Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1511: 0 Domain Genius Arrives

"A big wave, how big is it?" Wang Xing's voice came, and then it felt like something was wrong. "Ahem, my vacation is coming to an end. Go back to the college right away and talk about it at that time."

"Okay." The Qing emperor still couldn't react. The dean is really naughty.

"Let's go back to the college." Wang Xing turned to Leng Shuangning at this time and said, "The Baiyu Genius Trial is over, and Xian College will welcome another large-scale enrollment. I don't know what powerful students are."

"Well, go back." Leng Shuangning was a little lost, and ten years passed without blinking like this. "After returning this time, I plan to practice well and strive to break through the realm of the Holy Fairy."

"Yeah." Wang Xing nodded, and he naturally hoped that Leng Frost's strength was getting stronger and stronger, and Leng Frost's cultivation practice was special. If he could break through the realm of the Holy Fairy, he could save his life in the hands of the next god.

Three days later, Wang Xing returned to Xianxian College.

He traveled to many planets this time, and he also brought some gifts to the teachers of the academy, and brought back some special products of other planets to his parents.

After doing this, he was free to find the emperor and asked about the Baiyu Genius trial.

"Mister Qingdi, I haven't seen you for a long time, this is for you." Wang Xing threw something and turned out to be a bottle of perfume. Perfume on your body will make you more attractive. "

"This thing is pretty good." Qingdi took over, some could not help it. Qingdi likes perfume. I don't know what this habit is, now it is almost a well-known thing in the college. So Wang Xing gave him a bottle of perfume, and he still liked it.

"Well, talk about the Baiyu Genius Trials, I am very interested in the big wave of geniuses you said." Wang Xing sat down, flipping through some of the college's latest documents, while listening to the emperor said .

The Qing Emperor nodded, took off the perfume, and then began to preach: "Isn't the Baiyu Genius Trial Contest divided into the three realms of flying realm, void realm and cosmic light realm, which will ultimately decide each realm This is the same as the current high school entrance examination and college entrance examination of the Earth Federation. As long as you enter the 10,000, you can apply to join a cultivation force and be trained. If this force is willing to recruit Then, the students who apply can become members of this force. Of course, many geniuses among 10,000 may be recruited by some forces before the competition ends. In this regard, we Xianxian College has no advantages, but it has not been recruited by anyone. In the end, most of the students who applied for this are those who are yet to be determined or sold for price. "

When Wang Xing heard this, he was a little speechless: "Isn't this a replica of college admissions, how many people apply to join our college and are willing to become college students."

"There are about six hundred people." Qingdi said a number.

"A total of 30,000 people in the three realms, and there are so many cultivation forces, these 600 people can also be regarded as the average level." Wang Xing calculated briefly, "600 people are 600 people, these people What is your talent? "

"I haven't tested it, but the top 10,000 who can enter each realm is definitely not bad." Qingdi slowly said.

"Well, can you tell us what our college is going to do?" Wang Xing was too lazy to pay attention to these details.

"There must be good seedlings in these students. In order to keep these gifted seedlings, in fact, each cultivation force will show their strength." Qingdi smiled, "Dean, I think we can't avoid it. "

"This is the fact that if any cultivation force recruits students, if this strength does not work, and it does not provide any cultivation resources, it is estimated that no one chooses to join this force." Wang Xing is very easy to understand, "Since this is the case, good Show these students who intend to join the college to show the strength of our college. But having said that, but also do a good job of qualification review, those who are not capable of moral character, can not recruit, this is a prerequisite. So in When they come to the college, they can also take a look at their mentality. "

"Okay." The Qing emperor answered, but soon the emperor was a little bit embarrassed. "Dean, everything else is fine. But our college is really powerful in the college. How can we show it to others?"

"What's so difficult, I will make some temporary entry certificates for you in a moment, as long as they wear the certificates, they can come in. But our college has a lot of secrets. After these students come in, you must take care of them and don't let them go. . "Wang thought for a moment.

"The strongest of these little guys is only Zhou Guangjing. It is not easy to be optimistic about them." Qingdi smiled, not very worried about this.

Wang Xing naturally believed in the means of the Qing Emperor. To this end, the Qing Emperor also held a meeting and decided to let the teachers and students cooperate.

It is also necessary to perform properly and show strength.

One month later, six hundred talents who won the top ten thousand in the 100-domain talent qualifiers came to the Earth Federation.

In fact, it should be 609, of which 321 are flying geniuses in the heavens, 198 are geniuses in the void, and 90 are geniuses in the light world.

"Dean, 609 geniuses have just reached Tianlan Star. The college has asked the Earth Federation to help arrange accommodation for them. Tomorrow, they will officially come to the solar system, and then to Earth, Tianxian Mountain, and finally Enter Xianxian College. "Qingdi simply said the line again.

"Okay, but I can't wait for it now." Wang Xing stood up. "I do n’t know if there is a genius with a star rating or higher among these geniuses ~ ~ Otherwise, Teacher Qingdi, you anyway It ’s okay, it ’s better to accompany me to take a look at Tianlanxing first, and be sure of what you have. ”

"It's okay, I'm actually curious about these geniuses," Qingdi smiled.

The two said that the space moved and left Xianxian Academy and left the earth.

Sky Lanxing, the largest hotel.

Donghua Hotel!

Located in the sky, here is very lively today. In order to familiarize these geniuses with each other, Xianxian Academy specially arranged the people below to hold a welcome party for them.

"Let's change it quietly." Wang Xing said, making himself ordinary, but the same was true of Qingdi. I didn't know they thought they were hotel waiters.

"This way no one will recognize us." Qingdi laughed, but he was completely different.

"Let's go, I have heard the voice inside, it seems that these genius words are quite a lot." Wang Xing smiled and went in with the emperor.

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