Starting from Zero

Vol 16 Chapter 51: Suspected son-in-law

Red Moon was deadlifted and dragged to the guild storage area, where the bank's goods and merchandise were lost. Anyway, as long as it has not yet decided on the final destination, all the items are basically piled here. Now here is surrounded by a large group of players and the guild's bsp; "Keep off, get off." Red Moon pulled the crowd away and pulled me to the inner circle. "This Emperor Emperor's earthen stele you found came to be here as soon as you get here. Please see what's going on!"

The tombstone of Empress Dowager is still there with perseverance, but the problem is that the inscription is always flickering, and the content of the image above is also sometimes absent. When this monument was moved back, everyone showed up his second, so someone has been here to record all kinds of events that have the greatest relationship with our guild. But at this critical moment, the image has become unclear, and it is still timeless. Intermittently, anyone who sees this situation will be anxious.

"Do you know what's going on?" Hongyue asked anxiously: "I was watching a group of Japanese players here agree on the specific attack plan for our guild. They will see the result over there. Bian is inexplicably out of picture, it's really anxious! "

"Don't worry, I just picked this up. I don't know what's wrong! Let's calm down and analyze." I suddenly thought that there were three students behind, and just turned to them and said: "Three of you Do n’t stand stupid, think about the problem together, you will definitely encounter various problems in the future that need to be dealt with. This is just an exercise. "

When I said this, the three men immediately began to meditate. After thinking about it, I asked Hongyue: "Did you have anything happening during the process of watching? Is the image suddenly unclear, or is there something you have done that makes the image unclear?"

Hongyue thought for a while and thought, "We can be sure that nothing has happened. At least nothing special happened in this hall."

The emperor emperor's earthen stele was hoisted back together with the main hall where it was located, so the protection should be considered more comprehensive. Since Hongyue said that it has not been touched, it should be really not touched. Frowning, I was thinking, and Jian Fan suddenly asked, "Is the image suddenly disappearing or is it gradually emerging?"

Hongyue glanced at Jane Fan, she didn't know Jane Fan, but after all, Jane Fan came with me, and she also carried the guild badge, so she thought for a moment and replied: "The image is gradually out of place. .In the beginning, it just flashed a bit, we didn't take it seriously, and then the image started to flash more and more frequently. Does the character in the image still change shape. Sometimes the sound becomes strange, and finally The image has become almost unrecognizable, and now it is gone. "

After Hongyue said that everyone was sunk again, after all, this sounded like a normal process of equipment damage. No one can think of any problems. This empress of the empress emperor is a virtual image in itself, which is composed of the energy projected by several instruments nearby. I ca n’t repair it. A large group of us are standing here and there is no way to take it.

"Is there something that is interfering with its normal operation?" Wen Rui's words made everyone stunned. Wen Rui watched us all staring at her and explained quickly: "The radio in my dormitory is the one. Every time there is a mobile phone near it, the sound will start to tune, the closer the distance, the more serious the tune."

"It sounds alike. But the emperor's tombstone is not a radio device. What is interfering with it?"

I thought about it and suddenly asked, "Where is Giant Butterfly City now?"

"Just stopped in the warehouse area," Hongyue replied immediately.

"Let her come over right now. Hang me the empress of the empress emperor to the moving fortress of Essinger. Also, classify all the supplies in this storage area. Take the same thing close to the emperor of the emperor to see what it is. Interfere with its normal operation. "

Our order was quickly executed. Isinger is our guild base base. It has sufficient manpower and soon completed the lifting and transfer work. During the hoisting process, Hongyue and I have been staring at the emperor's earthen tomb, and as a result, a lot of snowflakes began to appear on the monument when it left the ground city of Isinger, and when we rose to the At height, the screen has all been displayed, but there are occasionally some streaks, but it can be used normally.

"The situation is now very clear. It must be something in the storage area that interferes with the normal operation of the emperor's tomb."

Hongyue called a few men to continue recording the picture displayed on the tablet, and she went to check the cargo list herself. Although there are many things in the storage area, what we are looking for is what was brought in at the time of the interference. Fortunately, all the meetings in this bank are elite, so the entry and exit records of the warehouse management unit are all accurate to the second. It is easy to find those things through the records. Under the command of Hongyue, these things were collected separately, and then brought up one by one near the emperor's tomb to determine which thing interfered with its normal operation. However, sometimes things just go awry when you think you are right.

"Are you sure this is the entire cargo in and out list?" Hongyue took the list and asked the bsp responsible for the record; "I'm sure." The record was a senior ghost who took the security checklist and said: "The goods in the storage area came in At that time, you need to submit a cargo list, and then the receiving staff must write an inspection list. There are two inspections during the storage and handling process, which means that there are four records left when a cargo enters the storage area. We have just We checked the four records and all the contents are the same, which can prove that our work is correct. If the time you provided is correct, then the goods you want should be here. "

Wen Rui suddenly asked, "What about the items shipped out during our review?"

"Nothing was shipped out during the review process, because President Ziri had said at the time that the throne of the Seal of the Seal would be closed for a period of time, so we stopped all the goods."

"That's weird!" Cao En said with a chin. "Otherwise take the emperor empress tombstone and take it down?"

"It seems that this can only be done!" Hongyue and I reluctantly accepted this seemingly stupid solution, but after all, there was no other option.

Transportation back and forth delayed us a lot of time. The test result was that the interference source was still there. In the end, we were really half-turned, so we had to let the Giant Butterfly City fly around Essinger around the Emperor Queen to test the specific location of the interference source. According to the intensity of the interference of the emperor's tombstone, we can draw areas with the same interference level to read. neT ~, so you get several concentric circles, and the center point of these circles is where the interference source is located.

Because there is no digital display on the emperor emperor's soil, we can only rely on people's feelings to calculate the approximate location of the interference source. Finally, the emperor emperor's tomb was hung to the Isinger mobile fortress, and we also found a lot of suspected interference. Source stuff.

"Is the interference source here?" Hongyue asked, looking at the pile of things in front of her.

"Almost! We tested for a long time and only put

In this area. "A few members responsible for testing interference

The administrator who followed us all the time said, "This is not right! The things in this area were here before the emperor's tombstone was shipped, if the source of the interference is here. Then the emperor's tombstone just arrived It's time for no signal. How could it be that there was a sudden problem today? "

"What? This thing is here already?" Hongyue looked at the bsp in surprise; the administrator immediately floated to a box and tore off the white note on the box: "Look, this is the goods transport Labeled after entering, this date clearly came in a long time ago. "

Suddenly I thought of a possibility. "Have anyone touched anything here in the Throne of Seals of God recently. For example, open the box and check the contents?"

"I don't know about this. As long as things don't leave the storage area or change the storage warehouse, we won't have records, but there should be work content on the staff attendance records. If you gather everyone to ask, you should know the results."

"Order. Collect all managers who have visited this area within the throne of the Seal of God during the time when the emperor's tomb was disturbed."

The bank's good management system and elite-level efficiency have enabled us to see all the managers who have been here in the Throne of the Seal of God within ten minutes. Fortunately, we only saw three people, which is not too difficult to check.

"The three of you have been here during the throne of the Seal of God during this time. Do you remember when you all touched something?" I asked those managing bsp; one of them said: "The specific things may not be well remembered. Now. But we have records of our work, and we should be able to think of them by comparing the records. "

"Okay, now the three of you are pointing at each of the things you have moved to us."

Three administrators immediately started working. We checked the boxes one by one. It seems no problem. In the end, I can only tell them to put these boxes together. After careful inspection by everyone, we suddenly found a suspicious target because the seal on this box was broken.

"Who broke this seal?" I asked the three of them.

One of them stood out and said, "I was the only one who moved this box during the Seal of the Seal of God during this time. But I remember that the seal was still good!"

Hongyue walked over and held up the seal and asked, "Why do you put such a seal on the box?"

"This is not what we posted! It comes when the box arrives."

"What? Isn't this the seal of the storage area?" Hongyue was surprised.

I ran to the seal and frowned for a long time. "Strange, why do I always think this box looks so familiar?"

"Have you met?" Hongyue turned and asked me.

"It seems I've seen it before, but I can't remember it for a while, please wait and let me think about it." I stood there and thought for a long time. "Ah! I think of it. This is the box that I robbed from the storage space of the Great Pluto, and the box is connected to a treasure house. I also remembered this seal, which I let the little dragon girl post In order to prevent accidental opening during this process. "

"What? That seal ...?" Hong Yue pointed at the seal in surprise.

I also instantly understood the seriousness of the matter. "Someone came in and opened the box."

Wen Rui was surprised to ask us: "Are there no guards in our warehousing area?"

"It was just because we were surprised." I said to her: "The city's surveillance system is spread over the city trees in Essinger, and these things are connected to the Army God's thinking management system. If anyone makes any abnormal behavior in the city They should all appear immediately, but this guy actually broke into the box so much to open the box, it only shows that he has a way to bypass our surveillance system. If there is such a person, then our The city is no longer safe. You think, what would happen if someone dived into the power core of the city and shut down the power spar during the battle? "

My words made everyone nearby feel a huge crisis. After all, this is not bragging, but it is really possible. Since the person who opened the box can run here without knowing it, it is entirely possible to reach anywhere in the city. It feels like our city is not fortified.

I quickly took out the leaves of the city tree, and then contacted the army **** through the city tree. "Do you have a video record of where I stand now?"

"I have a full range of video recordings of Isinger from the Sigil Throne all the time. What are you looking for?"

"I have a box in front of me and the seal on it is broken. Can you find out who did it?"

"Wait a moment." After about ten seconds, the voice of Army God resounded. "The box wasn't opened from the outside, but something opened the box from the inside, and the seal was broken. Also, things coming out of the inside can be invisible. The urban surveillance system can't reach the target, but traces from the surrounding area Look at the target being a humanoid. "

"how do you know?"

"Because I can roughly judge the shape of the target by monitoring the dust flow around it."

Dizzy, the army God's surveillance capabilities are really fierce, even if the target is not visible. You can calculate the target volume and approximate contour only by checking the dust flying caused by the surrounding airflow. You can find it even if you are invisible. After all, invisibility is just invisible. It doesn't really disappear. Just one move. The surrounding airflow will still change, which is enough to expose the target.

really. God of War continued: "According to what you said, I speculate that something has sneaked into our city and is engaged in some activities that may be detrimental to us. Just now I have activated all the detection devices in the city that are in a dormant state. What am I showing? "

"Isn't that guy still in Isinger?"

"Let you be right."

"Where is he?" This was not my name, but the red moon next to it. I just started the broadcast mode when I started the leaves of the city tree, so everyone around me could hear it.

"The target just entered Essinger Sky City through the Twin Towers, and is currently trying to get out of the central area to the outer part of Essinger Sky City."

"Don't alarm him first, we'll pass right away. By the way, notify members nearby and gradually evacuate, it is best to create a no man's land around him."

"I'm already doing it."

The military god's efficiency is high. Besides, there is no shortage of personnel in our guild. When we arrived at the designated place, we were completely evacuated. There was no one on the street. The nearby buildings not only closed the doors, Closed gates that would never be lowered were lowered.

The target we are tracking should know that the situation is wrong even if the idiot sees it,

At this time, he was trying to escape, but unfortunately all his escape routes were blocked by the city tree and the help of the **** of war. Isinger had realized the full automation of city management, and Isinger itself was built with the war fortress as the standard There are lifting gates between the streets. The sculptures on the corners and the statues on the roof are basically golems. There are also exits between the teleportation arrays. Any enemy who enters Isinger is equal to Walked into the center of a prison. Now this invisible guy has been surrounded by countless puppets and guards on a street. The buildings on both sides of the street have all the doors closed, and there are protective barriers covering the doors and windows. He doesn't want to hide in secretly. Possibly, as for the alleys between the buildings, all of them are now closed by isolation barriers, and you don't need to think about using them to escape.

A cold voice suddenly sounded over the street. "Unknown intruders, you are now surrounded. Please cancel your invisibility immediately to cooperate with our work, otherwise we will be forced to use force."

We waited for a while, but there was no response at all from the street. It seemed that the other party did not intend to cooperate. Or maybe we haven't seen him yet.

The guild communication crystal on all of our ears suddenly sounded at the same time. "Confirm that the invaders have no intention of cooperation, and ask the combatants to prepare for the battle, open the eyes of hell, and start tactical induction."

The eyes of **** between the two inverted towers in Essinger opened suddenly, and a yellow beam of light shot out from the eyes of hell, shining straight on the street in front of us, and the street edge suddenly leaned against the wall. A magical creature appeared in the place.

"The Golem Unit 16 to 1 combat golems are advancing."

"Slow." I stopped the golems aloud because I clearly remembered that the creatures in front of me were not strange things, but the highest-ranking creatures I had ever seen.

At the time when the demon rebelled, I went to the demon's nest with the four holy beasts and caught the big round Pluto. We encountered a mirror space there and we found the treasure of the Great Wheel of Pluto. Among those treasures was a coffin that was very special. At that time, we found a space entrance in the coffin, and finally we saw a gorgeous and inexorably suspected goddess statue. Later, because things kept going. I left this coffin to someone else to deal with, but in the end it was clear that something went wrong during the transfer process, so that the coffin was actually got here. I said why this box looks so awkward. It turned out to be the coffin.

I remember that the statue of the son-in-law who appeared in that space at that time was very special. It is not the same as the image of the son-in-law in many places, so I was skeptical of her identity at that time, but later I was confirmed by the son-in-law of the son-in-law, so it was definitely the image of son-in-law. And the creature displayed in front of the eyes of **** is clearly a reduced version of the statue, then this mysterious creature is at least her consort, even if it is not a son-in-law. Assuming all the above guesses are correct, the current situation is more troublesome. I actually took so many people here to surround the son-in-law or son-in-law. I thought I could smash Isinger in half when the first Suzaku was furious. If I change to a son-in-law who is n times stronger than Suzaku, I do n’t think it ’s great.

"Why stop the operation?" The **** of war asked me puzzled.

"It's not clear at one and a half, you shouldn't move anyway." I quickly jumped out of the crowd and walked towards the creature hiding in the corner. She is exactly the same as the creature we saw. There was no difference in the armor on her body, the only difference was that she was relatively small and a living creature.

She seemed panicked at this moment, because she suddenly found that her invisibility had disappeared, she was anxious to hide, but the yellow beam emitted by the eyes of **** was always covering her, and the beam would follow wherever she hid She moved, and the light beam penetrated the wall, and the shadow of the building could not block the normal light beam.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, we're not trying to hurt you, you see, I don't have a weapon." I approached her carefully as I stretched out my hands to make a soothing gesture. Obviously, her mind seems very unstable, at least she sees more emotional things than reason.

After hearing what she said, she paused a little bit, and then started running around in a more panic-like manner. I was afraid that she would not be able to chase after her, only to let the crowd back, at least for now it seems that she does not have The threatening nature of this, letting this group of people around her will only make her more nervous.

"God of War." I moved the walkie-talkie to my mouth.

"what's up?"

"Let the large troops evacuate, and I'll do it here, but don't let the team dissolve first. It may not be necessary."

"Understand." The surrounding puppets and golems blinked suddenly, followed by a uniform movement and left the line to leave the scene. The guards also gradually evacuated under the command of the captains of the teams. , The other party ’s spirit gradually settled down, and it seems that my method really works.

"Yueyue, Princess." I opened the Fenglong space, and then released Yeyue and the Princess. Although the appearance of the two of them looks very different, according to the princess, she and Yeyue are descendants of son-in-law. If the creature in front of her is really related to son-in-law, then the two of them are not even the same as her. At least a close relative.

When the princess and Yeyue saw the creature in front of them, they immediately froze, followed the creature on the other side, and then made a bold move from being revealed to the present. She actually came over to us.

I have n’t seen her until now. She ’s actually very big, just because she looks like a human female on the ground, and she has a long tail at the back, so she looks very slim. It ’s only when she ’s really fully expanded The actual volume is much larger than it looks.

Yeyue took the initiative to meet her after seeing her swim. The two stopped after only two meters, and then Yeyue stopped moving, but the other person slowed down and still moved forward slowly. mobile.

Yeyue looked back at me, and I quickly pointed at the unknown creature. "Soothing her."

Yeyue nodded. Then he continued to approach her slowly, but the other party started to be a little timid, and seemed to be afraid of getting too close. I hurriedly called Yeyue not to move, and the other party stopped after watching Yeyue not moving. Following the sudden flash of golden light on her shoulder, the twelve arms actually merged into two, and the sixteen wings behind them also merged into two large fluffy wings. After the transformation was completed, she suddenly timidly stretched her right hand towards Yeyue, and then tried to move a little forward.

Yeyue looked back at me again. Then they moved forward a bit and stretched out their right hands. The right hands of the two people were separated by less than a foot in the air.

. Her hand can already touch Yeyue's hand. But she didn't touch Yeyue, she shrank her hands a little scared, but she didn't move at all. She boldly reached out her hand again.

Two white and long jade hands touched tentatively in the air. She retracted her hands like an electric shock. But after looking at Yeyue's expression, he boldly stretched out and hooked his fingers with Yeyue.

After the hands of the two people were completely handshake, the two of them suddenly took a hard breath at the same time and then made a breathless sound of breath, the sound of laziness and temptation seemed to scratch your heart. I just felt an electric current flowing through my lower body like an electric shock. All the cold hair on my body was standing upright, and I was going to faint. But before I was faint, I heard a dozen people falling down next to each other, and they were all male. Whether it is a player or Warcraft, as long as it is a male creature, all seem to be within the scope of influence.

I just felt that my legs were floating under the soft feet, as if almost paralyzed. This feels too difficult to say, but it is easy to describe it. In fact, the feeling just now is just like the feeling of a man in the moment, the ones next to him who passed out are obviously over-excited. I didn't expect Yeyue and this unknown creature to breathe and let us fall down a big block, which is too scary!

I concentrated my thoughts a little bit, and my mind was immediately sober. The dragons have not strengthened much in terms of fertility, and we have mainly strengthened their abilities in reason. For the original instinct impulses, it is easy to suppress them. Suppressed, but unfortunately all of my men have become soft-footed shrimps, as if they are almost dead.

I quickly contacted the army god: "Remove the male player and all of them, the other party can release unknown types of mental interference, and it is extremely lethal to most male creatures."

"I have intercepted the signal just now. In fact, it is only a kind of diffusive primary energy. The only problem is that this energy directly stimulates the vitality of male creatures. The result is a similar impulsive effect. If it is not It's actually a blessing magic, not an offensive magic, if you want to classify it. "

"Fuck, there is this kind of blessing magic?"

The **** of war answered with certainty: "According to your previous guess, this creature is likely to be related to son-in-law, and son-in-law is the **** in charge of life. Reproduction is the fundamental way of life. So son-in-law has this ability. Normal. "

"Go, you guy is also known as a class computer. He actually said that the son-in-law is the same as the goddess."

"I am a computer and not a human being. It is your carbon-based creatures that commit sexual immorality. In my opinion, reproduction is just an electrochemical reaction. I really cannot understand why you avoid such things. I ..."

"Wait a minute, there was a reaction at the scene."

The unknown creature in front of us suddenly approached Yeyue again, and then she extended her other hand to Yeyue's goggles, and seemed to want to remove it. Yeyue hurriedly reached out to stop, but the other person pushed Yeyue's hand firmly and took her eyes off. Yeyue quickly closed her eyes and did not dare to open her eyes, but her eyes had a petrified effect.

The other party does not seem to know Yeyue's ability. Or she just wanted to see this ability. She actually smiled and touched Yeyue's face, then gradually pulled Yeyue's head towards herself, and then she extended her head over.

Cao En, who was standing next to me, shouted in surprise: "They don't want to ...!"

"Hmm ..." The eagle sitting at the information center and watching the live video with the **** of war was drinking tea. As a result, after seeing the scene in the field, he sprayed a sip of tea on the monitor.

Just before Cao En finished talking, he was born. The other party actually kissed Yeyue ’s lips, and he was still a very technical long kiss. I only heard a drooling sound coming from me. The male player who came with me this time has completely accepted a limit stimulus. At present, most people are still unable to recover from the crash.

In fact, compared to us watching next to it. The real surprise should be Yeyue in the field. When the other party kissed her lips, she opened her eyes in surprise, but when she realized that she opened her eyes, the other party was completely unaffected. He was still kissing her intently, and even pulled her into her arms and kissed her lingeringly.

I actually noticed Ye Yuedi's eyes opened. But obviously the petrochemicals were limited, and some unknown force suppressed her petrochemical properties.

"Who are you?" Yeyue took a lot of effort to push the other person away from her. She is now completely confused, and it may be easier for her to deal with a hundred enemies at the same time.

The other party turned a deaf ear to Yeyuedi's words. She looked at Yeyue, and then suddenly pulled Yeyue towards herself again, but this time Yeyue was ready, so she blocked her wolf kiss very quickly. "who are you?"

Although the other party refused to cooperate at night, Yue still looked very excited with a smile. At the same time, her eyes and Yeyue's eyes met together. Yeyue may be too close to notice, but we can see a real arc between Yeyue and her eyes in the distance.

"Is this the legendary electric eye beauty?" Cao En asked me on the shoulder.

"I don't know, I've never been so charged anyway."

"Wait. What is she doing? Is the electricity offensive?" Wen Rui asked cautiously.

The voice of the **** of war suddenly sounded. "Warning. Anomalous energy fluctuations have occurred. Energy isolation in Zone-1317 has begun."

A bang suddenly raised four square crystal pillars in four directions around us, and then the top of the crystal pillar suddenly shot two lights each and the two adjacent pillars formed a square frame. After the formation of the frame, a bright blue light curtain suddenly appeared around these lights. Enclose our area.

"What is this?" Jane Fan they have never seen this thing.

"The energy isolator prevents the use of enemy mages in trouble in the city. As long as the energy barrier is deployed, the magic of the internal space will lose its vitality. Normal magic cannot be released in this area. Even high-level magic, the power will Fall to an acceptable range. "

"It's a good thing," Cao En felt.

I nodded. "The price is pretty good."

The discharge behavior of Ye Yueyue in the field has become more and more exaggerated, and now the small arc has completely turned into a blue beam of light. Yeyue's eyes almost turned into a receiver, and the blue beam of light emitted from the other's eyes shot straight into her pupils. At this time, the energy barrier that had just unfolded suddenly suddenly retracted again.

"God of war, what's going on?"

"I just detected an abnormal magic buildup, so I raised the energy barrier to prevent it, but now

Fang does not gather attack magic, but injects energy into Yeyue's body to enhance Yeyue's attributes. "

Almost as soon as the military **** finished speaking, Ye Yue and the blue light beam in the opponent's eyes suddenly disappeared, but Ye Yue suddenly collapsed in the arms of the opponent. She gently helped Yeyue manage her head, then gently kissed Yeyue's forehead and fell down with her.

"What's going on? Why the two fainted together?"

The voice of the **** of war sounded again. "Life instructions are normal, but the energy level has dropped to zero, and both are just unconscious."

I finally walked forward boldly, and patted the princess who had been standing near Yeyue and the unknown creature, although they were descendants of son-in-law. But she seems obviously not as close as Ye Yue to the blood relationship of that creature. I just don't know why she hasn't moved since she stood there. I didn't expect that she softened after I took such a shot. I was frightened and hugged her.

"Hey, what's the matter with you?" I patted the princess's face, but she didn't react at all, except that she didn't breathe any different from the body.

"What exactly happened here?"

"I'm sorry, the information is incomplete. You can't analyze the cause of the incident, you may have to wait for one of them to wake up to understand the truth of the matter. Or they might not be able to answer your question. Oh wait."

"what happened again?"

"It is Yeyue, and her energy index is rising. She is about to wake up."

I quickly summoned Ling and Xiaochun to take care of the princess, then ran over to help Yeyue up. Yeyue's eyelids moved slightly, then suddenly opened. Surprised! What kind of beauty is that Taobao Women's Tmall Taobao Mall Taobao Women's Winter Jacket m! Yeyue's eyes flashed the light of a beautiful nebula like a rotating nebula. The light unconsciously spun along with the spinning nebula. Then you will feel that your consciousness is being led by that charming power to fly to the deepest place of the beautiful women ’s winter coat.

Boom. Everything is beautiful. Taobao Women ’s Tmall Taobao Mall Taobao ’s women ’s winter coat m is shattered in the sound of a sudden drop of water. The night and moon in my arms do not know where I go, and I appear in a forest filled with black mist. Among them, besides a well, there is only a large lush forest.

"Fuck. How did I get to the underworld?" I suddenly thought of a question. Hurry up and check your own attributes, then helplessly slap your head! "It's messy if you care!"

I now know what a capsized boat is. Because I just had the honor to do it once. The result of our property query was dropped by one level. Now there are only 1,122. Coupled with my current environment. It's easy to think what happened. Yes, the truth is I hung up once. As for the reason ... it is probably because of a glance at Ye Yeyue.

Masters like me, even ghosts like Nobunaga and Gunshin, have to work hard to kill me, and plan ahead to trap and find a bunch of helpers. This is not necessarily a success, I did not expect that in the end it was actually killed by a creature, and it was still my own magic pet. This is bad ... it's hard to say!

Fortunately, I am the agent of Yan Wang in China. Thanks to this post. Once I die, unless I get special punishment, I only need to drop one level. There is no possibility of another player failing to resurrect and losing another level. In addition, the biggest advantage of Yanwangdi is that it can be teleported freely in Huangquan Realm. I just thought of Xia Yan Luo Dian and appeared directly in Yan Luo Dian. The busy little ghost here saw me coming up to salute immediately, but I didn't bother to care about them, went straight into Hoyang Road and returned to Isinger. I quickly returned to the scene with the help of the city's teleportation team, but only saw Jane Fan and the members of the bank, Cao En and Wen Rui were gone.

"Why are you alone? What about the two of them?"

"The two of them went after you."

Jan Fan said humorously, but I couldn't laugh because Yeyue was crying over her eyes. The princess seemed to be awake and was comforting Yeyue, but Xiaochun turned into a stone sculpture, and Ling was trying to lay Xiaochun's changed sculpture on the ground. Most of the street where we were just turned into stone, and even a fountain spraying water not far away turned into stone sculpture, and the water column in the state of stone still kept spraying and solidified in mid-air.

"How did this happen?"

When Ling saw me, he hurried over and said, "Yueyue didn't respond for a while after you hung up, and then your two apprentices hung up again. The princess just woke up at this time, she seemed to know the situation, and then shout Yeyue quickly closed her eyes. Yeyue heard the instinct and looked at us. The princess only came and pushed me away. Xiaochun reacted slowly, and it turned out to be this way. As for the street, it was Yeyue It was caused by leaked eyes. Her petrochemical ability seemed to be many times stronger than before. Not only the things that were directly seen were petrified, but also the things that were not seen were also petrified. The **** of war analysis said that the petrified things would be like bacteria. The infection gradually caused the nearby things to petrify. This seems to be a new ability of Yeyue, but she has not yet been able to accurately control this skill, so we have so many people all at once.

"What about that unknown creature?"

"You have been in a coma since you hung up, but your life characteristics are normal."

"Okay, I see." I nodded and walked to Yeyue. Begged the princess to help Ling Di first. Then she sat next to Yeyuedi and rested her head on my shoulder. "Don't cry, it's just an accident. As for the crying patter?"

"I didn't cry because of this."

"What are you sad about?"

"I am sad because I feel so useless that I can't control that moment. Do you know? In fact, you don't need to die, as long as it becomes a sculpture, I can restore it with saliva afterwards."

"Then why did I just hang up once?"

"Because I didn't hold back. When I saw your eyes, I wanted to know more. As a result, I didn't know what to do, so I dragged your consciousness into my consciousness. As a result, I know a lot. You Go dead for nothing. "

My body shook suddenly. "You see my thoughts?"

Yeyue leaned on my shoulder and nodded surely. "At that moment, I saw a lot of things, there are your visions for the future. There are your decisions about the present, and there are a lot of things you have to do."

"What? When I was young? How many things did you see?" Honestly I'm really nervous now. Present all your memories and thoughts in front of others. This is not fun. Letting others fully understand your full consciousness is even more embarrassing than pulling you out and throwing yourself on the road. Many social psychologists say that people don't wear clothes to cover their bodies, but to cover up their spiritual shame. But now I've even seen my soul. What kind of situation is this?

"Master." Yeyue

There was a sweet drowning sound.

"Huh? What's the matter?"

"You are so great!"

"Ah?" Ye Yue's words completely confused me. "Me? Great?"

"Well! You are really great. I never knew you did so many things in your life. But I also saw from the bottom of your heart that there is a very great goal hidden there. Master, rest assured, I will definitely help you get there. "

I'm even more dizzy now. "Hey, what have you seen? I don't know what ambitious goals I have. What on earth have you seen?"

"Hee hee ... I won't say it out." Ye Yue suddenly pushed me away and stood up. "Relax, master. I will work very hard in the future."

Halo, Yeyue shouldn't the brain be stimulated? Why did I not understand a sentence for a long time?

"Master. What does she do?" Ling pointed at the person lying on the ground and asked me.

I thought a little. "I'll send her to the city of commandments now. In case she loses control there. At least I can start the commandment wheel to completely control her behavior, which is better than fighting in Isinger."

I told Rose everything. All the aftermath was left to her to handle, and I myself brought the magic pet and Jane Fan together to send the unknown creature to the city of commandments. As for Cao En and Wen Rui, I have sent a ghost to pick them up, I believe I will be back soon.

After transmitting directly to the city of precepts, we sent the unknown person to the core seal area of ​​the city, according to the deities of the parties who built it. In this place, even the superior **** can at most wield slightly stronger power than ordinary people. So even if she is the son-in-law itself. I don't have to worry about her here. Of course, the seal here is only for outsiders. I was not suppressed, that's why I was not afraid of her.

After Cao En and Wen Rui were sent to me, the unknown also woke up, and it turned out that I was too worried. She is almost like a child, except that she has always shown affection for Yeyue. No matter what questions we ask her, she just looks at us with big, curious eyes, but she has no intention to answer our questions. If Yeyue came to ask her questions, she would laugh at Yeyue, but still not answer. Since she had made a few monophonic sounds during this period, we determined that her sound system was normal. The problem might be in the language. She probably did not speak, at least not what we could understand, and she seemed He didn't understand us.

"Is there any other way to communicate?" I summoned all my high-intellect pets to help me find a way. Of course, the army **** and Rose are also communicating with me through a remote connection. Think tanks like them do not need to It's too wasteful.

"How about trying the connection of consciousness?" Ling suddenly said: "The optical illusion of Aimeness plus the transmission of my mind and the power field of Chili Mind I want to break through the spiritual barrier and go directly to the conscious docking. There should be no problem.

"I believe you can connect her consciousness. The key is whether pepper can break through her mental defenses." Every creature has brain waves. In addition to thinking and transmitting mental signals, this layer of radio waves has the ability to generate an isolation barrier similar to the Earth's ionosphere to protect the brain from external electric fields. Otherwise, the human mind will become a plaything of the external electric field and cannot form a stable mind at all. But this mental defense has another problem, that is, the more intense the brain activity, the stronger the biological defense. The above are just real test data. In the game, this attribute is measured by strength, which means that the stronger the biological brain, the harder it is to invade. At least we have not encountered any special cases so far. Even if the creature in front of us is not what we generally acknowledge, the son-in-law is at least a member of the same race. From her previous performance, it can be roughly judged that the strength of this guy is absolutely horrible. If you want to enter her thinking, Not so easy.

"Why let me try?" Pepper asked.

"Well then, try it anyway."

I asked Yeyue to help the unknown creature sit in the middle of the room. Then Pepper stood opposite her. We watched Chili slowly closed his eyes, then the other side looked at Yeyue's unidentified creature with a brilliant smile, but suddenly frowned. Followed by the scream of pepper, the whole man flew out, and a big hole was hit by a booming wall. The pepper flew directly outside the room before landing.

"Chilli!" We ran out in panic but saw Chili sitting among a pile of bricks rubbing his temple there.

"Are you OK?"

"Fortunately, it was just thrown out by the counter-attack energy. I don't think this method will work. Even if my mental force field is strengthened ten times, I can't break through her outer defense. As for the inner layer, I didn't even see ! "

When we re-answered the room, she suddenly sat up in the arms of Yeyue and stared at the pepper. She obviously took the infiltration behavior just now as some kind of attack behavior. Ye Yue saw that the atmosphere was not right and quickly took her into her arms to soothe again. The other party seemed to feel the meaning of Ye Yue and leaned on her shoulder again. Looking at Yeyue with a smile like a coquettish child.

"What do we do now? Like her, we never want to figure out her origins!"

"I think we should go and check the giant sculpture we saw first," Yeyue suggested.

To be honest, we were all frightened by the possible identity of this unknown creature. That's why I was so nervous that I didn't even have normal judgment. In fact, according to the general process, we should have thought of checking the sculpture first. Was reminded by Yeyue that everyone had reacted. Hurry up to see the sculpture.

When we reached the sculpture, there were already a lot of people here. The fact is that the **** of war does not have human nerves. In such a chaotic situation, he still had time to send some people to see what was inside. The person he sent was of course showing the giant statue, and then the brains of the guild ran collectively to admire the great human ancestors under the notice of the army god.

"Did you finally remember to come and see?" Rose looked at me as if not surprised.

I'm not surprised though. I was surprised, but the reason for the experience was not that a large group of people were standing here. But the sculpture in front of him has completely changed. If it wasn't for the surrounding buildings and the volume of this sculpture that made me certain that it really couldn't move, I have to wonder if someone came in and removed the valuable thing and replaced it with a fake product.

The statue in front of me is almost the same in size as the one I saw, but I don't need to check to make sure it is definitely not the one we saw. Because it is different from the original from the material to the posture. When we first saw it. Her body is composed almost entirely of countless valuable and invaluable items. But now it's just a statue that appears before us.

Jade statue. Although Bai Yu can barely be considered a valuable material, it is definitely negligible. Moreover, the shape of this sculpture is not right. We all saw weapons on the arms of the sculpture, but now all the weapons are gone. The arm also changed from a stretched state to a drooped state. The wings behind the original statue were spread out and looked very huge. What I see now are all folded together. Seems like he wants to wrap himself. Unless someone can prove that this sculpture will move by itself. Otherwise, I absolutely do not believe that this is the original sculpture.

"It has been replaced?" When Ling saw the sculpture in front of him, he thought of the same answer as me.

"This thing is so big. It can't be smuggled out without being revealed." Xiaochun said: "I think it's impossible to steal."

I nodded and agreed with Xiaochun. "There is only one purpose to replace the original place. That is to prevent the lost items from being lost in the Seal of Throne for as long as possible. But this sculpture is too far away from the original place, so there is no meaning to replace it. If the person who steals the land just wants to steal something, then why should he still recognize the fake here? "

Rose who has come to us has heard our conversation, and in just a few words she has understood what we said. "Listen to you. Is this sculpture alive?"

"Zero" is a magic game, and this possibility cannot be ruled out. "

"Let's prove it?" Ling suggested.

"How do you want to prove?"

Ling pointed to the sculpture. "According to the basic principles of biology. Defensive reflection is the first important instruction, buried deep in the deepest genes of each creature. So if this sculpture is indeed alive, then there will definitely be a defense response when it is attacked. We know whether it is alive or dead. "

"Rejected." I rejected Ling's idea in one sentence.

Pu Gui also agreed with me. "If it is really alive. I am worried about what it will do after it defends. Besides, even if it is not alive, there are too many secrets to this sculpture, so you have to test it. What if it breaks? do?"

"Did we just stare at it like this?"

"Maybe we can call Yeyue. Let her persuade the unknown creature to help us answer it." This is Wen Ruidi's proposal. Because now everyone can see that the unknown creature has a more general attachment to Yeyue.

"Do it then."

Fearing that the other party would return to Essinger and do something, I had to let everyone carry the rotten coffin to the city of commandments. Pu Gui, because they can't analyze anything, they have to do their own business first.

When we finished talking about Yeyue, Yeyue immediately brought the unknown person into the special space in the coffin. The other party is obedient to Yeyue. As long as Yeyue has a way to correctly convey his meaning, the other party will definitely cooperate. But this time the other party behaved somewhat unexpectedly. Isn't it that she didn't want to go in after seeing the coffin, it's just the opposite. She was so excited after seeing the coffin that she pulled Yeyue back and ran in. We always thought that since she ran out of it, she should not want to go back. I did not expect her to be so excited. This is the complete opposite of our inference.

We followed Yeyue and she ran forward behind her, but Yeyue stopped as soon as she reached the underground maze-like residential area. I walked over and looked at the unknown creature. As a result, she was standing at a fork in the road at Sancha, where she seemed to be thinking about something.

"What's up with her?"

"I don't know. She stopped after we got here. It seemed to be thinking where to go from here."

Hear the conversation between the two of us. Suddenly Ling interposed, "You said that I thought of a possibility."

"What is possible?"

"Maybe we made things complicated at the beginning." Seeing myself and others posing waiting to explain, Ling immediately began to explain. "From the beginning, we took this incident as an important event that has a close relationship with a big man. So we tried to think about things in a complicated direction at the beginning, which led to a series of mistakes. First, We may have misunderstood her thoughts. She did not come out of the box to be detrimental to us. She may simply be curious. You should have seen the performance of the Seal of the Throne from her to us for so long, her The behavior behaves like a child, which means that she may not be able to overcomplicate ideas at all. We can try to imagine her as a kind of life form born from sculpture. She may have just formed consciousness. As for leaving That coffin may be purely curious about the outside world. This can be seen from the place where we grabbed her. If she came with a purpose, why go to the outer area of ​​the Essence Sky City? Stop Couldn't there be more secrets in the core area? So after she left the coffin and entered Isinger's behavior may be purely childlike Adventure behavior. As for her invisibility, I think it can only be regarded as a self-protection instinct! If you suddenly go to a strange place, you certainly do not want to expose yourself to everyone, hiding is the most basic survival instinct, It cannot be considered hostile. "

Yeyue immediately said: "Yeah! If I say this, I can understand why she was so happy to see the coffin. She may have just lost her way around the city. She suddenly thought of herself after seeing the coffin. I found my way home, so I was so excited. "

"It all makes sense, but what is she doing now?"

Ling said solemnly: "I think she is still lost ~ ~ If she is indeed a new life born by a certain force as I guessed, it can only be said that she is an adult She ’s a baby, so she ca n’t remember the way home, and the road here is harder to remember. ”

"Then don't let her think harder, let's take her there."

As soon as I finished speaking, I was going to let Yeyue take her there, and now the unknown creature actually did an extremely amazing thing. I saw her suddenly squatting down, then put her hand at a distance of one foot from the ground, followed by three colorful rays of light followed by her palms, and then there were three rabbits on the ground somehow.

"What's this? Call of the Favorite?"

Ling shook his head. "Not a summon. I don't feel space fluctuations."

Yeyue trembled and said, "Okay ... it seems to be shaped by life!"

"Life shaping? Creating life? Son-in-law's unique skills?" Except for the unknown creature himself, all of us present were stupid. Now we are all thinking about the same question-shouldn't she really be the son-in-law?

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