Strange story player

Chapter 632 Ship of Theseus

This man, his...father...

There was a joy that could not be hidden from the bottom of my heart, but there was no smile on my face.

The sky is low in Fucheng and the clouds are dark.

The "patient" staggered on the street, and the father standing in front of him had complicated eyes.


Qin Manjiang murmured.

No matter who Jiang Du is, no matter who he is, at least the nearly twenty years of care are real. Qin Manjiang's father in his heart has always been Lao Qin.

However, when this word was really shouted out again, Qin Manjiang felt a little strange.

Old Qin looked back at the villa area and said to Qin Manjiang and Shen Kui: "Come with me."

Naturally, Shen Hu didn't speak, and just looked at Qin Manjiang.

Qin Manjiang nodded, followed Lao Qin, and separated a path in the strange crowd.

All the way through the streets and alleys, Lao Qin walked in front without saying a word, and Qin Manjiang followed behind without saying a word.

Only Shen Hu occasionally glanced at Lao Qin.

Arriving at an old house in a village in the city, Lao Qin opened the door with a key and said, "Come in."

As soon as he entered the house, before he got used to the light being blocked by the surrounding tall buildings, Shen Su spoke.

He found a chair and sat down unceremoniously: "Uncle, how do you know where we are? Why did you stop us?"

Lao Qin lowered his head and poured water for the two of them while saying, "Not only do I know, there are twenty people in this world who know..."

"Twenty?" Shen Hu was very sensitive to this number and immediately thought, "The ghost stories of Xiajiang Village in Fucheng have lasted for twenty years. One person died every year, which is exactly twenty people. Do you mean that we came here?" Will the world’s news be noticed by you who have also come from the real world?”

Lao Qin placed the water cup in front of the two of them and nodded: "Well... we just sensed the arrival of the five of you."

"So obvious?" Shen Kui was a little surprised.

Lao Qin shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Just like this water cup, when other water is mixed in, the original water in the cup will of course vibrate."

He sighed softly and picked up the water glass: "An inappropriate metaphor. The world is like a water glass. Its capacity is actually very small, but it can grow larger over time. The limit of one real human being entering every year is already the limit. For so many years, there have only been twenty drops of real water. Now, five drops of you have come in all at once, which has destroyed the balance of this world. Those 'people' who are not real drops of water have been squeezed out of the cup."

"Being like that is just the beginning. Next, the world will collapse."

What Lao Qin said was very clear, but Qin Manjiang felt very uncomfortable in his heart when he listened.

He remained silent and listened.

He is familiar with Lao Qin. After all, he is his father who has been with him for nearly twenty years. This old farmer with a low level of education does not pay attention to the choice of words and sentences when he speaks, and even has a small regional accent.

It is absolutely talk like this.

"Manjiang..." Old Qin seemed to notice something was wrong with Qin Manjiang's mood. He looked at Qin Manjiang. He obviously had a lot of words of comfort that he wanted to say, but when he saw Qin Manjiang's blank eyes and almost bloodless lips, what happened to those words? I can't say anything anymore.

He waited in silence. He knew that Qin Manjiang was a person with strong self-digestion ability. This child... liked to be alone since he was a child. He would not trouble others when encountering any problems or problems. He would worry about them all by himself. If you are troubled, things will be solved, and so will your emotions.

Sure enough, although his personality has changed a bit, these lowest-level behaviors are still the same as before.

Qin Manjiang's eyes slowly became brighter.

"So, what do you want to do?" Qin Manjiang looked at Lao Qin calmly.

"I don't want to do anything. I went there just to stop you."

Lao Qin shook his head.

"The twenty of us all know that five people have entered this world, but we can't know which five they are. Moreover, we can't tell whether the you who entered this world have replaced the original 'you' in this world. .”

"Is there any difference here?" Shen Ku asked curiously.

"Yes," Lao Qin pointed at himself, "After I came to this world, I was caught between the real world and this world for a short period of time. I could only observe 'myself' in this world until he accidentally saw his own face. , and then his face gradually disappears, and I can slowly transform from the gap between time and space into a real existence, and become...'me' in this world."

"Because of your one-time overdose, more and more 'people' have been squeezed out of this world. The operating logic imitated from the real world is collapsing. Therefore, the people who rely on this world to survive have no choice but to kill you." Only then can we have a chance to restore the world to a state of balance." Old Qin revealed their [true] fundamental purpose, but Qin Manjiang and Shen Kui had already vaguely guessed this, so they weren't too surprised.

On the contrary, Shen Kui was a little puzzled: "Why can't we just kill 'us' in this world? Since 'they' no longer exist, we naturally have no one to replace them?"

"No, you before being replaced, that is, the indigenous people of this world, also have your own set of behavioral logic. They are protected by the rules of this world. If they are interfered and killed by people from reality, they will also be killed. Causing the collapse of the world."

After hearing what Lao Qin said, Qin Manjiang suddenly stood up: "So, in order to maintain the normal operation of this world, they who come from the real world can only kill us who are also from the real world, but before they do it, they must make sure that we have been replaced. Not native to this world.”

Qin Manjiang looked at Shen Hu: "So the best way is to say something that only we from the real world can understand to lure us into taking the bait."

"No wonder..." Shen Kui nodded.

"Let's go." Qin Manjiang said to Shen Hu.

"Oh." Shen Kui quickly took a sip of water and just stood up.

"Wait!" Lao Qin subconsciously stretched out his hand to stop them from leaving.

But he saw Qin Manjiang standing at the door of the old house, without looking back: "Thank you for your message... Goodbye."

Qin Manjiang stepped out of the room. Shen Kui was startled and immediately followed him.

The two of them walked very fast, and by the time Lao Qin got up and chased them to the door, they had already disappeared.

Shen Kui hurried two steps forward and whispered in Qin Manjiang's ear: "Hey, father and son recognize each other? Is this how you treat your father?"

"The wreckage..." Qin Manjiang stopped, "Do you know about the Ship of Theseus?"

"Of course." Shen Ku said.

The Ship of Theseus is a ship that can sail the seas for hundreds of years, thanks to constant repairs and replacement parts. As soon as a board rotted, it was replaced, and so on, until all the functional parts were no longer the original ones.

However, will the ship that keeps sailing and being replaced still be the original Ship of Theseus?

Or is it a completely different ship?

If it wasn't the original ship, then at what point did it stop being the original ship?

"You want to say that your father is no longer the same person as before?" Shen Su asked.

Qin Manjiang was silent for a moment and didn't speak for a long time.

"Shen Ku...I feel very sad. He is really about to die."

A tear suddenly fell from the corner of Qin Manjiang's eyes.

He turned to look at Shen Hu with a confused look on his face.

Shen Ku was speechless.

But he can understand...

From a real standpoint, Lao Qin should be on their side. After all, these twenty people need to rely on this world to exist.

Lao Qin came to stop him, which meant that he had made a choice between living in this world forever and saving his son's life.

No wonder Qin Manjiang was leaving in a hurry. He couldn't hold back the emotions in his heart that he couldn't tell whether they were positive or negative.

Because he could feel that his father had indeed changed.

But just like the ship of Theseus, whose parts were replaced in order to sail, some things remain unchanged even if they are replaced from the inside out...

"Shen Gu..." Qin Manjiang wiped away his tears and sniffed, just as he was about to speak.

"Man Jiang!" Lao Qin's voice came up from behind again.

Qin Manjiang's body trembled, but he still did not turn his head, but heard Lao Qin say loudly:

"Do what you think is right!"

The tears that had just been wiped came out of his eyes again, but Lao Qin's voice sounded cheerful: "People must live in the present and live in reality!"


His voice suddenly became much lower.


"Pop this bubble that shouldn't exist and go back to where you belong..."

Lao Qin stood far away, not close.

He didn't know if Qin Manjiang could hear these words, but he believed that his child would understand.

After all, he is so smart, and he can tell at a glance that he is not the original Qinling Han.

These "people" who came from the real world twenty years ago are already the remnant souls of the dead.

The so-called "replacement" rebirth is just another fusion of two souls, the birth of another bubble under the false bubble.

However, the good thing is that no matter which timeline or world it is.

Educated and uneducated, the middle-aged man named Qin Linghan all loves his children...

Qin Manjiang burst into tears, and Shen Kui let out a sigh of relief.

He held Qin Manjiang's arm and walked away slowly.

You want him to say, what the hell is false reality? Who cares about the destruction of the world?

Just live happily!

It's just that he is Chen Gu.

The person he is supporting, the person who needs to make a choice, is Qin Manjiang.

This man kept saying that he had no dreams, but Shen Mu knew that those who had no dreams were the ones with the biggest dreams.

What he wants to save has always been everyone...

For this reason, some necessary sacrifices were made by this guy silently.

For example... destroying this world with your own hands, where your father still exists.

Shen Hu glanced down at Qin Manjiang. This was the first time he saw Qin Manjiang express his emotions so fiercely.

He held Qin Manjiang with one hand, took out his mobile phone with the other hand, and took a picture of Qin Manjiang with tears on his face.


Chen Kui smiled with satisfaction.

Thanks for the monthly votes and rewards, we will update steadily next month~ Good night everyone!

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