Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1608: 3 rights

In the Westward Journey, the image of White Horse is already obvious. & 1t; /

White horses are also white dragon horses. & 1t; /

In the Journey to the West, the three princes of the Dragon King of the West Sea were spotted by the Bodhisattva and turned into white horses. As the Tang monk went out to learn from the scriptures, he was later named the Nanwu Balong Tianlong Guangli Bodhisattva. & 1t; /

Wang Xing wanted to understand this, and looked at the introduction of the card characters. & 1t; /

This white horse is the third prince of the West Sea Dragon King Ao Lie, the second stage of Jinxian Taiyi Jinxian Xiu is not low. & 1t; /

Next is the second character card. This card is painted with a female image, which is very beautiful. & 1t; /

Wang Xing thought of the girl maiden in the world of Journey to the West, and finally had a rough guess, which is estimated to be Princess Iron Fan. & 1t; /

He turned it over, and sure enough he was guessed again. & 1t; /

The princess of the Iron Fan is a first-class Jinxian, but it is not very high. After all, in the world of Journey to the West, she is also relying on the magical banana banana fan. & 1t; /

But now the magical banana banana fan has already been rewarded to the system as a reward, and he later gave it to Zhang Xiaomeng. He has also been refined by Zhang Xiaomeng, and it must not be returned. & 1t; /

The last character card, Wang Xing turned out to be a child. & 1t; /

The child frowned at the red sand, with pigtails, looking very ancient and precious. & 1t; /

"Red baby." & 1t; /

Wang Xing thought unconsciously of a child traveling to the world, and then thought about Princess Iron Fan, he couldn't help laughing: "Is it still a mother and child, and the cultivation of this red child has also reached Jinxian level two? Yijinxian is one level higher than his mother Princess Iron Fan. But yes, the red child finally followed Guanyin Bodhisattva and became a boy of Guanyin Bodhisattva, and his strength will naturally improve a lot. "& 1t; /

After watching the three character cards, Wang Xing didn't rush to summon. & 1t; /

He continued to look at the other rewards of the system. & 1t; /

The main thing is the title of Emperor Dean, and each promotion of the Dean's title will bring him some new abilities or privileges to him or the college teacher. & 1t; /

"Host, after you get the title of Emperor Dean, you can get the following three rights." & 1t; /

The system knew what Wang Xing wanted to ask, and already spoke. & 1t; /

Three rights? & 1t; /

Wang Xing didn't feel any expectation. & 1t; /

"The first item is that in the future, the college will no longer need an unlimited contract to recruit teachers. The contract can be supplied indefinitely, provided that the recruited teachers must be willing to become college teachers, otherwise the contract cannot be signed." & 1t; /

This item is much stricter than before. & 1t; /

In the past, regardless of whether the other party was willing to sign the contract, once the other party signed it, they must become teachers of the college. & 1t; /

Contracts are no longer restricted now, but who knows whether these people who want to become teachers of Xianxue are genuine or not. & 1t; /

"The second item is to open a recruitment channel for Wanjie. Every 100 years, the system will send a recruitment notice to all the world in the system. Wanjie strong candidates who intend to apply for teachers of Xianjie College can apply through the application channel." & 1t; /

Wanjie Recruitment? & 1t; /

After Wang Xing heard it, he was aggressive. You are serious about the system. This is a bit big. & 1t; /

In this way, he would be able to recruit teachers from all over the world while sitting still. & 1t; /

"The third item is to enable the star field transmission function. Students and teachers can reach any star field in the universe through the specific transmission station of Xian Academy." & 1t; /

Originally, the second interest was already very fortified, and Wang Xing now didn't give up much. & 1t; /

The universe is so vast that there are many star fields. Rao is the main **** can't say that he can reach any star field in an instant. & 1t; /

But now with this ability, students and teachers go anywhere, it's a matter of thought. & 1t; /

This will save a lot of time and improve efficiency. & 1t; /

The three rights are over, and the rewards for all mainline tasks are over. & 1t; /

Wang Xing secretly wrote down and started watching the rewards of the side missions. & 1t; /

One twelve-star character card, one hundred deduction cards, and randomly unlocked a new world of experience. & 1t; /

First was the twelve-star character card. He took a closer look in his hand, and now the portrait on the back is a man. It's just strange that the man has no head, but has a pair of eyes on his chest, and a mouth on his navel. & 1t; /

"Justice!" & 1t; /

Wang Xing couldn't help but blurt out, Xing Tian in myth and legend is such an image. & 1t; /

He turned over to the back of the card, and sure enough. & 1t; /

This headless man is Xing Tian, ​​one of the top ten demon gods in ancient times, and Xiu Wei has also reached the level of Jinxian Jinxian of Jinxian. & 1t; /

In this way, all four rewarded character cards have been revealed, all of which are all Jinxian level. & 1t; /

The highest punishment day has reached the level of Jinxian in the mixed Yuan, which is equivalent to the perfect god. & 1t; /

Needless to say the next Go Dao card, Wang Xing also closed them one by one, and finally he looked at the randomly unblocked world. & 1t; /

I saw that this world was awesome. & 1t; /

Where does Wang Xing know how to cover the sky, this world is no weaker than the stars becoming the world. & 1t; /

The strongest of them must have reached the realm of the universe god, and the former cruel man was from the heavenly world. & 1t; /

Now that the world is unsealed, students and teachers can enter the world to experience it. I believe that many students will find good opportunities in it. & 1t; /

All mission rewards have been collected. & 1t; /

After Wang Xing felt that there were no omissions, he began to summon four teachers. & 1t; /

In the same way, after his four drops of blood fell on the cards, each card gave out a bright white light. & 1t; /

Then, the four teachers seemed to come out of the space. & 1t; /

White Dragon Ma Ao Lie, Princess Iron Fan, Red Baby, Xing Tian all appeared one by one. & 1t; /

"Mother." & 1t; /

The red baby couldn't help seeing Princess Iron Fan. & 1t; /

He couldn't believe it, and his mother also went to Xianxian College. & 1t; /

"Child." & 1t; /

Princess Iron Fan was also very happy, how lucky they were to be at the same time. & 1t; /

Ao Lie is a bit envious of him. If the big brother, the second brother, the third brother and the master can come to the college, that's fine. & 1t; /

As for Xing Tian, ​​he looked expressionless. & 1t; /

But yes, Xing Tian has no head at all. & 1t; /

"Four teachers, welcome everyone to teach at Xian College." & 1t; /

Wang Xing said enthusiastically: "I am the only Dean of the Immortal College, and I am also the Lifelong Dean Wang Xing." & 1t; /

Hearing his words, the four new teachers were curious. & 1t; /

Is this the dean? & 1t; /

If it hadn't been for the memory of the college, they would have suspected that Wang Xing was fake. & 1t; /

After Wang Xing's introduction, he didn't say much, and immediately took four people to get familiar with the college. & 1t; /

"Wow, is this the Immortal College? It's so big." & 1t; /

Red baby followed Wang Xing and was full of curiosity about the college. The main thing about the college was that he had never seen. & 1t; /

Others didn't hesitate to let it go. Such a college is truly amazing. & 1t; /

"This is the teacher's apartment, and you will live here in the future. Each teacher is a single house, and there are four intelligent robot servants to serve. Usually, if nothing is wrong, you can go to a few floating islands over there. There are many entertainment facilities in the activity center for you to spend time. "Wang Xing said simply. & 1t; /

"Red boy, stop." & 1t; /

Wang Xing saw the red baby. He was holding a smart robot and tore off the robot's arms. & 1t; /

Why is this bear child so violent? & 1t; /

"I heard you say this is an intelligent robot, not a real person, and I want to see what it looks like in the robot's body." Red Baby said awkwardly. & 1t; /

Several others also looked at each other. & 1t; /

Wang Xing smiled bitterly: "When I come back and give you basic books on intelligent robots, you can see how these intelligent robots work, so don't disassemble them. These intelligent robots are not easy to make. If you dismantle them, Now, Mu Liuli must be angry. "& 1t; /

"Oh, I see." & 1t; /

The red baby said, but he still looked reluctantly. & 1t; /

Keep walking. & 1t; /

"This is the place where students take classes. It belongs to the teaching area. But you will all take university courses in the future. The students in the university department are actually there. Now, because there are no students breaking through to the Jinxian realm, it is still closed there "Wang Xing simply said. & 1t; /

He is also looking forward to the university department. & 1t; /

Just when can the university department be unblocked, it seems that it will take some time now. & 1t; /

"Here is the cafeteria. There is one in each of the elementary school, junior high school, and high school." Wang Xing pointed out, and this is also where he will focus on. & 1t; /

"Canteen?" & 1t; /

The red baby was a bit strange, even Bai Long Ma Ao Lie was surprised this time, & 1t; /

"We are all Jinxian, we don't need to eat anything." & 1t; /

What Princess Iron Fan thought of, she shook her head: "Is there a mess in the cafeteria?"

There was a rare reaction even this time. & 1t; /

Because this cafeteria really looks very different and totally incomprehensible. & 1t; /

"Except for the students in the elementary school, other students and teachers can dig into the valley and really do not need to eat anything. However, the existence of the canteen is not to fill everyone's stomach, but to give everyone a taste bud enjoyment Enjoyment can even reach the soul directly and touch on the origin. At present, it is also the most favorite place for students and teachers to rest. I believe that you will also love it here in the future. "& 1t; /

Wang Xing said, and walked to the front counter: "Give me five glasses of your latest agar slurry." & 1t; /

When the intelligent robot inside the counter heard it, it went to make it. & 1t; /

Soon, five cups of Qiongjiangyuyu will be fine. This is a golden drink, just a glance at it is very unusual. & 1t; /

"Try it." & 1t; /

Wang Xing said that he had a drink and handed it to the four of them. & 1t; /

The first was the red baby. He was very curious and immediately tried to taste it, and then his eyes widened. & 1t; /

"Mother, this is delicious, delicious." & 1t; /

He said, looking very excited, could not help but murmured. & 1t; /

Looking at the pain of the red baby drinking, the other three also immediately tasted it, and where they had drinked before, the drama was a shake of the body, I felt a little incredible. & 1t; /

Wang Xing smiled, especially when watching Tian Tian drink with his navel eyes, which made him feel more interesting. & 1t; /

"In the future, you have the opportunity to come to the cafeteria. Let's go to the next place." & 1t; /

Wang Xing said, looking at some red children who did not want to leave, they felt that a snack was about to be born. & 1t; /

Finally, I introduced the whole college to four new teachers, and the day passed. & 1t; /

Three days later, the college issued a notice. & 1t; /

Notice on hiring four new teachers: Bai Long Ma Ao Lie, Princess Iron Fan, Red Baby, and Xing Tian. & 1t; /

At the same time, the resumes of four people are listed above. Among them, the resume of the red child is written as follows: Guanyin sits down with the child of good fortune, the son of the cow devil and the princess of the iron fan, the title of the holy infant king, and lives in the mountain withered pine and fire cloud cave. Three hundred rounds of battle with Sun Wukong, powerful. & 1t; /

The resume of Bai Long Ma Ao Lie reads: The three eldest sons of the Dragon King of the West Sea, transformed by a Bodhisattva, transformed into a white dragon horse, converted to a Buddhist gate, and carried a Buddhist monk to the west to learn from the scriptures, and eventually became a positive fruit. He was promoted to Nanwu Babu Tianlong Guangli Buddha. & 1t; /

Xing Tian's resume reads: The ancient god, who lost the battle with Huangdi, was cut off by Huangdi, with milk as the target, umbilicus as the mouth, and never lost. & 1t; /

Princess Iron Fan's resume reads: Dexian Dixian, Cow Devil's Wife, who lives in Bajiaodong, and has a red baby. & 1t; /

Many students saw this notice from the college, all of them were very surprised. & 1t; /

Because since Wang Xing's retreat, the college has not recruited new teachers anymore. At this moment, four new teachers have appeared, and they are all in Jinxian realm, which is definitely a rare event for the college. & 1t; /

At the same time, the arrival of four new teachers also increased the students' confidence. & 1t; /

Soon ~ ~ Wang Xing made it easy for four people to train and started to arrange classes for them. & 1t; /

New teachers' courses are generally very popular, and this time it is the same. & 1t; /

Wang Xing had no time to pay attention to this at this time, he was chatting with the system about another thing. & 1t; /

"The system, hasn't the recruitment channel of Wanjie been opened? According to your previous statement, the system will send a recruitment notice to all the world of the system every 100 years. Wanjie strong candidates who intend to apply for teachers of Xianjie College can apply through the channels . Now, it should be the first hundred years. Did your recruitment notice go out? "& 1t; /

Wang Xing asked, he knew that the college still lacked teachers, and naturally he would not let go of this good method of recruitment. & 1t; /

"The system has already pushed the recruitment notice as soon as the host has obtained this benefit, but who is willing to come to apply for it, this is not my intervention." The system said lightly, meaning that I was only responsible for the recruitment requirements, Whether others should hire me or not. & 1t; /

Wang Xing has long been used to systemic urine. & 1t; /

He said helplessly: "Is anyone applying now?" & 1t; /

"No one has applied yet." & 1t; /

The system replied that this made Wang Xing's heart half cold, and even there was no one to apply for it. The recruitment of Wanjie would not be a fool. & 1t; /

After pondering a bit, Wang Xing asked: "System, your recruitment notice was transcribed?" & 1t; /

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