Strange story player

Chapter 432 Three people

Qin Manjiang and [Abyss] are climbing to the top of the mountain.

The two chatted briefly along the way, and Qin Manjiang said, "How about we go over the logic from the beginning?"

Abyss nodded.

"First of all, this world is the spiritual world of [One], but it is not completely controlled by [One]." Qin Manjiang said.

Abyss nodded, and the reason was very simple. If all the behaviors of the seven children in the "spiritual world" were controlled by him, then there was no need for him to beautify that memory, he could just delete it.

But he obviously doesn't want [Seven Children] to see the real memories, but he can only cover them up through "beautification" behavior, and cannot directly erase them. This kind of similar method is the best evidence.

"Why is he unwilling to let the [Seven Children] see the real memories?" Although Qin Manjiang was asking, there was no doubt on his face, "Because although the [Seven Children] were born in his body, they are not related to this spiritual world. Same, same not completely under his control, letting the children know the truth will have adverse consequences for him..."

Shen Yuan looked at Qin Manjiang and said, "So, he beautified his memory and made the seven children in his body do the same thing over and over again."

"Well," Qin Manjiang nodded, "the phenomenon of [plot interpretation] will occur because in this round of the spiritual world, [Seven Children] are still repeating the plot he set, but the appearance of the player broke the original plot. plot development."

"Every time the plot changes, Spider-Woman shows up."

"But Spider Woman did not arrive directly in front of the [seven children] and kill them, but because the [plot change] was getting closer and closer." Qin Manjiang continued.

"There is a force restricting her," Abyss stepped on Qin Manjiang's footprints and responded while climbing up. "It is [One]'s consciousness. He is preventing Spider Woman from approaching the seven children."

"Yes...that's why I took the initiative to get close to Spider-Woman last night."

Qin Manjiang mentioned what happened to him last night.

A very simple logic.

The purpose of [One] is to maintain the [original plot], and changes in the plot will attract Spider-Woman. Why will the adaptation of the plot attract Spider-Woman?

Because the change in the plot means that [Seven Children] has gone off the scheduled track, and there is a risk of detecting "real memories".

The more [plot changes] there are, the greater the possibility of detecting "real memories".

Spider-Woman is getting closer.

If you draw [original plot] and [real memory] as a line.

It is easy to understand that the left is [original plot] and the right is [real memory]. The farther away from [original plot], the closer to [real memory].

And the closer you get to [True Memory], the closer you get to Spider Woman.

That’s why Qin Manjiang took the risk to do that kind of thing...

Being close to Spider-Woman is actually roughly equivalent to being close to real memories, but no one can be sure of this degree.

If you get close enough, will you die first at the hands of Spider-Woman? Or activate real memories and escape from the conscious world?

"So, there is only one thing we can do." Abyss whispered.

He began to pant.

Qin Manjiang glanced back, no way...this kid even copied the point about his lack of physical strength?

"Are you okay? Why don't you take a rest?" Qin Manjiang asked.

Abyss shook his head and continued: "So... what we can do... is to change the plot as much as possible and bring out Spider-Woman..."

"Not only do we want her to get close to us, we also have to take the initiative to get close to her..."

"I just... want to achieve... the second point..." Abyss took three breaths and said intermittently: "We need to... break... the fear... of her external image. This is not easy..."

It's not easy for me to listen to you.

Qin Manjiang was a little helpless.

Last night, he didn't explain to Xia Nan why he wanted to chase Spider-Woman, because he didn't know how close was just right.

Even this idea may not be correct...

Now that Abyss thinks so, Qin Manjiang is truly convinced that there is nothing wrong.

At this time, a voice came from behind:


"You are……"

The two stopped and looked back.

The person who was going up the mountain despite the snowflakes that had just begun to fall turned out to be Chen Xin!

Although Qin Manjiang did not believe Wu Tiansheng's words, he did not expect that Chen Xin was still alive. Not only was he alive, but he had no injuries on his body and was in good spirits.

Chen Xin also breathed a sigh of relief when he saw it was [Professor] and [Abyss].

He is now very afraid of meeting a single player. As long as they are in pairs, it will be easy to handle.

"please wait!"

Chen Xin quickened his pace to catch up.

When he got closer, Qin Manjiang looked him up and down. Before he could ask, Chen Xin said, "Have you met Wu Tiansheng? Please don't believe him. He is now dominated by [One]'s consciousness."

The consciousness of [One] is in Wu Tiansheng’s body?

"How did you determine that?" Qin Manjiang asked.

"Feel it for yourself." Chen Xin explained.

He began to recount what had happened before from the beginning.

"He and I found a wooden house and found a corpse in the wooden house. That corpse was the 'mother' in the memory," Chen Xin's memory returned to yesterday evening.

"I squatted down to check the cause of death of the deceased, but when I touched the body with my hands, I clearly felt a chill penetrated into my body through the part where I was in contact with the body."

Chen Xin said seriously.

"At that time, I thought it was just a sudden chill. Although the chill remained faintly in my body, I didn't pay too much attention."

"Until..." Chen Xin looked at Qin Manjiang and Abyss, "When I asked Wu Tiansheng to turn over the body, I saw..."

"When Wu Tiansheng came into contact with the corpse, his body stiffened for a moment. At the same time, the faint chill in my body disappeared and disappeared."

Chen Xin said firmly: "I was alert at that time. Later...when I was analyzing the current situation, I saw a shadow on the ground. It was Wu Tiansheng who raised a wooden stick and wanted to attack me. He also admitted it himself. The consciousness that oneself is [one].”

"But I kept an eye on him, dodged his sneak attack, and escaped from the cabin after fighting back."

Chen Xin revealed his findings without any concealment.

At the same time, Chen Xin added: "Judging from [One]'s actions after possessing Wu Tiansheng, he will not bring inhuman power to Wu Tiansheng, so I suspect that although [One] is [Seven Children] But in this ghost story, [1] is the victim, not the ghost."

"I'm very confused, who is the ghost?"

Chen Xin asked.

After Qin Manjiang listened, he couldn't help but admire Chen Xin's wit. He said, "I'll tell you about Spider Woman."

"Spider Woman?" Chen Xin was stunned.

He had no idea what Spider-Woman was, because Spider-Woman only appeared after he and Wu Tiansheng changed the plot and left the team.

He and Wu Tiansheng never saw Spider-Woman from beginning to end.

"Well, if I have to say it...Spider Woman may be [One]'s sister."

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