Strange story player

Chapter 433 Failure

The words are divided into two parts.

Qin Manjiang, Shen Yuan, and Chen Xin have met and are exchanging ideas with each other.

At this time, further up the snow mountain, Hu Feifei was walking out from behind the snow slope, walking towards the "Spider Woman" with a calm expression.

Most of her thoughts are the same as Qin Manjiang's, the only difference is...

She witnessed a real ghost.

[Pupillary Realm] was turned on. After confirming that he was selected by this strange story, Hu Feifei carefully looked at the players who were traveling with him.

Shen Yuan, Professor, Chen Xin, Wu Tiansheng, Xia Nan, Lin Ruonan... none of these six people have any friendship with him.

She made up her mind at that time to act "simple" when she entered.

Human beings, although they subconsciously look down on fools, will also subconsciously lower their guard in front of fools.

The less threatening she appears, the less attention she will draw.

She has used this method very skillfully in the past.

Same thing this time.

She even learned a fact earlier than everyone else...

[One]'s consciousness will possess the person who comes into contact with it when it comes into contact with a corpse within the snow-capped mountains.

Because she was the first person to come into contact with the body.

Before the two groups met, she was the one who stepped on the body of "Wu Tiansheng".

At that time, there was a cold touch that quickly penetrated into the body from the soles of the feet, and then that feeling stayed in the body without moving.

Hu Feifei knew that she must have stepped on something unusual.

She truly confirmed that the chill that penetrated her body was actually [One]'s consciousness when [the plot was triggered].

When the plot was triggered for the first time, I said, "Do we really have to dig them out?" 】That sentence, at that time, she clearly felt that her mouth said this sentence uncontrollably.

But because of everyone's speculation, she also thought it was a normal [plot interpretation], but she just happened to be the beginning of the plot.


When [plot interpretation] appeared for the second time, she was truly sure that there must be [one] consciousness in her body.

Because at the beginning of the second plot, it was still her, it was her sentence "Eh?" Is there anyone there? 】.

When did that chill in the body disappear?

After Hu Feifei discovered that the coolness was [Yi]'s consciousness, she wanted to get rid of him completely, but she didn't know what to do.

Until last night...she witnessed the huge ghost on the top of the snow mountain with her own eyes.

It was also at that moment that Hu Feifei determined the real horror in this snow mountain.

Not [One], nor [Spider-Woman]. Strictly speaking, [One] and [Spider-Woman] are just victims.

The terrifying giant ghost that can only hold the waist of the peak with one hand and exudes an ominous aura is the real ghost story...

At that time, she almost suffocated to death.

She didn't tell anyone how she felt at that time, and she was the only one who knew the real cause of Lin Ruonan's death.

Lin Ruonan undoubtedly died from the curse emanating from that giant ghost.

Just by witnessing "it", Lin Ruonan died in his dream.

That night, Hu Feifei also dreamed of "it".

It was a weird, horrifying, terrifying nightmare, indescribable, huge ghosts existing in the snowy mountains overlooking the humans as small as dust below.

At that moment, Hu Feifei clearly felt the terrifying ability of the ghost.

It can manipulate human beings' spiritual world and completely play with them from the spiritual level...

Whether [One] split into [seven children] or became [Spider Woman], [One]'s sister undoubtedly suffered the most terrifying spiritual curse.

Although their bodies have not changed, their spiritual worlds have been distorted and collapsed...

Just when Hu Feifei thought he was going to die in his dream, the coolness suddenly screamed and disappeared.

She also suddenly woke up from her dream.

Next, after seeing Lin Ruonan's death, she understood it completely.

She should have died in her dream like Lin Ruonan, but she never thought that the consciousness in her body would block her.

In the real world, [1] is encountering a real snow mountain giant ghost and experiencing "real terror".

So...he is just a coward who doesn't want to wake up and face the real world.

In his spiritual world, his sister became a fourteen-legged "Spider Woman". That image was more like a mixture of his split "seven children" and "sister".

His sister's constant approach was actually a constant reminder of his original intention of entering the snow-capped mountains.

It is also constantly stimulating [the seven children]... It’s time to wake up. This is not a true story, nor is it the real world.

The answer is obvious, stay close to her, stay close to your sister.

You can wake up and let [1], the person who has sunk in his own spiritual world, face reality.

But...that Xia Nan was a bit beyond her expectation.

Although Fucheng [Tongjie] would not do anything to harm his companions to save their lives, there were very few people who were willing to help others in a life-or-death situation.

And Xia Nan's reaction of subconsciously pulling her away just now touched her heart somewhat.

As players, we have experienced too much life and death, and we are more or less numb. For example, when Lin Ruonan died, everyone may be sad for a moment, but they will soon discuss the next thing, and no one will pay attention to a dead person. person, because... at the moment of death, that person's past, present, and future have no meaning to other people.

Players will not care about anything that is meaningless, but life is inherently meaningless, and this is numbness. a human being, the last thing we should do is to be numb.

Spider Woman walked slowly out of the wind and snow, stood still, and stopped.

She was wearing a dirty plain white dress, and the densely packed legs and feet under the skirt made people feel chilly in their hearts.

It is indeed not easy to overcome the fear of this image.

But Hu Feifei was convinced that the way out was here.

She got closer step by step.

My heart beats hard with the next step.

She hasn't felt such a nervous moment for a long time...

Spider Woman's hair was fluttering strangely in the flying snowflakes. She lowered her head, making no movement, soundless, and harmless.

Xia Nan poked her head out from behind the snow slope and stared at Hu Feifei and Spider Woman.

Although he had some clues, he still didn't understand the meaning of Qin Manjiang and Hu Feifei's actions of actively "seeking death".

Is this the only way out for Spider-Woman?

So what if a player suddenly goes crazy, wants to fight to the death, and rushes to Spider-Woman, wouldn't he pass the level instead?

He always felt that things were not that simple...

At this time, Hu Feifei's eyes were gradually widening, but his pupils were shrinking.

The closer she gets to Spider-Woman, the stronger the panic in her heart becomes!

The blood all over her body seemed to be half coagulating and half boiling. She only felt that her mouth and nose were extremely dry, and the cold air she breathed in was like tiny needles, stinging her body and causing pain.

You can't get any's very dangerous, extremely dangerous! ! !

Her heart was beating wildly, and her brain was frantically giving her warnings.

But at this moment, where does she have a way out?

Three meters...

Two meters...

one meter.

Hu Feifei stood in front of Spider Woman.

She could even smell the rotting corpse stench on the other party's body...

It's within reach.

The change hasn't happened yet, it seems we have to encounter it.

Hu Feifei slowly raised his hand...

However, the spider woman in front of her suddenly raised her head!

This was the first time she had seen its face.

The skin was wrinkled dryly, and the inside of the eye sockets...the eyeballs took on a completely black and terrifying color.

The corners of its mouth were grinned to an exaggerated degree, and it was smiling!

The next second...

Hu Feifei's head rose into the sky.

Bloody red blood spurted out from the broken part of his neck, splashing to a height of more than three meters.

Steaming blood spilled on the ground, and Hu Feifei's head rolled all the way to the front of the snow slope.

There was still disbelief in her eyes, as if she didn't believe that she would die here.

Xia Nan looked at her head that fell to the ground...

Hu Feifei's lips trembled slightly, the look in his pupils quickly faded, and he stopped moving.

(Please give me a monthly ticket...)

Thanks to the Messenger of Heaven and Book Friends 2023 for the reward, thank you!

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