Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 861: Kiris (2)

The other members did not speak, tightened their clothes, and checked the weapons they were carrying, and led by the woman to a building in the gathering area. The safety plumber also fell asleep under the erosion of the room heating. The sound of footsteps disappeared at the same moment. Several people climbed over the guardrail. At this time, a man stepped forward and found a new looking code from the backpack behind him. The card was inserted into the card slot beside the door of the residential building.

There was no verbal communication. Except for a little expression on the woman's face, the other three men were all models of certain established substances. The height and body shape tended to be the same, and they were uniformly dressed. They had no expressions, and it could be said that the faces were similar. The eyes have been patrolling and wandering in front and on the woman's body, the action is like being controlled by several cumbersome programs, penetrates into their bodies and regulates every movement.

Going upstairs quietly, the four of them blended into the dark air in the corridor. The goal was to be on the fourteenth floor, until the destination, the voice-activated sensor lights in the corridors were not aware of it. Maybe it's just too long and aging, but also because the sensing range of the component is too small.

There was no extra action. The woman walked into the room in front of her, and when all four of them came in and closed the door, she turned on the light with a "pop". They all contracted the pupil size to varying degrees. After the short glare disappeared, the air circulation system automatically activated and began to replace the dull air in the room.

After patrolling the living room in front of her, the woman was sure that she had arrived at the target location she came over this time. There was a layer of ash on the tabletop and simple utensils, and there was no trace of life. The diffuse wood-like smell explained this.

It's not like a place of residence, nor is it like a secret hiding place that has not been activated. It was a room for storing materials. The woman noticed the windows that had been reinforced and sealed. The wood smell was probably the residue of insecticide sprayed out automatically through the air circulation system at regular intervals. After simply checking in several bedrooms, the woman returned to the hall and gave orders to the three men standing motionless.

"Open the expansion module of the vehicle, remove all the documents, and finally clean the traces."

The three men nodded and put on white cloth gloves. Taking out the pre-prepared bag, the three of them moved gently away the stack of documents bound in the file bag.

There is a lot of information, and it took four rounds to process it. The woman sat in the vehicle after going downstairs for the first time. In the quiet night, the soundproofing of the ceremonial vehicle did not let any sound escape.

"The operation is proceeding smoothly. This is the last location. You can return to the private base tomorrow morning to start the analysis.

"Pay attention to their two legacy assets, both from large families, and the status of the Knights is not low. They must have prepared a lot of good things for themselves. There are also some novel things. They are not rigid people. Lots of collections worth paying attention to." On the other side was a male voice, mixed with gentle music, "As for the remaining uncleaned men, I will trouble you to solve it. It is a transaction, it must be fair. . I don’t want to owe others, even if they have been dead for months."

"I know, I will complete the task perfectly."

For about an hour, the three men got into the vehicle with the final information. Under the slight engine noise, the shadow of the vehicle was gradually torn apart in the lights of one side.

At the same time, a bustling street in the center of Manoma, where most of Manoma's famous taverns gathered, the dazzling lights of various colors made it almost no concept of night. This is the most lively time here, and the wide roads are already full of various ceremonial cars, either ordinary or luxurious.

In a room of a high-rise building, the sound of tapping a mechanical watch sounded in a room shrouded in gentle light. The faint fluorescent color does not conflict with the light of the lamp, and the pointer above falls at the position of two and a half.

"The rest time is over." From the first syllable to the last syllable, the playful voice becomes rational and thinking. A man picked up the wine on the bedside cabinet and drank it. Then he got up without reluctance, put on his clothes, walked into the bathroom, came out after a minute and a half, opened the door and left the room. From beginning to end, he didn't look at the alluring flesh lying on the bed, even though that body had gradually lost its proper temperature.

"Young Master." On the side of the road, the man got in the long-awaited limousine, and the assistant in the co-pilot greeted him like a man.

"Remember to take care of things here." The man said, and the assistant nodded as usual.

"A few hours ago, I heard that a new factory was assigned to my name?" The man glanced at the tavern next to him before motioning for the driver to drive away.

"A total of three locations, one firearm production line, can produce relatively stable platinum bullets, standard-standard firecrackers, and other weapons. Two ceremonial car parts manufacturing can be converted into precision parts processing plants for use Several core positions of tanks and armored vehicles.” The assistant answered very fluently, and he must have made preparations and research in advance.

"How long will it bring me substantial benefits?"

"It takes more than half a month for the transfer of personnel, plus the input in the later raw materials, three months later, income and expenditure will be flat, and real benefits will be visible in the fourth month."

After the assistant finished speaking, the man closed his mouth obediently while thinking. When his expression returned to normal, the assistant asked, "Should I go back to the residence first? The traces have been completely cleaned up."

"No, it's not a good time. I want to come and still have the smell of blood. Go to these factories first." The man replied and asked about other things, "By the way, is there any new movement in the things I have brought your attention. There are some people who have left Manoma early, and they can continue to follow up. But pay attention to the connection between these people during this period, and there is the possibility of transferring materials between each other. Those who have not left yet, except for special reasons, Observe them carefully. They should still have a lot of visible resources in their If they want to stabilize their footsteps here, they will definitely spit out some consciously. I don't want to be someone who doesn't know anything. What you should get is not less, and what you cannot get, try to fight for it. I am satisfied, and you all have generous rewards."

"Understood, I will submit the analysis summary report within a week."

"Very good, thanks for your hard work." The man put his upright body close to the soft chair and looked at Manoma's night scene with a smile and exclaimed, "It's a fascinating view..."

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