Step Back! Master is Here!

Step Back! Master is Here! Chapter 441: God!

If you know something wrong, kneel down! "Becoming the master again, Liang Feiyu can't wait to sing.

The majesty shook!

"That's it," Tang Luo perfunctoryly said. "There's no public toilet here, but there's a trash can there. Go in yourself."

The smile on Liang Feiyan's face froze instantly, suspecting that he had heard it wrong: "What did you say?"

"There's a trash can there, go in yourself." Tang Luo repeated.

"My dad bought the supermarket!"

"Yes, you go into the trash."

"I want to fire your mother!"

"Yes, you go into the trash."

"Are you listening to me!" Liang Feiyan was crazy, this guy, is there a pit in his head!

Your mother will soon be out of work, and you will starve to death. Do you care about the trash?

"Yes, but what does this have to do with you getting into the trash?" Tang Luo said, "Do you want me to help you?"

That weird feeling of palpitations struck again, Liang Fei shuddered and shouted, "Stop him, stop him!"

It sounded like a screaming chicken and a marmot.

The two bodyguards didn't say a word, and went forward in silence, very dedicated.

Then two people had close contact with their heads. Tang Luosong dropped his hands and the two bodyguards fell down, completely fainted.

"Juvenile, this is a fate you cannot escape."

Tang Luo grabbed Liang Feiyu and dragged him to the trash can on the other side.

Open it, throw in the struggling Liang Feiyu, put the lid on, and Tang Luo completes the peace of mind.

Liang Feiyu in the trash can was very quiet, at least ... without trying to do something to anger Tang Luo, he chose to obey his heart.

It's very interesting. It seems that as long as a certain critical point is reached, the other party will suddenly become free of heart.

Not doing what you want ... to a certain extent not.

Even in this world of solidification and depression, which can be said to be rotten, the Liang family and son seem to be doing things in accordance with certain rules.

Of course, it is also possible that Liang Tianzan regarded Tang Luo as a discipline for his son.

Therefore, Tang Luo intends to take a look.

He found the car key from a bodyguard, opened the door, and threw the two bodyguards into the car. Tang Luo drove away from the car.

Learn to drive the first "role-playing mission" and never forget.

Soon after the car left, some noise came from the trash can, and the lid was opened. Liang Feiyu crawled out hard, fell to the ground, and rolled up and vomited.

But in terms of taste, the trash can is obviously more unbearable and more disgusting than the urinal.

After vomiting, Liang Feiyu looked up blankly.

No cars, no bodyguards, no Tang Luo.

His wallet and mobile phone were taken away by Tang Luo while he was in the trash bin just now.

No penny, no contact information, and ... he didn't know how to get from here to his home.

He Liang Feiyu went out and took a car for more than a kilometer.

Moreover, now that he is stinking, Liang Feiyan's self-esteem does not allow him to ask others for help.

"Woohoo! Donlow! Donlow!"

Liang Feiying cried, tearing his heart, a miserable man.

Driving in the car, Tang Luolai went unimpeded all the way, came to the Liangjia villa, and stopped in.

Liang Tianzan was in his study, frowning at some information.

He secretly funded and raised the apostolic organization, which was ruined.

Tianpian Liang Tianzan couldn't find any information about the "murderer". The only thing he knew was the name of the other party-Ao Yulie, who still claimed to be true or false.

And the motive was unclear, and the man finally spilled all the money he stole.


"This kind of unruly person should be damned!" Liang Tianzan stiffened the table.

The night pot usually doesn't feel much. When it is really needed, the night pot is gone, and it feels very troublesome.

Otherwise, if you want to **** that Tangluo, how much would it cost—although there are also some for the sake of hone your son.

The young man is still too tender, quite his Liang Tianzan ...

"Well, do you look for that coin-spreading Ao Yulie again?"

"It's you!" Is reminiscing about the old days, Liang Tianzan suddenly heard a voice sounding behind his head.

She was shocked, almost jumped from her seat, and was shocked with cold sweat.

Before waiting for Liang Tianzan to stand up and turn his head, a strong attack came, and one hand rested on his head.

Liang Tianzan smashed his head on the table, and he was dizzy, and the whole man couldn't move.

"I ask, you answer," Tang Luo said.

"Okay." Liang Tianzan took a deep breath and said that he was very cooperative.

wait for me……

"Forget it, try the soul." Then, Tang Luo suddenly changed his attention.

Because he found nothing to ask.

Last time when Liang Tianzan's anomaly was discovered, Tang Luo decided to observe it, but the result did not surprise him.

Now let's see if there will be any surprises.

Doing the soul ...


The surrounding space seemed to be twisted and shaken, Tang Luosong stepped back, Liang Tianzan disappeared in his eyes.

It's not a phantom, or a fog disappearing slowly.

It was so abrupt that it disappeared instantly. And after disappearing, if you recall it, you will not feel abrupt.

As if this person never existed.

All this happened at the moment when Tang Luo "remembered the soul" to Liang Tianzan, so that he no longer resisted and decided to "convert to my Buddha."

"Is the brave broken his wrist?"

Tang Luo secretly said in his heart.

His degree of soul is like applying a dye and color to a leaf of a large tree.

And this color is very likely to follow the veins and contaminate other places and have a greater impact.

Therefore, this leaf was abandoned.

It's like never before.

Then, he, the person who broke things, got the same treatment as the avatar.

The originally closed study door was opened-Tang Luo came in through the merit Yulian.

A man in black stood at the door: "You broke the rules."

This man in black looks the same as the one Tang Luo first saw.

Dressing is also the first look, the same words.

As soon as the words fell, the man in black drew his gun, but before he fired, Tang Luo smashed his head with a punch.

The man in black disappeared like a phantom mist, and in the place where he disappeared, another him soon appeared.

Tang Luo didn't speak, and he punched again, sending this to disappear again.

This time, he was not allowed to wait any longer. The man in black changed into a costume more "ancient" than before, and the gun in his hand became a flintlock.

But the shooting speed was as fast as lightning.

A roar was almost like a thunder blast in his ear.

The desk in the study, including the walls and windows behind it, were "blasted" with holes.

Power can be described by "cannon".

But he couldn't hit, no matter how powerful the power was, Tang Luo flashed a shotgun shot and hit the man in black with a punch.

The response of the man in black was much faster. Tang Luo's fist was obviously no different from the first two punches, but this time he could raise his flintlock in front of him in time.

The fist landed on the flintlock, and the spear shattered. As the debris spattered, the man in black flew backwards, hitting the wall of the hallway behind the door, and did not wait for him to land.

A fist kept zooming in front of his eyes, and once again shattered his head.

The man in black disappeared, Tang Luo stood still and waited quietly.

Just now the movement of the firing gun was very loud, but it didn't matter. He used the merits of Yulian to make this area "inaudible."

No voice was heard, and no one would disturb them.

After five minutes, the disappearing black man appeared again. This time his clothes were more ancient, and his firearms were replaced with cold weapons.

The momentum on my body should be more vigorous than before.

Like a veteran with a long experience in the battlefield, the blood of iron blood is enough to make people cold.

"Come." Tang Luo stood in place, waiting for the man in black-no, it should be said that it was an attack by a veteran.

The icy cold light flashed, and the knife worn by the veteran could be said to have struck the distance between him and Tang Luo at the moment of the scabbard, appeared on top of Tang Luo's head, and fell!

The blade even rolled up a "storm".

Both speed and power have improved a lot.

The current veteran is enough to hang ten of himself just with one hand.

In the face of this knife, Tang Luo did not shy away, and was another punch, exactly the same as the one just now.

The knife was broken, but no one flew.

The veteran had a hand in front of him in time, even blocking Tang Luo's fist.

But he stepped back a dozen steps in a row, each step leaving a shallow pit on the ground.

After stopping, the veteran looked at Tang Luo, shaking his body, and then spit out a large mouthful of blood, almost falling.

"How many more times can you transform?" Tang Luo asked.

The veteran didn't answer, dragging his seriously injured body slowly, one of his arms was abolished.

But there is another arm available.

After getting closer, the veteran rushed to Tang Luo, and the whole man spun up, using his arms as a weapon, and drew towards Tang Luo's head.

If it is solid, the hard boulders will be crushed by this "hand whip".

Tang Luo easily caught the fierce attack and patted it on the veteran's chest.

It seemed to stand still for a second before the veteran's body flew out and disappeared in midair.

Tang Luo waited quietly, waiting for the next appearance.

This time is longer than the last time.

After a full ten minutes, a heavy pressure came from all directions ~ ~ The air became sticky, as if suddenly there was weight.

Coercion was born from the void, full of majesty.

But in this majesty there was a feeling of thinness and withering.

Beauty is twilight, the general is balding?

Tang Luo turned around and looked at the "Man in Black" that appeared again. This time he did not appear where he disappeared, but appeared behind Tang Luo.

Armored, armed with a spear, his body was shining with golden light and powerful.


A dull sound of breaking through the air, the spear in his hand was parallel to the ground, and the blade pointed at Tang Luo: "He who violates the law, kill without pardon!"

"Heavenly ..."

Tang Luo narrowed his eyes and spit out two words.

He really didn't expect that, to the end, he would kill a heavenly soldier!

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