Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1512: Write it down

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Donghua Hotel, a banquet hall for thousands of people on the ninth floor.

This is where these geniuses gather, and the place where Wang Xing said his voice came from.

After the two of them entered, they stood invisible to the back. At this time, the two had time to look at the scene in the banquet hall.

how to say?

At a glance, the 609 geniuses are really strange, basically everyone is from one race.

But the shape is similar to humans, which is naturally the result of the shape war. At present, the entire universe, even those of alien species, is basically the same.

Listening to the noise in the banquet hall, the two quickly locked in their source. It turned out to be a man at the central table in the banquet hall.

The man was sitting at the table, holding a wine glass, and was talking excitedly. The others also listened to him, and laughed when they heard that they were happy.

"Brother Closier, you have really slept with a Nesbian woman. I heard that all Neslian women are superb. When combined with them, they really make people want to die." Below One man said with some envy, and the other men were obviously very envious.

"Haha, you can be right. But there are too few women of the Nelisian family. I also bought it from a slave trader for a large price, but now I think that even if it costs so much, it is absolutely Worth it. "Crosier said with pride, he liked the admiration and worship of him, which made him feel high.

"Toying with women, you won't have good results in the future." At this time, a cold voice came, and it turned out to be a woman sitting in the corner. This woman had a pair of antlers and didn't know what race she was.

"Agatha, in fact, you deer women, I have played several, eh, I have to say that it is quite flavorful. But I can get the top one thousand deer girls in the star genius trial, I still I haven't tried it. Otherwise, you can make me feel good, and then I will enter the Immortal Academy, and I promise to cover you well. "Closier said a little bit evil, and immediately caused a lot of men to applaud.

"Asshole." It wasn't Agatha, but Wang Xing who said this. He was a little speechless at the moment. "Who is this guy who wants to be a student of our college, and those who make a fool, give it to me. Write it down, we can't want any of them. "

"The quality of these geniuses is really a mess." The Qing Emperor was also a little disappointed.

At that moment Agatha spoke, and she resentfully said, "You wait, you will die in my hands in the future."

When Closier heard this, he sneered, "Only you, your entire Deer Maiden is a slave, and I will let you moan under me obediently in the future."

Naturally, this is another laugh.

Agatha stopped talking, and Closil was bored, and slammed a glass of wine.

"Brother Closier, you said how many of us will apply to be students of Xianxian College, how many people will pass in the end?" A man couldn't help asking, mainly because his ranking was relatively low and he was in Feitian Realm. It was only nine thousand to go out, it was really lack of confidence, and Crosier looked very powerful, or the strongest of them, he asked unconsciously.

"According to what I know, even the lowest pass rate of previous Baiyu Genius trials must be above one-fifth. And like Xianxian College, it is a bit famous, but it has insufficient knowledge in Shenhe. It ’s not attractive enough. Their enrollment requirements must be very low. They even urgently need our geniuses to fill their colleges, so we are likely to pass all of them. "Closier analyzed.

"Yes, but we are geniuses. We applied to the Xianxian Academy to give them face." A man took it for granted.

"Unfortunately, Xian Academy has no power in Shenhe, and we all have to be gods. In terms of attraction, Xian Academy cannot really compare with forces like the Universe Arena, or even There is a gap between the teaching of the **** of fire and the mountains of the undead. "Some people analyzed, and then they spit out," If I am not too late, I cannot enter the big forces that lean on the Shenhe River, and I will not focus on training. Immortal College. "

"Speaking of this, Brother Closier, you are ranked No. 199 in the Cosmic Light Realm. How do you want to be a student of the Immortal College?" Someone couldn't help but wonder, to know this hundred and ninety-nine The nineteen are actually very high.

"Haha, this is where I am smarter. I rank 199th, almost among us, the highest ranking. I came to Xian College, it is definitely an honor for Xian College. They I have n’t given it up, and I ’ve smashed all the cultivation resources on me. Alas, this is the kind of treatment I ca n’t get in those big forces. By the way, this is like what this earth person said, called Ning For the chicken head, not for the queen. "Crosier said with a smile, looking a little confident and proud, he almost determined that he would be recruited.

"Where is this stupid thing?" Wang Xing once again drew in his small book. Even if this guy is a universe-level genius, he does not intend to recruit.

"Yes, that's why it is. He treats our college somewhere." Qingdi also resentfully said, "I can't bear it anymore, I really want to kill him with a fist."

"It's okay to come here, otherwise you can't really see the ugly faces of these guys. Write down all of them, I counted about three hundred people around Closier, and these people brushed directly." Wang Star coldly.

"It's too cheap for them. First let them see the strength of our college and let them know that they came to Xian College ~ ~ It was their last luck in life, and then they rejected them mercilessly Recruit them and let them regret it. "The Qing Emperor was even more vicious, apparently really angry.


Until the banquet dispersed, Wang Xing and Qingdi returned.

The next day, a star-class spaceship carrying 609 hundred-field geniuses jumped through the wormhole, passed through the ancient domain, and came to the Earth Federation.

The solar system behind the ancient wilderness is still very mysterious. After all, if you don't know the location of the wormhole, not everyone can come here.

"Well, is this the solar system where the Immortal Academy is located?" Closier looked outside, and the others were looking at it at the moment, and a blue planet entered the sight of everyone unconsciously.

There is exactly the earth.

At this time, a hundred star-class battleships formed a square array and surrounded them.

Everyone froze, what so many star-class battleships are going to do.

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