Strange story player

Chapter 633 Arrival of Bai Yang

The words are divided into two parts.

Bai Yang, who was acting alone, lurked in the crowd and observed everything around him with vigilance.

The change happened too suddenly. These pedestrians were fine just now, but in the blink of an eye they turned into zombies. And this appearance is obviously not the end. Their condition is getting worse. What will these zombie-like people become in the end? People know.

However, my situation is not much better.

Baiyang wore sunglasses and a mask. Under the mask, only the left corner of his mouth remained. He witnessed the disappearance of his lips and guessed that it had something to do with seeing his own face.

He originally wanted to rush to see the woman named [Zhen], but when the pedestrians around him changed, Bai Yang suddenly found that... his actions had also become slow.

My limbs gradually became uncontrollable, my vision became shaky, and it became very strange.

Deep in my heart... there was an unspeakable irritability and hunger.

Baiyang soon understood that he was becoming like those alienated passers-by.

what to do……

His thoughts changed rapidly.

This change makes no sense.

The disappearance of the facial features can be avoided by not looking at one's own face, but the alienation into a look that is neither human nor ghost seems to be an irreversible process without basis.

Bai Yang had no idea why he was chosen. Just like the pedestrians on the street who had turned into non-human beings, they also didn’t know why he was chosen to look like this.

There was obviously only a 20/30 chance, but they were chosen by coincidence.

Moreover, becoming like one of those pedestrians on the street seems to result in a complete loss of self-awareness.

While he was thinking, his hair was drying up quickly, and the color on his face was completely drained.

Rather than that, it would be better to...

Baiyang took off his sunglasses and mask, slowly walked to the street window, and looked at himself in the mirror.

Knew it……

His teeth have become sharp, his hair has dried up, his eyes are red, and his lips have turned purple and will soon turn black.

My own consciousness in my mind also became blurry.


But a smile slowly appeared on Bai Yang's face.

Because he saw that the moment he saw himself in the mirror, this face was becoming neither human nor ghost, and the facial features were disappearing at a faster pace.

Gradually, the self in the window glass becomes more and more real.

As for the self in the real world, his facial features have disappeared to the level of his eyes.

His vision was about to disappear completely.

Bai Yang was calm. This was the only solution he could think of in this situation.

Between becoming a monster that is neither human nor ghost, or becoming a faceless man, he chose the latter.

He somewhat noticed something strange, such as Qin Manjiang last night.

Maybe... my death will allow another me to be "born".

Bai Yang thought.

His mouth had completely disappeared and he was completely speechless.

But he thought, the same "self", if another self can really appear, maybe he can hear his own voice, right?

So, while he still had the last bit of vision and his mind was still clear, he said silently in his heart:

"The other me, if you can hear me, please investigate the truth about the faceless corpse, investigate the [real] secret, and...take care of my police officers."

He didn't know if saying this had any effect, but... these were indeed his "last words".

Under the gloomy sky, thick fog gradually appeared in the streets of Fucheng.

In the fog, two or three of the ten people were walking unsteadily and wandering aimlessly.

Weird wind noises shuttled through the gaps in the tall buildings in the city, making people panic.

In the thick fog on the street, a faceless corpse fell on its back.

At the same time, a handsome and tall young man stepped out of the fog.

Yang, has truly come to this world.

The floor tiles beneath your feet give you a solid touch.

Yang Huan looked around. In the gap between time and space, he saw the development of the situation. He also knew...the fundamental reason why the world would become like this.

However, he had no idea that "himself" in this world would be so sharp, preventing him from showing up until now.

If the rejection of this world hadn't happened to him randomly, Yang suspected that he might have been "waiting" in the gap of time and space for a long time.

Because of this accident, Yang had no time to do many things, which caused changes in the world and the collapse began...

However, letting this world continue to exist or collapse directly is not what he wants.

To be more precise, this world exists based on Fucheng ten years ago.

If the real world were an arm, then this world would be a wound on that arm with the skin and flesh cut open.

Although the skin and flesh were still attached and indeed part of the arm, it was obviously necrotic.

If it was really an arm, the worst case scenario would be to cut off the detached piece of flesh and re-grow the wound. Although it would be very painful and time-consuming, it would be a solution.

But on a world scale, this approach is completely unworkable.

Destroying this world and continuing to maintain it are both harm to the real world.

What Yang wants to do is to make this world fit back into the real world, so that the hole in time and space can be closed, so that the [Pupillary Realm] cannot take advantage of the void to invade reality.

Just tearing off this piece of rotten flesh and letting the world collapse and destroy... the gap will still exist, which will not help at all.

Now the first step in the collapse of the world has occurred. Some "illusory people" have lost control, their personalities have disappeared, and they have begun to alienate.

In the second step, except for those who have been replaced, all humans in this world will become the walking dead, neither human nor ghost.

As for the third step... all the walking zombies will be corroded by the viciousness of the evil spirits, with an extremely hungry desire to destroy everything they can see.

In other words, if the status quo continues to develop, everyone in this world will become ghosts!

Except for the twenty people who came to this world at the beginning, and... the five people who came to this world yesterday and completed the faceless replacement.

Yang looked solemn, if he got to that point, he would really be dead...

Among the twenty-five people, those twenty will try their best to protect this world and thereby attack them as outsiders.

In other words, the five of them have to fight against the entire world ten years later that has collapsed and alienated!

Time is running out, and soon everyone will undergo a mutation.

Yang thought quickly, he knew how to find the location of the only fierce ghost hidden in this world.

But that's not something one person can do, so the first step... he needs to find someone else first.

It would take at least five people to accomplish this.


I can't die here.

Yang searched for the direction in the mist. According to his speculation, Qin Manjiang and the others would definitely set off towards the location of [True].

Regardless of whether it was a trap or not, [truth] was the only breakthrough for them who lacked enough information.

"I heard you, rest in peace."

Yang suddenly spoke, and the person he was talking to seemed to be the faceless corpse at his feet.

Then, he took steps and set off again...

Thanks to Piqiu who loves listening to music, water, water, water, water flows eastward, and wangyao023 for the reward.

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