Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1591: Noble Empress

The time to see these three distress letters was 30,000 years ago.

And the three letters for help happened to be issued for three consecutive days. It can be seen that he should be running away from someone to hunt for these three days.

On the fourth day, he should be caught unfortunately.

Or already dead.

Otherwise, there is absolutely no message left.

"Who will it be?"

Hua Tianjun thought, and soon thought of something.

Thirty thousand years ago, this time point was too critical, that is, after he was rescued by the dean from the real magic dimension.

At that point in time, it was probably the woman who went after the worm.


She was scared, afraid of revenge on her own, and fear of revenge on her.

So she chose to start first.

It is for this reason that the worms ask for help, after all, it is because of themselves.

After clarifying this, Hua Tianjun was already full of killing intentions: "This poisonous woman, I must kill her."

He thought, dialing the communication watch of the worm.

He still hoped that the worms would live, but there was no one to answer them.


College, Dean's Office.

"Hua Tianjun, the dean has not yet cleared the gate." Qingdi replied, "Your training summary is very good. It can be used as a reference for other students in the future, and I will include it in the college library."

"This is just the idea of ​​the dean, but it has been verified on me." Hua Tianjun said truthfully.

He directly condensed the small universe and broke the common practice knowledge of the universe.

This practice experience can be said to be precious and of great research significance, enough to open a research project.

"A friend of mine has an incident, and I will leave the college next time. I will not be able to attend the college for the time being."

Hua Tianjun said at this time, this is to ask for leave.

He has already left a lot of courses, but now things are urgent and he dare not delay.

"No problem, the curriculum of the senior high school is mainly self-cultivation." The emperor smiled, but did not feel anything.

The teachers are in the high school, just to answer students' doubts.

Some courses are organized step by step. It is not surprising that there may be only one course in a thousand or even ten thousand years.

"I'll say goodbye then."

Hua Tianjun said, turned and left.

The Qing emperor thought about it, and still gave Hua Tianjun a reward in accordance with the rules and regulations of the college.

He fuses the origins of the demon, condenses the seeds of the small universe, and invents a new cultivation method, which can get a reward of not less than 3,000 mission points.

In the end, the Emperor Qing awarded 5,000 mission points.

In fact, it is not surprising that the maximum reward is 10,000, but Hua Tianjun asked the dean to take the shot. These ideas were also directed by the dean, and the rewards will naturally be greatly discounted.

When receiving the mission point reward, Hua Tianjun had left the earth.

He entered the space of the Lord God, bought an information about Gigilia, and knew her location.

"Prince Hia, Gigilia."

He murmured, killing himself more vigorously on his face.

This woman betrayed him and received the emperor's realm. Now she is the title of the emperor.

As for the title of Shea, it is her ethnic name.

In the distant Xiaxing, the palace above is glorious and magnificent, and a statue is erected in the temple of the emperor in the center of the planet.

That is the statue of Gigilia.

Countless people of the Hea ethnic group looked at this statue and worshiped it with their hearts.

In the palace, a son-in-law was panickingly obituary: "Prince, the communication watch you asked me to ring is ringing. There is really a note that Hua Tianjun's name called the communication watch. You did not answer as you ordered. "

On the main seat of the palace, a distinguished woman in a red dress was lying halfway down Gigilia.

Her face suddenly changed: "Here's come, come."

She panicked, but soon calmed down.

"I had expected that there would be such a day that I could not escape."

She said, but it was a weird smile.

Son-in-law didn't know Gigilia's plan yet, and she was a little afraid: "Prince, do you still use me to keep watch on that communication watch?"

She has been guarding this communication watch for 30,000 years, and she said that no one would believe it when she went out.

Gigilia looked at the son-in-law at this time and said slowly: "No need."

The son-in-law was relieved, and she had had enough of such a life.

"Then what shall I do next?"

She asked, hoping that Gilgilia could arrange a new job for her.

But at this time, she only heard Gigilia yell, "Kasha ran into the Empress, sold her as a slave immediately, and expelled Shea Star."

Kasha is the name of the niece.

She listened to Gigilia's words, but she didn't respond at all, and immediately she was caught on the spot.

Colliding with the Empress, where she has such courage, this is simply a sin to add.

She wanted to explain, but just came over and the two guards caught him, sealed her mouth, and took her out.

Also, that was the order of the Empress.

No one would believe that the empress would wrong her a little maid, it must be something she did wrong, and anyone would think so.

Gigilia thought it was a trivial matter, and she disappeared in a flash.

She came into a space.

In this space, there is a huge prison cage.

Inside the cage, a very decadent man was imprisoned. This man was a worm.

"Jiglia, how long will you keep me off?"

The Worm saw it slowly and said slowly.

He was full of hatred for this woman, but now this woman has become the emperor, and only one step can achieve immortality.

He was far from the woman's opponent, and the opponent could kill him with one hand.

"Soon, you will be free."

Ji Ji Liya smiled, she said: "Hua Tianjun is here, he is here to save you."

Hearing the name of Hua Tianjun, the worm's body was shocked.

No one knows that he never had any friends, and the only one who could be regarded as a friend was Hua Tianjun.

At first, he was willing to conceal the origin of the demon for Hua Tianjun, and it was for this reason.

But who can think that he did not betray Hua Tianjun, but this woman who was saved several times by Hua Tianjun, gave Hua Tianjun a fatal blow at a critical time.

If there is an immortal college behind Hua Tianjun, it is really dead.

The Worm Demon was silent. In fact, he had guessed the purpose of Gigilia from the beginning, and that was to threaten Hua Tianjun with him.

This is also the only value, otherwise he would have died.

"Anyway, I will be holding you for 30,000 years, sorry."

Gigilia said, and turned away.


Time passed quickly, and it was a hundred years later.

"This is Shea Star."

Hua Tianjun's consciousness swept away, and the whole Xiaxing was at a glance.

He saw the palace and hundreds of millions of Shia people, but in fact this galaxy is also called the Shia galaxy.

Everything is because of Gigilia.

She is a mythical existence in the Shea tribe, because it is she who makes the entire Shea tribe truly stand in the universe.

"Jiglia, get out of me."

Hua Tianjun sneered and sang loudly through the planet.

Everyone on the planet heard it. They looked up and noticed the alien in the sky.

He was calling the name of the empress.

The planet's convoy rushed to Hua Tianjun and wanted to take him down, but Hua Tianjun expelled them beyond a million miles with one finger.

"Jun, I knew you would come to me for revenge one day, but I didn't expect that day would come."

At this time, a voice sounded, and only saw Gigilia flying out of the palace.

She stepped across from Hua Tianjun step by step, full of honor.

Hua Tianjun looked at this woman who could not wait for a thousand swords. He did not expect that after 30,000 years, the other party not only stabilized his cultivation, but was also a little more advanced.

Now, she has become the goddess Hia, who is admired by trillions of people.

"You're so shy to call my brother, when you betrayed me, why didn't you remember that I was your brother and saved you three times?" Hua Tianjun said coldly, "It's a pity that a woman like you is dead. Today I came to you for revenge. "

There is no more legitimate reason for revenge.

Especially when I saw Gigilia, the scene of that year seemed to come to my eyes again.

"Come on, then." Gigilia thought for a while, and a sword appeared in her hand, which was her weapon.

The moment he saw this sword, Hua Tianjun was stunned, because it was exactly that time he suggested to Jiji Liya to use the sword, and even the style of the sword was set by him.

He was really nice to Gigilia.

But the more he did, the more angry he thought of what this woman had done.


He screamed angrily, stabbing straight at Gigilia in his hand.

The long sword penetrated the space, breaking through the nothingness, and condensing the supreme power towards Ji Ji Liya's brows.

Gigilia raised her long knife and seemed to want to fight back.

But when she saw the sword approaching her eyes, the sword in her hand slammed down.

She gave up the resistance.

She smiled and looked at Hua Tianjun as if they had just met each other.

Hua Tianjun couldn't believe watching this scene. He didn't know why Jijilia didn't hide.

His heart was disturbed, and the sword in his hand was deflected, but just pierced Gigilia's shoulder: "Why don't you resist and dodge?"

He asked, his eyes cold.

"I owe you. You saved me several times at first, and you are kind to me. I have missed it once and don't want to make another mistake." Gigilia slowly said, "You kill me, like this You will be more comfortable. "

Hua Tianjun was silent.

"Where is the worm?"

He thought about it and asked, even if he wanted to kill Gigilia, he had to find the worm.

"He was imprisoned by me." Gigilia slowly said, but there was nothing to hide. "I know you are here to save him. I can let him go or let you kill me, but You must promise me a condition. "

She said, extremely firm.

"You are not qualified to talk to me about the conditions." Hua Tianjun sneered coldly. It's all this time, what this woman is thinking.

"You must agree to my conditions, otherwise you will never want to find the worm." Gigilia smiled, regardless of the injuries on her body. "I'm sorry, I must mention this condition, just as I did then I'm sorry you are the same. "

She was so powerful that she frowned slightly.

"What conditions?"

Hua Tianjun couldn't help asking.

Even if he wanted to rescue the worms, he had to listen to Gigilia's conditions.

"Please let go of my ethnic group, don't involve them. I know this is the norm in the universe. If one person makes a mistake, the entire ethnic group will suffer, and even the entire ethnic group will be destroyed." Gigilia said, her God's consciousness through space seems to want to look at the entire Ta A galaxy again.

Hua Tianjun trembled.

"What did you mean by saying 'as if I was sorry then', did you also do it for ethnic failure?"

Hua Tianjun frowned, thinking of Jijiliya's words just now.

Is there really something hidden in it.

"A million years ago, I was one of the chaos kings of our Shia tribe. One day, a powerful Srivan Empire came. They wanted to enslave us and sell our entire Shia tribe as slaves. The choice became a demon, got the devotion of the demon master, promoted the devotion to the creation, and this protected our Xi'a tribe. "

Gigilia said lightly, as if she was simply stating a fact.

"Hundreds of thousands of years ago, some people found that the blood of our Shia tribe can raise the rank of weapons, and the disaster of our Shia tribe has come again. In a few years, countless people were arrested and trafficked as slaves. The day when blood is bled is like a blood bag. At that time I knew that I must become stronger, I want to become the emperor, to be immortal, and only in this way can I protect the entire community. For this, I can do anything, even if it is According to Qianfu, even the best friend betrayed me even if I became a slave. "

She said that the following Shia people could not help but shed tears.

"For the community, I can sacrifice everything."

She finally said, and then grabbed a hand into some alien space and caught the worm.

"Okay, now you can do it."

She looked at Hua Tianjun very calmly.

Hua Tianjun couldn't let it go at this moment, and he listened to the voices of pleading for Gigilia on the planet.

He hesitated, and could no longer be as decisive as he had thought before.

He worries that if he kills Gigilia, he will make the Shia tribe again a slave.

At that time, he was a sinner.

The education he received has not allowed him to do so ~ ~ He can't be selfish anyway, because what he wants to kill is no longer alone, Gigilia's life has been linked to the entire ethnic group.


"Hua Tianjun!"

The two looked at each other, then Hua Tianjun sighed: "Let's go, I'll take you away."

Then, Hua Tianjun left with the worm.

Hua Tianjun sits inside the spaceship of the Tai'a galaxy, and now he still sighs.

What he did here this time was really ridiculous.

"Hua Tianjun, there is a spaceship in front of which transports slaves. I think many of them are slaves of the Hea tribe."

The worm demons pointed and found that it was indeed a transport warship that sold slaves.

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