Stormwind God

Chapter 963: Ten seconds hero

"Stop him!" Malfurion issued the final roar in despair: "Once the power of the world tree is absorbed, it will be reversed to release [Death Breath]! Weak him, otherwise our last resort will not work! "

Archdruid didn't have time to explain what [Death Breath] was, but it didn't sound like a good thing.

In the distance, the elves of Mount Hyjal and even the surrounding regions were shocked. Gorgeous light spheres like stars are flying towards the world tree at super high speed. Those light spheres are the most basic unit elf of the night elves.

They are both craftsmen of the night elves, who can help the elves to collect wood and other resources. At the same time, they are said to be the final appearance of the soul after the death of the night elves.

The legend of the elf now has no time to study.

However, what is certain is that if Archimonde's vitality does not fall below the lower limit, these spirit elf spirits will rush forward to play and explode, it will only be a delivery.

I am afraid it will be forced to fall instantly, and then be made into the material of "soul punishment" at once!

"Stop him !!"

For the last time, Mograine split out of the [Emerald]!

Immediately, he knelt down on the ground, panting heavily.

For an old soldier going straight to the 60-year-old mark, he is no longer young. It seems that the infinite power can kill the Scourge to the dregs. [Ember Messenger] Although it is a typical sacred artifact, using such a powerful weapon also requires physical and mental strength.

After squeezing out all the forces in his body, what was split was a brilliant golden crescent moon.

The golden crescent was suddenly cut off, but the moment before the last hit, Archimonde hid.

A stout right leg fell off.


Archimonde didn't know what the ghost talent was, but leaning on both arms and one leg, he was still climbing up.

"Stop him"

Turalyon was desperately too, [Querzalam] bursting into the golden light of the sun, the long beam of light pierced the back of Archimonde from behind, burst from his chest, and even shot into the world Inside the trunk of the tree.

It looked like a golden spear had nailed Archimonde to it.


In just three seconds, Archimonde continued to climb up.

Evil black rays appeared on his three hands and feet, firmly clinging to the epidermis of the world tree, and began to erode the green on the world tree bark at high speed.

Even more frightening is that his broken right leg seems to have started to grow a new, smaller, younger leg.

"Stop him" Tyrande was sobbing, she ignored her blood-stained right palm, and was still mechanically pulling bows, archery, bows, archery!

Each capable long-range hero chased Archimonde insanely, and they desperately poured fire on Archmund's spine as if he had completely lost his pain.

Even those of Jaina came back.

But the effect is getting weaker!

Quite simply, melee professionals cannot wear heavy armor and climb such a world tree that it would take at least a thousand people to hold together!

Losing the damage of the two strongest Swords, the entire team's attack power suddenly dropped by more than one grade.

Almost reached a critical point.

Archimonde's vitality had fallen to a very dangerous level for him. However, as long as he absorbed a large amount of power from the world tree and successfully transformed into dark evil energy, then he could immediately turn around and not only kill Du Kill them all, and kick the whole Azeroth into the abyss of destruction just like his evil plan.

With tears in her face, Tyrande suddenly remembered that she had the last holy sword on her side, and she suddenly turned her head and stared at Duke desperately: "Duke is fine! Please!"

Realizing that he was starting to be powerless, after throwing the Doomhammer for the fourth time, he saw no hope of shooting down Archimonde, and Thrall looked back: "Duke sees you!"

Luo Ning struggled to get up from the ground and scream in the sky: "Destruction of Dalaran"

Mograine shouted unwillingly: "The fall of Lordaeron"

Jaina flashed to Duke, her fists clenched, and her fair skin was full of angry red: "Duke! My father and brother's enemies ..."

Sylvanas reluctantly plunged his long bow into the ground and screamed, "Every Quildore's enemies ..."

Thousands of elite warriors who refused to evacuate stared at Duke in the distance.

Thousands of elven souls watched Duke.

Countless forces, everyone who darted their teeth and cheered for Duke before magic mirroring, stared at Duke desperately.

They are waiting!

They are looking forward!

They are sincerely eager!

They shouted in their hearts!

Pray for Duke Marcus, known as Azeroth's greatest hero in thousands of years, for them, for the entire world, to make the most terrible existence of the horrible existence of the Burning Legion Commander Archimonde. hit!

The attention and hope of billions of souls made Duke's heart extremely heavy.

Duke has long understood that he must do his best.

Only he, who also holds the holy sword, can destroy Archimonde and create a chance for the elf's self-explosion.

However, this cannot be done by the avatar.

After all, avatars are avatars, and their strength can never exceed the body.

Can kill Archimonde!

The only possibility is that he went directly!

No one knew, Archimonde had any final killing tricks.

No one can guarantee what will happen to Archimonde.

There are only two ways before Duke:

Either miss the opportunity and become a sinner for the entire Azeroth ...

Or become a hero for ten seconds.

Duke laughed.

Feng Qingyun smiled lightly.

The bright and clear smile was to Jaina, to Sylvanas, to every lover who silently followed him in the distance, to everyone who trusted him, and gave him his last hope.

"I went."


It was a seemingly frivolous cry.

But let countless ladies love it for life.

The next moment, Duke's figure turned into a streamer, and it was already under the tree when it appeared again.

"Grom." The same bland call made the orc warlord fully understand what Duke thought.

The burly figure jumped to Kane's totem pole first, as if playing a high flying ball, Kane used his last strength to hit Grom up high.

It was Grom * Hellscream's highest jump ever.

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