Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1592: Bitch, suffer!

After listening, Hua Tianjun put down his wine glass.

He heard Gigilia saying that the blood of the Shia tribe can improve the weapon quality, and many people arrested the Shia tribe as a blood bag for this purpose.

Now when he saw a spaceship transporting slaves, he thought of it unconsciously.

"Stop it and see what's going on?"

He said, blocking the space at will.

He didn't like the slave trade itself, and he didn't mind trying to save these Shia people.

The two got out of the spaceship and stopped the spaceship to transport the slaves.

"what happened?"

"Why is space locked? Space jumping is no longer possible."

"Look, there is someone ahead."

The people inside the spacecraft noticed that their faces suddenly changed.

At this time, Hua Tianjun grabbed his hand and saw only cracks on the spaceship.

"come out!"

The worms screamed at this moment, and many worms flew to the spaceship. The worm had sharp teeth and bit the spaceship out of the holes.

With the two hands, the spacecraft is about to disintegrate.

"Hurry out, hurry!"

"These two are too strong. Why did they find us?"

"I will definitely tell this to the owner and make these two **** look good."

The people inside said, and fled the spacecraft one after another.

Here, there was a shabby Chia woman, who was the woman Kasha who watched the Worm Communication Watch.

At this moment she followed the crowd and fled outside.

"Who are you, do you know who this spaceship is?" A man was just a cultivator of Zhou Guangjing, but he was not afraid to see Hua Tianjun and the Worm Monster.

He is called Lax, the captain of this transport ship.

Hua Tianjun looked at the man and sneered: "The slave trade is inhumane, you slave traffickers are all killed."

The Worm Monster nodded that Hua Tianjun was jealous of hatred.

He also had no good opinion about the slave trade.

Laks heard this, but was angry: "You are too wide. This is the slave transport ship of the Tak family of the Shia Empire. Do you know who is the master behind the Tak family? That is our galaxy Dominate the Goddess Hia. Dare to intercept the slave transporters of the Tucker family and obstruct the slave trade of the Tucker family, that is, to be the enemy of the Queen, you have not enough lives.

He said, extremely arrogant.

Only this time, Hua Tianjun's face had changed.

How did an ugly slave trade family get involved with Gigilia?

Since Gigiriya can sacrifice everything for her own race, how could she support the trafficking of her people as slaves.

This is not reasonable.

The Bone Devil frowned at the moment: "Nonsense, what kind of character is Empress Hea, who will support you slave traders?"

He also felt that this was unreasonable, and it was this Laks who believed in it.

"Yes, it is true."

But at this moment, a voice sounded.

From the slave crowd behind, it was Kasha who had been relegated to slaves.

Hua Tianjun followed his voice and moved Kasha to the front of his hand. He watched Kasha frown: "How do you know this is true?"

Kasha was shocked by Hua Tianjun's methods.

Of course she didn't recognize Worm Demon and Kasha at the moment, after all, she hadn't seen them.

After hesitating, she bravely said, "Without concealing the two adults, I was once the niece of the Empress Hea, but I was degraded to slaves by the Empress Hea for no reason. It has been a hundred years. I saw a lot of people from the Hea galaxy, and they were degraded to slaves for various reasons. Speaking of which, I want to tell the two adults that there is no death penalty and no imprisonment in the law of the Hea galaxy. Violation of the laws made by the Empress Shia will be relegated to slavery. "

Hearing here, Hua Tianjun's face has changed slightly.

This law is overbearing.

It's almost like there is a purpose to pick faults and degrade people to slaves.

"Every year, hundreds of millions of people in the Hia galaxy are degraded into slaves, and then sold to all parts of the universe through this Tucker family." Kasha is still talking, after she was demoted to slaves, she was already full of hatred for the Goddess Hia It means that at this moment, there is finally an opportunity to break out. "The man behind this Tucker family is the Empress Hia, 7 because the Empress Hia is from the Tucker family, the daughter of the previous generation of the Tucker family. Her The full name is actually Tucker Gigilia. "


At this moment, Hua Tianjun was appalled.

Based on his current practice, it is entirely possible to tell whether the woman said is true or false.

"Since the Emperor Shia became the master of the galaxy, trillions of Shea people have been trafficked as slaves between 30,000 years. This number has exceeded the total number of slaves of the Shea in the universe before. On the surface, it is the ruler of this galaxy and the leader of the Shia tribe, but secretly it is the largest slave trader in the entire ethnic group. The wealth she obtained through the slave trade is beyond measure. "

After Kasha had said this, everything was quiet all around.

Everyone was shocked by her words, and the little-known darkness behind them was startling.

As a guardian, there is an ordinary female Empress of Shea, but it is unexpected that she is the largest slave dealer of the Shea people.

"Yes, I was trafficked as a slave because of a small conflict."

"Me too. The law of the Hia galaxy is not used to protect us at all, but a **** slavery law."

"Goddess Hia is very good-looking. She regards us as her wealth, not her people."

Many slaves said one after another, it seemed like a crusade.

Hua Tianjun's face has changed. He feels he has been cheated.

How could such an evil woman give everything to the community as she said.

Liar, this woman is a liar.

She excused herself in this way, and if it was not her own whim to rescue these slaves of the Shea tribe, she might never be caught in the dark.

"This woman really **** it."

He said, the killing was terrible.

The same goes for the worm.

"What are you talking about, everyone shut up for me!"

Laks shouted, intimidating Kasha and other slaves.

The slaves were frightened, trembling back to the back, one by one as if frightened fawn.

"It's up to you to shut up."

It was only then that angrily came.

That was Hua Tianjun. He was already astonishing in his intentions. At this moment, watching Laks dared to shout, and could no longer control it.

He punched out with a fierce punch, tearing the space with a terrifying punch, and then hitting Lax's chest like a planet.

Only a loud bang was heard.

Laksi turned into powder, and the dead couldn't die anymore.

The Worm Monster saw this, and immediately killed the other Lax's men.

The body was in the void, and everyone was frightened to see it.

"Go, Shea Star."

Hua Tianjun gritted his teeth, and now he just wanted to kill.

The insect stunned for a moment: "Hua Tianjun, I know that you are very angry now, but this Jiji Liya now has the strength of the emperor, not so easy to deal with."

Although he knew that Hua Tianjun saved himself, he did not know Hua Tianjun's current strength.

"Rest assured, I'm sure."

Hua Tianjun said, and then thought: "I can go back by myself. You can arrange these Shia people, and I will come to you after I kill Gigilia."

Worm nodded, he knew he couldn't help much in the past.

"Jiglia, you vicious woman, you are dead this time." Hua Tianjun said, holding a sword, tearing the void and heading for Xia Xing.

Many people were shocked when they saw Hua Tianjun's far away, unbelievable. .

Who is this man, he dare to kill the female Empress Hia.

Xia Xing, in the Temple of the Empress.

Jiji Liya was healing herself, and Hua Tianjun's sword pierced her shoulder, still causing her a mild injury.

But for her, as long as she can deceive Hua Tianjun, these are worth it.

Since she knew that Hua Tianjun was a student of Xian Academy, and this Xian Academy was able to suppress the demon master and rescue Hua Tian Jun from the real demon dimension, she knew that Hua Tian Jun was not something she could afford.

Even if she has the strength of Hua Tianjun, maybe someone from Xianxian Academy will come over and deal with her like a demon and kill her.

She did not dare to deal with Hua Tianjun, but she could not stop Hua Tianjun from taking revenge on herself.

So she consulted all the information of Hua Tianjun, researched for hundreds of years, and finally thought of such a method.

That is to bind yourself with the entire Shia tribe, so that Hua Tianjun cannot shoot himself, because this is not allowed by the education of Hua Tianjun or that fairy college.

Killing her alone is equivalent to destroying the Shea tribe.

Hua Tianjun can only give up.

She performed a good show for this and finally got confused.

In the future, she will be completely safe.

While she was healing herself, suddenly she felt a strong breath covering Xiaxing.

"what happened?"

She had a very unpredictable hunch, which made her stop healing immediately.

But at this time, a sword in the void space came straight to the Temple of the Emperor.


Ji Ji Liya shouted and immediately fled and fled.


That sword fell to the Temple of the Emperor, and the huge statue of the Emperor was shredded to pieces, and the huge Palace of the Emperor was instantly ruined.

"Slut, suffer!"

An angry voice came from Hua Tianjun.

He was above the void, staring at Gigilia coldly.

"Jun, what do you mean?"

Jiji Liya was shocked. She didn't know what had gone wrong and pretended not to understand.

Her acting skills are really good.

If it wasn't for Hua Tianjun's encounter with Kasha and other slaves, she might have been deceived by her.

"At this time, will you continue to perform?" Hua Tianjun said indifferently. "How can a woman who can sell hundreds of millions of people as slaves every year, as she said, willing to sacrifice for the entire ethnic group Everything. This woman's heart has never been her own. There is no ethnic group at all. Her selfishness surpasses everyone's imagination. The entire ethnic group is just her wealth, her tool. "

He said word by word, ringing through the entire Hia galaxy.

All the Shia people heard it, and they were silent at this moment.

"You are a vicious woman, I've been deceived by you. If I expected it well, you have prepared for this day for a long time. You know that I will come to avenge you, and you secretly plan to forgive me in this way you."

Hua Tianjun continued to say, his face was full of killing intentions: "But unfortunately, you ended up smashing."

He said, the sword flew back into his hands.

The **** has to die, and he doesn't want to hear what the other person explains at this moment.


He started again, swinging back with a sword, blocking time and space and subverting the universe.

Jiji Liya's face changed greatly, but she slashed out her sword and cut it off, fighting Hua Tianjun together.

"Aren't you willing to die, why are you fighting back now?"

Hua Tianjun laughed when she saw Ji Ji Liya retaliating.

Because it meant that Gigilia was guilty, otherwise she wouldn't fight back.

"Hua Tianjun, I'm so tolerant, but I didn't expect you to let me go. In this case, I can only kill you." Ji Ji Li Ya's vicious face was already at this moment. She has no need to hide, "I know that there is a backing of Xianxian behind you, and after killing you, I will always hide, not becoming immortal, I will never show up again."

Sure enough, she was still afraid of the trouble of Xianxian College.

It is for this reason that 30,000 years have been planned, and it is the same now.

"Very well, this is the real Gigilia."

Hua Tianjun praised, but then sneered, "I used the practice I sold for betrayal to become the emperor admired by hundreds of millions of people. It looks ridiculous now, and now I think it is ridiculous. Since you want to kill me I want to kill you too, so let us have a break today. "

This is also a demon of Hua Tianjun ~ ~ There must be a result today.

"Okay," Jiji Liya responded, "but it is only you who died today. I had the practice of the emperor's realm thirty thousand years ago. Now I have completely stabilized this realm, and I am still improving. And your repair was abolished 30,000 years ago, and the world of the king of kings was destroyed. Even if your repair is restored after 30,000 years, you can no longer be my opponent. You come to seek revenge, but you will die. "

"The frog at the bottom of the well." Hua Tianjun sneered. "Who told you that after thirty thousand years, I just resumed cultivation. How can I manage your current state. On the contrary, your cultivation is not your own cultivation, Even if it is completely owned, it is as thin as a piece, and it will be broken if you touch it slightly. What you call yourself an emperor is nothing, even in the realm of the emperor, it is also the weakest emperor. "

After hearing this, Jijiliya's face changed greatly.

Hua Tianjun is right, this is the case with Gigilia now.

Even if she is an emperor, compared with those who have cultivated by herself, the gap is not a little bit.

Her strong self-confidence was flawed.

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