Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 860: Kiris (1)

Bruce looked at Cassia's face carefully, it was a serious face.

"Your want to fight may have to be extinguished by me. This is not my drive and enthusiasm to hit you." Professor Bruce reminded, "The fools in the big family have two choices. One is to be killed by people from other forces. The other is to serve the family and increase the number of people without restriction. Natural selection made by man is easy to use for people who can create value."

"I am over a hundred years old and have met people who have the same ideas as you. They have all failed. The plan is not lacking in meticulousness and thought. You can think from another angle. If you are sure whether a person is really dead, what are the necessary conditions?"

"The heart was penetrated? Falling off a cliff, or in the river or the sea, can't find the corpse? Or is the identity card invalid, no activation record, and all the information has disappeared since then? You have such a determination, and those people also have it. You need to pay a huge price for this to implement your plan, and they are just a command, and countless people can do it for them. Or, I don’t understand the real purpose of your approach." Bruce said his opinion, "I want them to believe that, except for you standing in front of them and then proactively shooting yourself to blow your head, I don't think they will stop easily."

"In addition, you must consider that the results of the plan will be the opposite of what you expected. When you disappear, your friends may be more'cared for'. I think that is not what you expected."

Cassia nodded sincerely and wrote down all of Professor Bruce’s words: "All taken into account. At first we had the same idea, but when I added some factors to the plan, my trajectory changed. Professor Bruce, you know Who are those people I’m talking about, so what I want to create more is an alibi. It’s to get rid of the relationship and give them a reasonable reason to intervene to strengthen the protection of their own people. I’m dead, other families If you want to ask my allies by special means, you will lose the justification. I must all know that this reason is the same as the imperial law, which has no binding power on them. But no binding power is one thing, tearing the curtain to the face again It's another matter. Although the danger is still there, the scope has been narrowed to the family."

Bruce frowned, rearranged Cassia's words, and after thinking about it, his expression eased.

He sighed: "Just like ordinary people commit crimes, everyone knows that the murderer is him. Since there is no evidence, they can't do anything. If you don't do this, there may be other choices."

"Short time is fine, but it is necessary." Cassia thinks about it, "After graduation, it takes time to complete the transition. I don't want to be implicated in other people's footsteps by myself, and there is no chance for us to make mistakes, Bruce Professor, I hope you understand."

Shaking his head, Bruce disagrees with this approach: "You can rest assured that you leave it to us, and you can also ask for other requirements. Whatever can be done will be done as much as possible. But think about it, your end has not yet appeared, no There may be only one choice."

The sound of footsteps interrupted the conversation between the two of them shortly afterwards, and various examinations began to proceed in an orderly manner after waiting for a while. The result came out completely after nine o'clock in the evening, during which Cassia had been thinking about how to make up the feasibility of the plan. Professor Bruce's words are correct, he cannot fool everyone. At best, buy time and let yourself walk into the shadow completely and rationally.

"But it's enough." Cassia said.

Professor Bruce then came in with a large stack of data sheets, his entire face filled with a smile.

"How should I put it." Bruce sat across from Cassia and threw the data to Cassia. "Probably we are used to the level of surprise that these data bring, but this strange phenomenon makes us take it for granted."

Cassia sat upright, listening to Professor Bruce's analysis and explanation of these data.

"The first point is that your surgery has passed the middle stage smoothly, and it is not long after the second stage. There is no obvious feeling. I think the reason is probably due to physical fitness and the impact of deadly substances. But it is not important, it is important. The conclusion drawn from checking your blood is also the second point."

"First, the corrosiveness does exist. It is not a common acidic agent. It has an effect on steel alloys. It is not obvious and tends to biodissolve. You should know the corpse dissolving agent that is standard in combat. Image, and it’s also effective for the living body.” Professor Bruce started to turn the data in front of Cassia to the next page, “You have to be careful. At present, you do not fully understand this corrosiveness. After invading the living body, will there be diffusion and assimilation—— It is the effect of self-proliferation, so try to avoid letting unrelated people touch your blood."

"The other is resistance. It is much stronger with the blood control test of the surgeon of the same level, especially on various biological poisons. It should be related to your own encounters. You have been exposed to many biological poisons in the task, and you have completed it by yourself. A surgical project. This is the result of our consensus. After our discussion, such thick blood does not harm you, and the flexibility of the blood vessels has also been steadily increased. From the heart examination data, The increased load is just your psychological effect, and your thoughts have not kept up with your own changes in time."

"Most of the muscles are twisted, the transmission nerves are more sensitive, the strength is increased, the bones are harder than alloys, etc. You should have an experience in the battle. All of them have passed the standard line. I will not explain here. Finally, the blood dragon is transformed. This is a very important indicator."

"It's about eighty-five percent, an amazing value." Bruce said, "We don't understand what this number will bring to you. We can only remind you to be cautious. It must be a good thing. The Avalon Institute has conducted experiments on the effects of blood dragon classification concentration on surgeons. There have been severe symptoms of varying degrees. When the concentration is not equal in the operation stage, it will only cause harm."

After Cassia read the data, the standard value is aside, which allows him to know the current state of the body. It's healthy, thought Cassia, and some have not been detected—the red crystal that was swallowed. There was a clear feeling at the beginning, but it was not reflected in this data.

There was a detailed analysis file behind, and Professor Bruce asked Cassia to take it back to see it.

"Remember to burn it after reading it." Bruce reminded, "I will leave the school in two to verify that piece. The result will be told to you when I come back, please remember my request."

At ten o'clock in the evening, Cassia rushed the burnt ashes into the sewer until the early morning, then lay down to rest.


In a gathering area on the edge of Manoma, the people living here have fallen asleep long ago, and there is no other light except for the street lights.

The quiet and wide road is very humid, the road weeds have not adapted to the sudden cold, and the leaves are declining and gathering together. Two car lights were on at the end of the road. Amidst the rippling sound of steam engines, a large shadow of a vehicle pierced through the light of a square street lamp and stopped in front of the gathering area. Four seemingly capable people walked down.

"It's here." A female member said against the documents in her hand.


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