Step Back! Master is Here!

Step Back! Master is Here! Chapter 442: Did you have fun?

The icy and hard spear is a weapon of war.

Just like Tianwei, you can't touch it and die immediately.

Tianbing looked at Tang Luo with empty eyes, and declared his guilt. It was not like a person cold, but some kind of "mechanism".

"It depends on whether you have this ability." Tang Luo said with a smile.

To him, the evil spirit of the soldiers felt like a spring breeze.

The Heavenly Soldier didn't answer, the spear pierced, the speed was not fast, but it seemed like a mountain came.

Suddenly, the blade of the gun is constantly enlarged to avoid it, but this is the only way.

Tang Luo reached out a finger and moved forward.

The "Mountain Gun" stopped, the tip of the gun rested on Tang Luo's fingers, and the muscles were slightly sunken, not allowed to enter!


Tianbing growled, murderous.

The power was fully focused on the spear in his hand.

Tang Luo didn't move his fingers, but a crack appeared on the blade of the gun, and then the whole gun burst into pieces.

Tian Bing's body didn't push back, the sword at the waist came out of the sheath, and Tang Luo reached out and pressed it back halfway, while patting Tian Bing's head.

Heavenly soldiers reached out to resist.

He smashed into his head with his arm, and he stepped back two steps and fell to the ground.

"It should be the final form." Tang Luo walked over and looked at the heavenly soldier who fell to the ground. His figure slowly faded, became transparent, and finally disappeared.

"Not even a ray of residual soul." Tang Luo shook his head.

This heavenly soldier is obviously not a "serious heavenly soldier", too weak.

Although Tian Bing is not like the real "immortal realm" like the famous gods in heaven, it is definitely not a weak person.

The feeling that the soldiers gave him this day was more like a concrete manifestation of obsession.

Without waiting for Tang Luo to leave the villa, a bubble, a black bubble suddenly popped up where Tianbing disappeared.

Then, a lot of black matter poured out of it, and began to engulf everything around.

Tang Luo did not step back, but instead took the initiative to reach up and reach out to touch.

As soon as the black matter was contaminated, they were entangled like sacral crucifixion, and seemed to want to engulf Tang Luo and pull it into eternal darkness.

Tang Luo allowed the black substance to cover his arm, but only let it cover his arm.

The black matter was spreading wildly in all directions. Within a few breaths, the villa had disappeared.

There was darkness all around, Tang Luo stood in the darkness, and everything around him turned into nothingness.

Obviously "standing", but there is a constant sinking feeling.

"Stabilize", Tang Luo looked around.

The black "tidal water" spread, without making any sound, and devouring everything around it silently.

Whether it's a building or a pedestrian.

Every touch of black matter will blend into this black, as if it never existed.

Moreover, pedestrians on the road did not realize that the Kuroshio was spreading.

Tang Luo saw a couple standing on the side of the road and politely showed affection for dog abuse.

The Kuroshio spread, swallowing up one of them, but the other was unaware, and then disappeared into the Kuroshio.

The single dogs being abused in the distance still glanced angrily from time to time, and then followed in the footsteps of the two.

In front of the Kuroshio, all people are treated equally.

Everyone was swallowed up without any resistance, as if they should be part of this underworld.

In the black space, only Tang Luo was still standing.

The black substance on the arm was still working.

Gently flicked it, just like the small bug attached to the arm, the black matter was instantly scattered and disappeared.

Tangluo took a step forward, as if he had crossed countless distances at once, and appeared on the road at the end of the Kuroshio.

The surrounding scene changed, and the black space completely disappeared.

So everything has returned to its original state.

There was just no one around, Tang Luo jumped up, jumped over the high-rise building, and looked around, everything was normal.

But he was very clear that the black space formed by the Kuroshio just now had bitten off a large area.

That area now doesn't seem to exist.

What about people in the area?

Tang Luo spent a little time investigating some people he knew, such as Liang Tianzan and his son, and Heilong Finance.

Many plausible results were found, but none of them were.

These people, as if they never existed, were wiped out.

Including the parents of the original owner, as well as the existence of the original owner.

That's right, the area swallowed by the Kuroshio also includes Tang Luo's living area, home, and school.

"It's a black house again," Tang Luo secretly said.

However, there is only one coin-scattering incident involving the substitute wooden man Ao Yulie.

The first incident completely disappeared as Black Dragon Finance was swallowed up by the Kuroshio.

But the second one has nothing to do with Black Dragon Finance. The places swallowed up by the Kuroshio seem to be connected, but in fact it is not.

The second event was not in the disappearing area.

Heavenly soldier, and the Kuroshio that appeared after the disappearance of Heavenly soldier.

This world reveals a very strange and dangerous state.

Escaping this task may not be as simple as Tang Luo thought at first.

But it doesn't matter, whether it's simple or not, finding Ao Yulie, Zhu Bajie, and Xiaotian Dog is the thing that lies above the task.


Tang Luo walked to the bustling pedestrian street, looking for the next place where coins could be sprinkled.

Suddenly I heard a familiar melody in my ear.

He turned his head, and the melody came from a dessert shop by the road.

Turning inside, Tang Luo ordered a dessert and asked casually, "This song is very nice, I don't think I've heard it before."

"Of course it sounds good." The cashier is a cute little girl with a little pride and joy in her tone. "This is the new song of the son of Bai. It just came out yesterday. It is not an official version. It is just a recording of the audition. It's all crazy, it's so nice. "

"Gongzi Bai?" Tang Luo asked, "Who is that?"

The little girl froze, and couldn't help looking at Tang Luo carefully, her face was reddish, and she whispered, "Gongzi Bai is an artist, very famous."

Originally she wanted to say, "Uncle you are forty, you don't even know your son Bai".

But if you look closely, the face under that white hair is so handsome! So he changed his mouth.

"Can you tell me?" Tang Luo looked very interested.

"Okay, okay!" The little girl nodded again and again, and was able to talk to Amway's own idols, which is obviously a thing that fans love.

What's more, Amway's opponent is like a handsome guy. If one or two go, hey ...

Even the child's name is already thought out!

A few minutes later, Tang Luo gave the dessert prepared by the chef to the young girl and walked out of the shop.

What this boy Bai is, has basically figured out.

The son Bai is a stage name, or a nickname from a fan. His real name is "Bai Chengyun." His occupation is an artist and idol.

It ’s the kind of thing that does n’t know anything, it seems like it ’s a little bit like that. It ’s involved in film and television, singing, etc. It mainly depends on a face to hit the world.

Singing sings well. Everyone said what it was. Fans came out and said, "Gongzi Bai's main business is not singing. He is now focusing on acting."

The finished movie and TV came out, and people who watched it couldn't wait to dig out their eyes.

Fans are also grieved: "Gongzi Bai is not an actual actor. This is just his hobbies and attempts. Xiaobai works hard."

In short, people who like to listen to songs ask him to perform, and people who like to watch movies and television ask him to sing their songs.

In the end, the two sides reached an agreement. You should be a model, at least as long as you can.

Don't talk, it's fine.

However, this time the son Bai Fengping seems to be turning around, the reason lies in his audition song.

Very nice and nice.

The former is the evaluation of professional musicians, and the latter is the peace of most passers-by-the pink and black evaluations are negligible.

Fans, idols say "hello" to heaven. Black, even if you make a world famous song, it is rubbish.

Although it is just a song for audition, this song was composed and edited by Gongzi Bai's personal arrangement.

Many well-known professional musicians have given high praise.

It means that although the singing is still a little unsatisfactory, the musical accomplishment is indeed good, and it is out of the past ...

The song is indeed good. It is not bad to blow a wave of conscience, and it will be louder after collecting the money.

"It's quite fun, Little White Dragon." Tang Luo looked at the building in front of him and smiled.

A smile that shivered if Ao Yulie was seen.

This song is certainly good, because it is a classic song in the real world, with a high degree of singing and enduring.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Bailong went to the mission world to become an idol, and also became a "song dugong."

Do you want to take yourself as the protagonist and have a life as a city entertainment idol?

The guy has a good idea, but not sober.

We are not crossing, rebirth, but completing the task everywhere.

The style of painting is not correct and needs to be reversed.

Entering the invisible state, Tang Luo entered the building in front of him.

Of course, this is not the home of Gongzi Bai, but the entertainment company he is in. I heard that it is very good.

This building belongs to this company. Gongzi Bai is the T1 grade of his artist-in terms of making money.

Being able to make money is a good thing, and naturally the status and treatment are also T1 grade.

Dedicated dance studios, recording studios, lounges, brokers, life assistants and more are all equipped.

What's more, the treatment will be improved, or he will become a brother.

Outsiders don't know, everyone in the company knows that these days, Gongzi Bai seems to be suddenly enlightened.

The song released was just one of the songs he suddenly composed.

There are many more songs that are no less good than this one.

I heard the boss laughed after hearing the demo.

It is foreseeable that Gongzi Bai's starlight will inevitably skyrocket 90,000 miles.

"In fact, there is nothing to say ~ ~ It suddenly opens up. Sometimes inspiration comes, and it can't be blocked."

At this time, in the lounge, the son Bai was sitting on the sofa with a big grin, boasting to a group of younger fans, "For example, now I look at you and suddenly want to sing.

"Oh, BABY, you are my only one ..."

A coquett of envy and hatred sounded in the room, covering up the sound of the door being opened and closed.

After singing a few words, the boy smiled proudly.

Brother is a genius!

"Little white dragon, are you having fun?"

Suddenly, a voice sounded.

The boy's white smile froze, and he suddenly felt so scared. At the spot, he was surprised. Why?

Who is this white-haired guy and where did it come from?

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