Stormwind God

Chapter 998: Elite Demon Lord Duke

"Warning! Warning!"

"The host's body reacted strongly!"

"Please turn on [Light / Dark Attribute Conversion] as soon as possible, otherwise the host's upper limit of temperance is likely to drop permanently."

In Duke's spiritual sea, the alarm of the system elves was endless. Obviously the alarm sound is so noisy that it will almost drive Duke crazy, but Duke can only choose to turn off the alarm.

He had no choice, this is the old nest of the Burning Legion.

Not to mention the insidious, revenge-ridden Kil'jaeden is sitting in command of the fleet at this moment, even the deities of Sargeras, who had been killed by Duke, and Archimonde, who had just flung in Hyjal At this point in time, they are still alive in the space fleet of the Burning Legion.

Turn darkness into light?

Are you kidding me?

Didn't see Kil'jaeden and Archimonde hunting Velen and the later Draenei for countless centuries in revenge for Velen, who was also one of the three giants of Eredar?

Duke dared to show a little transformation, and he was immediately sent to the dissection table.

"Warning! Warning!"

"Because the host's discipline (human nature) is about to break through the lower limit, one or more of the negative mental characteristics that were once suppressed will appear randomly."

Seeing this reminder, Duke shouted in the spirit sea on the spot: "Junk! What do I do with so many protective walls in the spiritual world?"

"Sorry, host! Your spirit and soul are still based on your physical body. The physical condition in turn will affect the spirit. You can't expect your best spirit when you are hungry status."

"..." Duke was silent.

In silence, with a bit of fear, watching more green evil energy poured into his heart.

Duke is unlucky!

Because he was sold to this **** place, even if he repeatedly vowed to look back to give Nozdormu a good look, even if he bet a million times to kill the Burning Legion, he still couldn't change the fact that he was bad.

Duke was lucky again!

The essence of evil energy is to destroy the dark power that condenses life and soul, which is itself the largest aggregate of all negative states.

Because Duke subconsciously isolated the perception of the five senses between the mind and the body ...

The scorching smell that made him unable to feel endless death impacted his sense of smell;

It is not necessary to know how terrible the pain caused by the brutal physical torture when the evil energy is injected into the body;

Nor will they be hit hard by hearing and soul because of the countless despair and sorrows of the destroyed races and souls;

You will not even see the tragic illusions of those unlucky ghosts before they die.

What Duke has to face is just the various psychological impulses brought to him by the high-purity evil!

But this is definitely not easy!

In the virtual spiritual fantasy, Duke has begun to fight against various negative impulses!

He asked the fictional man to eat 10,000 Big Mac hamburgers in response to [Gluttony].

He dealt with his inner [greed] by robbing the Federal Reserve a million times.

He slept for ten million years in the illusory world, completing his [laziness].

He fought an endless war with the teachers in 10tb ***** to resolve his [氵 仁 欲].


Finally, the three giants of the Burning Legion were magnificently beaten 10,000 times and 10,000 times, and they were frustrated and ashes 100 million times from the beginning to the end, venting their [anger].

Outside, Grom watched Duke's body convulsing constantly after the dwarf of the fel solution.

He could n’t imagine what Duke was going to face in the spiritual world, but listening to Duke ’s bones kept making loud noises, and then seeing Duke ’s body extremely swollen, becoming the size of two people, it is not difficult to imagine that How amazing the suffering he was suffering at the moment.

However, on the other side, he can also see the clue from the horrified expression of the demons of the Burning Legion.

"Crazy! Crazy! It's crazy! Is it because we're mistaken for purity! How could a low-level creature accommodate so much evil energy !?" Oresses' face was filled with unbelief.

"It's impossible! Are you treating us all as blind? There is already enough to build a hundred demon lords." Queen Saloras gritted her teeth.

"Is this mysterious human being particularly capable of containing evil energy ..."

"What a joke! There can be no such existence."

"But ... the evil energy he absorbed has far exceeded the level of ordinary lords, and is approaching commander-in-chief!" Oresses' expression was about to cry.

The Ereda Twins couldn't imagine how the fourth giant appeared in the Burning Legion!

At this time, the syringe that was constantly being pressed in suddenly stopped automatically.

Seeing this scene, the Ereda twins finally stopped the terror in their hearts. After all, this means that Duke's total evil energy is at most only half of the commander-level demons.

Actually, it's not here yet.

Because the next second, Duke's eyes opened suddenly, without any warning, and 100,000 pores opened up and down the body at the same time, spraying the turbulent fel gas in the green.

At that moment, first of all, the surging green breath turned into a huge shock wave, and all the intermediate-level demons closest to Duke were all shocked.

Immediately afterwards, the doomsday guard suddenly issued a painful sorrow, kneeling to the ground while screaming.

It wasn't that Duke attacked them directly, but that they were all burned by the ultra-high concentration of evil gas sprayed by Duke.

The air is ten times and one hundred times more concentrated, and it can be used as an air cannon to kill the enemy.

Not to mention the fact that it already represents high-energy evil energy.

As if spilled by sulfuric acid, the doomsday guards appeared corroded throughout their bodies. The extremely thick scale armor on these powerful demon skins, as well as the cuticles as hard as steel, all melted away like wet toilet paper.

Grom looked at all this in amazement.

Fortunately, before the airwaves reached him, the Ereda Gemini, who was watching him, took a decisive shot of a button on a post rising from the ground.

The powerful ventilation system is activated, and the ultra-high concentration of evil energy gas is drawn out of the hall in an instant.

Even so, hundreds of doomsday guards died.

Here is the twisted void, and the demon who died here is dead! Can no longer be resurrected!

Ereda Gemini's complexion is very wonderful, with astonishment, with horror, and with the slightest expectation.

On the operating table in the center of the hall, an object of its original size, similar to Duke, slowly stood up. Apparently it looks no different, but the powerful evil breath coming to the air tells Ereda the Twins

A new elite demon lord is born!

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