see or touch the white soul before the resurrection?" Jian Fan taught.

"No wonder! But how did President Ziri see you?"

I smiled and said, "Don't you know what my attributes are?"

"It looks like your attributes are all red, oh yes. You are a red name, so you see ghosts."

"Hong Ming can't see the ghost. I can only see the ghost because I have the ability to control the undead. Otherwise, I can't even see the things I control, and I'm fooling around?" Nobunaga then laughed. "Don't the two be killed by me? How come you are free here?"

gun. God glanced helplessly at Anubis, who was banging his head on the big beauty. The consciousness was: "Did you not see that I was brought up by that guy?"

I looked at Anubis. Then smiled more proudly. "Anubis, why did you get these two guys back?"

As soon as Anubis listened to my question, he pretended to run over, and I knew he was taking the opportunity to escape * preaching, otherwise he would not be so enthusiastic. After Anubis ran over, he quickly raised Gun God and Nobunaga, one by one, and then greeted a few of us as soon as possible. I cooperated with Xun and left. As for Anubis * 's anger, let Lord Osiris go alone. Anyway, this is not the first time that he has served as a human shield for Anubis.

I pulled Anubis as soon as we left the room. "What are you doing to capture them? Although the dead souls can also be killed, their death will not be punished at all except for the resurrection delay which will increase by half an hour!"

Suddenly, Anubis looked at me with a wicked smile, and the cold hair on my whole body stood up. Instinctively felt that this guy Anubis wanted to overcast me. It really did not surprise me, Anubis was the devil guy I have ever seen. It's too evil. He actually took us to the same place as an arena, and then said to me: "I think it may be a loss to be alone with you, so I want to find a few ordinary people who can contact me."

On hearing this, the ghost-handed Nobunaga and Gun-God were energetic. Both of them thought they were being framed. Unexpectedly, Anubis was looking for a new spokesperson.

As soon as I heard this, I became angry. "Hey. Anubis, listen to me. I respect you as the Lord God of Egypt, but you can't do that too! You are a blatant provocation against me."

Anubis listened to my words and became proud. "Look, I just said you can't let you be a monopoly to come in contact with us gods! Look, this will already yell at me. If you let this go on, you don't want to ride me Is it on your head? "

"You ...!" I suddenly thought that Anubis was a donkey and could not hold it. Fight backwards, so absolutely must not fight against him. Otherwise it is more troublesome. Unhappy in the heart. I calmed down as much as I could before I said, "What are you going to do?"

"I want to see who three of you are qualified to contact me. You used to say that you are great. I have never seen how great you are. So ..."

"So what? Don't you want the three of us to play on this field?"

Nubis first said this word I can accept, but then added a sentence: "But what I want to test is your soul. So ..." He suddenly flicked his fingers and listened only to the sound of cricket, I felt on my body A cold, followed by a scream came from behind me. I looked back and saw the phantom flying out of me. Anubis himself stumbled. "How do you have two souls?"

"This is my magic pet!" I hurried over to look at the phantom, but fortunately it didn't seem to be injured.

Anubis listened to my explanation and understood it, so he played another one, but this time it was different. Just listening to the local sound of golden iron and iron, there was a red force field behind my ground. A white light bullet the size of a fingernail was blocked out of the force field.

I looked back angrily at Anubis. "What the **** do you want to do?"

Anubis didn't answer my words, but said to himself: "I didn't expect your kid to really have two sons, even I can't expel your soul at once. But you can stop it a few times." Nubis said that he suddenly banged his fingers again, but to his surprise, all the white light bullets that popped out of his face were blocked.

"Anubis, don't blame me for turning your back on doing this." I'm really angry now. Being attacked by inexplicable serial attacks is everyone's fire. The dragon's temper is not equal to our lack of temper.

"What can you do with fire?" Anubis still looked like the mad and unpayable.

"That's the way I am." I beckoned suddenly, and Phantom immediately bounced off the ground and returned to my body. Following my right hand, my eyebrows flew a little, and a red light flowed over the surface of the dragon suit, and the whole body's equipment suddenly shone, and a circle of red hellfire sprayed out along the gap of my armor. Burned like a fireman. The dark halo under his feet suddenly glowed with strange green light. Following the halo suddenly rose to my waist, and then divided into three, one rose to the top of my head, and one fell back to my feet. The middle halo suddenly rotated horizontally and stood up by ninety degrees. As the ground halo began to rotate longitudinally, it turned into two cross ground halo. These two auras are divided into two auras. Then he flew towards me and surrounded me all around. After all the auras were in place, the inner circle of the aura immediately lit up a circle of magic patterns, and then the aura around me suddenly started to spin up and surrounded me.

Anubis nodded. "Aura of energy, active defense magic at a very high level. But what about it? You still can't hurt me."

"It's not over yet, what are you in a hurry." As soon as I finished the ring of commandments, I rose from behind me. Then two and a half months flew out, each divided into eight and a half months, and began to fly up and down around me. The stone of the central commandment suddenly rose and was embedded in the dark demon halo above my head.

Anubis finally became alert. "Discipline magic circle, I didn't expect you could use this thing. But as long as I'm not near you, don't be afraid."

I didn't answer. Instead, he clicked on his chest again, and then my figure shook, and suddenly it was divided into three. The mage and fighter avatars immediately appeared on both sides of our land. A

Just wanted to comment on something. Suddenly the two avatars returned to me again. I was my body, but suddenly the werewolf became a whole bigger circle.

"Doubly doubled? When did you learn this thing? Now you have a good fight with me, but unfortunately you can only fight it. How long can you maintain this state?"

I looked at the arrogant Anubis proudly felt out the real love badge that I just got, and then put it on my chest. "call."

A pink heart-shaped space door suddenly opened, and roses came out of it. Anubis didn't figure out what I was going to do. Rose suddenly opened her arms and backed into my arms, while the knife net and energy line surrounding me automatically passed her body. When Rose touched me, a pink beam of light suddenly shot directly into the sky. The center of the entire venue exploded a circle of pink shock waves around the two of us. All the people around were flew out by the shock wave. Biss stunned and took a dozen steps to stand still.

I saw that Rose and I were standing in front of me and my back and me were stuck together. The two of us simultaneously extended our right fingers to the sky with the same movement and voice. "No dual mode is activated."

The figure of Rose and I suddenly turned into a ghost at the same time. Anubis hurriedly fired a black lightning, but after being hit by my aura, he was bombed out and bombarded the arena halfway. In the process, the phantom of me and Li Gui quickly merged into one. Following the glorious harvest, there was only one person in the field, but the appearance and the roses and me were similar, but not exactly the same. It is estimated that if we have children, we might look like this.

The voice of a rose rang directly in my heart: "I didn't expect harmony with this feeling. Husband, the command of the body is entrusted to you. I am responsible for controlling the defense."

I responded to Rose's voice in my heart, and then spoke to the opposite Anubis: "Now I wonder if you still think that I can't hurt you at all?" I was a little surprised by the words myself, because of that voice It seems that the voice of me and Rose talking at the same time is a little harmonious, anyway, it sounds good, but I can't hear men and women.

Anubis was probably too surprised to say anything. I saw that he didn't respond and didn't wait for him much more. He put his right hand on the back of his left hand and pulled it out, and the eternal sword flashed red lightning flashing out. I feel eternity seems to have grown a lot, presumably because of integration. My sword pointed at Anubis, and Anubis was immediately sobered by the murderous spirit.

"I didn't expect you to reach this level, it seems I still underestimated you."

"If you want to fight, then fight." I have only three minutes with the body of God of the Seal of the Seal of Throne. I have already delayed more than ten seconds just now. There is no time for the Seal of the Seal of Throne to waste. After speaking, I suddenly moved. The people around me just felt that the silhouette was flashing and I was gone. The opposite Anubis screamed and flew out.

Anubis suddenly felt that his head had been punched in the air. Following the sudden appearance of countless incisions, black blood spray was everywhere. In a panic, he fiercely pointed at the ground. The body in the air suddenly turned into a pile of sand, and a pile of sand appeared on the ground to form his image and quickly materialized into his image.

"Do you think it's so easy to run away?" My voice seemed to come from all directions, and everyone noticed that a red light ball flashing with a black arc appeared in the air, and the light ball was rapidly expanding. The blink of an eye has reached a state of four or five meters in diameter, and it is still expanding.

I am asking the rose myself. "How big can this light sphere be?"

Pu Gui replied: "Following the instructions, it should expand to ten meters in diameter."

"Then expand to the limit."

"Well, just to test the ultimate combat effectiveness of this harmony state. Anubis is so hard to find a test subject."

Anubis's mother, who was teaching Osiris at this time, had already run out. It is impossible to notice such a big energy fluctuation, and the nearby gods are almost all concentrated. Cohopra and Ra didn't know when it was near us. After seeing this light ball, La suddenly called to Anubis: "Flick away, that thing can't be picked up."

"What?" It was too late for Anubis to hear, and I saw Rose and I dragged the ball and smashed Anubis out. Immediately after the light ball was released, a horror was hit and it hit the ground, followed by a sudden light, the ground was lifted up, centering on the place where the light ball fell. All buildings within a radius of ten kilometers and all people below the level of God directly vaporize. The shock wave continues to expand beyond this range, and all the objects above the ground within a few hundred kilometers have been leveled. The shock wave gradually loses its destructive power. Transformed into a gust of wind and continued to spread outward.

After watching the explosion, Rose and I suddenly disintegrated in the air, then both fell down. Fortunately, I still have the magic pet to command. Jingjing and Lingling, one by one, caught me and Zhuogui in the air and then slowly landed into a large pit ground. The temple of Osiris has now disappeared. Already. Large pits on the ground are smooth and tidy. The rock at the bottom of the pit is still red. Obviously, it is impossible to completely cool down in ten days and a half months.

Looking at the field again, the sun **** La was breathing heavily in the air. There was a golden halo around him, and Anubis was being held by his hand, except that half of Anubis' body had completely disappeared, and the half of the carried was not angry at all. Look. I know he wasn't dead, but the serious injury is certain. Being able to re-create a god-level god, I am very satisfied with the power of this trick. It can only be used for three minutes a day, and only one such light ball of destruction can be released within three minutes.

"What are you **** on, Zi Ri?" Osiris's temple was gone, and now he was on the verge of explosion.

"Please don't be mad at Lord Osiris." Rose has just shared a short memory from me just now, so she already knows what happened here. "thing

As expected, this is just a misunderstanding. Just now Lord Anubis said that he wants to be human, so we need to test the strength of our potential people, so we have just been forced to release the strongest skills to compete for this endorsement position, but because this is a newly acquired skill, we are not Knowing the strength of the skills, I did not expect that the destructive power would be so great. If you don't believe us, you can ask Lord Ditans, the Dark Lord of the European Dark Temple, and the Love Goddess of the European Light Temple can also testify for us. By the way, China ’s heaven court can also prove that we have never used this trick in the Seal of the Seal of God during this time, and we really do n’t know the power. "

At first glance, Zhuo Gui's remarks sound very ordinary, but in fact, there is a deep meaning in it. First, she said that we are fighting for the status of spokesperson, which is equivalent to proactively admitting that we are a weak party, giving the other party a step down, at least face down, so that this actual "hostile battle" becomes " Accident". Then Rose said that this was the search for a new spokesperson proposed by Anubis. This was to put the responsibility on Anubis, because it was what he wanted to test, not our intentional manifestation, so we could not let us take the main responsibility. This sentence alone allows us to cleverly avoid most of our responsibilities. Finally, Rose stated that we don't know the power of this trick. Moreover, several European gods and Chinese heaven courts were brought up. The underlying language was: "We are not flat-headed people. The forces behind our guild are great. Before moving us, you'd better measure your own strength." In a word, unless the Egyptian gods only have the intelligence of ordinary people, they will never touch us or even hate us. Since they can become high-level gods, they will naturally not only have the intelligence of ordinary people. Their status depends on The mental and physical struggles are over. If this is not understood, it will not be as it is today.

In short, after the explanation of the rose, other Egyptian gods who came to the place automatically ignored the problems. We were kindly invited to rest somewhere, and the deities began to repair the large crater-level hole on the ground.

To say that the biggest loss of this test skill was my three temporary apprentices. At that time, I did not expect that this trick was so powerful. None of them survived. Not only them. Several of Anubis' men were unable to block the ground. They were sub-level personnel, much better than my three apprentices, and the result was still the same. Although this power is powerful. But the disadvantages are also obvious, that is, its power is too great. If it is used in defensive warfare, the enemy will certainly be gone, and everyone will be gone. Just like nuclear weapons, they only have a deterrent effect, and there are probably not many opportunities available.

The sun **** led people to quickly restore the city we destroyed. Osiris quickly healed Anubis' injury. But unexpectedly, Anubis was not angry at all. Instead, I was pulled by my loved ones and said that I hadn't played so much in a long time. I and Rose always thought that his brain was stimulated after he was defeated by us. But okay. Except for the enthusiasm of the land, Anubis did not do anything strange.

I did not dare to mention the issue of sending troops to Egypt because I beat Anubis, but fortunately, Anubis actually agreed to it, and he promised to help me fight hard. I always felt that he was looking for a chance to overshadow me, always worried that when he suddenly came to the front, he would give us a surprise attack, and the fun would be great.

With a trembling mood, Rose and I finally left Egypt. Cao En and the three of them had hung back to Isinger. When I returned, the three of them were squatting at the door of the conference room and drawing a circle.

"What's wrong with you all?"

"President, you are too fierce!" Wen Rui cried first. "We also want to learn something from you. Who knows that you are even out of sight when you shoot!"

"Yeah! What was the move just now? I thought it was an atomic bomb!" Cao En complained.

"In fact, there are many restrictions on such tricks, which are unlikely to be used in the future. By the way, you guys come with me and I will take you to see you personally."

"Who is this?"

"Actually you've all seen his body."


"Yes, it's not humans I'm taking you to see, but computers."

"Computer? We didn't see a thousand or eighty computers at the Longyuan base. How do we know which one?"

Jian Fan suddenly said: "Is it the core computer son-in-law of the base?"

"No, you'll know when you see it."

The three of them followed me with curiosity and walked to the Army God's Information Processing Center, while Pu Gui separated from us in advance to do her work. The attack plan of the ghost-handed Nobunaga is about to begin, and we must hurry up these days for the Seal of the Seal of God to make preparations quickly.

When we arrived at the command center of the army god, he was still sitting on the console as usual and busy pressing and going. The biggest difference between the computer and the human brain was that he didn't know how tired he was.

"Have you negotiated over Egypt?" The army **** asked without looking back. He is the information center here. He can monitor the position of all players in the bank at any time.

"That's a deal!"

"Encountered a problem?" What kind of IQ computer is God of War? People's optical processors are filled with a huge warehouse, and I just said a sentence and he judged that there was a problem.

I talked about these things in Egypt. After listening to the military god, I stopped my work for a few seconds and then said, "I built a character for Anubis based on psychology and behavior. Model, if the game setting of "Zero" is indeed substituted for the calculation of psychological variables, then I can tell you explicitly that Anubis has a slight schizophrenia. "

"What? Anubis was mentally ill for a long time?"

"It's mild schizophrenia, not mental illness!" Emphasized the **** of war.

"Isn't schizophrenia mental illness?"

"It's true that you are literally analyzing. But I judge according to your thinking model that what you said about mental illness and Anubis's symptoms are not really one thing, at least it can't be counted into this category.

: Psychiatric illness. More than 99% of the earth's population can be admitted to mental hospitals. What you call mental illness should actually be defined as a person with abnormal behavior caused by mental instability, and only people with severe symptoms in this category can be considered mental illness. Anubis' behavior can actually be classified as mental. This may be a special personality that has been affected by his family and environment for a long time, and his performance in the field is moody. "

"You're right, Anubis is moody, often inexplicable, and extremely likes to torment others."

"On this point, you and the Anubis love happily, actually." The **** of war lowered his head and continued his work while saying: "So you heard Anubis' mother say Anu Biss treats you as a friend. Because both of you have such a hobby. "

"When have I been so good? Don't treat me like a sm lover!"

God of War continued to work at hand while suddenly raising his finger down the large screen in front. Dozens of windows popped up on the screen to play the video of the game synchronously, all of which were actually pictures of my arrogant abuse of the nerves of others. The army **** waited until we all understood the content of the picture before continuing to say, "Don't think that I don't know anything if I don't go out every day. Your behavior has a clear tendency to abuse, and preliminary analysis thinks that you also have a slight personality split There are two you in your heart. One kind you want to live peacefully in human society as a human being. The other tyrannical you represent your earth dragon identity and seems to be trying to get rid of human control , Hoping to make the Dragons independent, and your behavior is currently more inclined to the latter. "

Wen Rui, they finally heard the problem at this time. "Shenlin, aren't you human?"

"When did I say I was human?"

"But you ...?"

"I remember when I was in the base, I said we were dragons. Did you forget?"

Jian Fan explained: "At that time, we always thought that the Dragon family you said was the name of an organization. It was a bit like a political party. I didn't expect that what you said was literal. So you are a new race different from humans. is it?"

"When you are out of the cultivation tank after accepting the b13 transformation, you will also get rid of human identities and become my companions, so you better prepare for this first."

Jane Fan said indifferently: "I do n’t care about human identity very much, anyway, the transformation is still human appearance. I do n’t say and no one knows. By the way, I want to ask. Well, can I still do that in the future? I Haven't made a girlfriend yet! "

The atmosphere that was not very harmonious at the scene was eased by a simple sentence. I couldn't help laughing: "How do you guys remember this? Rest assured! Dragons are also bisexual. You can still make girlfriends. But I have to warn you first. Unless you can guarantee that the other party is willing to join Dragons. And it ’s not harmful to Dragons. Otherwise, it ’s better to find a member of Dragons within us. ”


"Because we believe that there should be no secret between husband and wife. Unlike human beings, we really think that husband and wife are one. So the identity of the dragon determines that our partner must also be the dragon. If you look for ordinary humans, as long as If you pass the examination, you can transform the other party into a Dragon Clan. If you find a Dragon Clan member, it will be easier. But if you have to find a person and the other party is not suitable to join the Dragon Clan, then we do n’t care about you, but you ca n’t tell her Our message, and you must be prepared not to have offspring, because humans and dragons are two species, and we cannot have offspring between us. "

"The request is really cruel!" Jian Fan suddenly called again, "Yes, since the Dragon race has stronger physical strength than humans, can we have a long time when we do that?

Wen Rui listened to Jane Fan shamefully after listening. "Why the **** are you so dirty!"

I explained with a smile: "First you have to figure out that b13 strengthens the human body comprehensively, so the reinforcement in that area is affirmative, but it is not too exaggerated. B13 was originally intended to train soldiers, that is to say, the original The direction of the exhibition does not include reproductive ability at all, even if there is a joint strengthening, it can only be considered as a side effect. Longyuan is a military enterprise, not an adult toy manufacturer. Does it make sense to strengthen that ability? Do you still think of the global population? Not enough? "

"I just ask!"

"Okay, right now." I pointed to the military Shinto: "This is the military god, and you have seen him in the room like the huge tombstone group you saw in the base."

"He is a computer?"

"It should be called the full-featured battlefield electronic prediction and forecasting command platform ~ ~ Army God corrected.

"Isn't it just a computer!" Wen Rui murmured quietly.

"Whatever it is, you must understand the purpose and function of the **** of war."

"Why?" Cao En asked.

"Because the supplies will include one of my little brothers when sending you to the alien planet." The army **** still said in his unhurried voice.

I added to God of War: "Given the huge cost of space experiments, we are planning to let you stay there for a while, so you need a computing center that can analyze and collect information. Think about it or go It is more appropriate for you to bring a battlefield command platform. After all, in addition to his scientific research capabilities, he can also provide tactical forecasts and crisis response plans, which are much more powerful than ordinary computers. I ... "

boom. The door of the information room was suddenly knocked open, and a loud voice scared me.

Hongyue rushed to my side and grabbed me and dragged out. "Come with me, there are important things to show you." "What the **** are you taking me to see?"

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