Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1609: Arrogant

The system seemed to hesitate a bit, and then slowly said, "Xiang College recruits teachers, and interested candidates come to apply."

After hearing this, Wang Xing was aggressive.

Your recruitment notice is really simple. Anyone who knows what Xianxian Academy is like, isn't that strange to have someone sign up.

"System, can this recruitment notice be changed?"

Wang Xing had to say, if this is not changed, he is really afraid that no one will be able to find it.

This recruitment notice must be changed.


The system hesitated for a moment: "It is not impossible, but only one sentence. If it is too long, the system will exponentially increase the energy consumption when it advertises the recruitment."

Hearing that he could change, Wang Xing felt a lot better.

As for what the system said expended energy exponentially, he didn't believe a word.

"Say, what to change?" The system followed.

"Then it will be the greatest college in the universe, the most sacred place for cultivation, and the Xian Academy, which has the most handsome dean, will openly recruit teachers.

Wang Xing thought about it and spoke a series of recruitment words.

"Well, that's it."

He checked it carefully and thought it should be attractive.


But at this time, the system did say.

"Where can't it?"

Wang Xing couldn't help but just blurt out: "System, you better give me an explanation, I don't want to use your unattractive recruitment words."

"The host is suspected of false propaganda, and the recruitment language is illegal."

The system faintly said, this sentence made Wang Xinglei's light.

false promotion?

Are you serious about the system?

"Where did I make false claims? Isn't Xianxian Academy the greatest college in the universe and the most sacred place for cultivation?"

Wang Xing hummed, this is the academy in his mind, and it is not the system that you say so yourself.

"Not these two sentences, but the one with the most handsome dean?"

The system said relentlessly, and when he heard this, Wang Xing almost spit out old blood. You are deliberately counseling me, right?

He wanted to work hard with the system.

"Furthermore, the recruitment language is still too long."

The system added another sentence, it was completely irritated to the end, without mercy.

"Okay, am I going to change?"

Wang Xing took a deep breath, suppressed the shock in her heart, and began to organize the language again.

After so many hours of negotiation with the system, this set the recruitment language for Wanjie Recruitment.

Although not very satisfied, but fortunately, the system said that this recruitment language can be changed at will, so Wang Xing will not care about it.

In the endless void at this moment.

A spaceship with a flame-like color is flying fast. This spacecraft is engraved with a strange giant beast, which is a kind of divine bird. The wings spread out to cover half of the star field, and her wings are shrouded in her wings. Below, even space seems to be burning.

If anyone is familiar with the Star Monster, then it will be recognized that this totem is the eleventh in the Monster Ranking and has an immortal real Phoenix.

In the universe, star monsters are extremely powerful, but they are also extremely rare.

Like the real ancient Phoenix, the entire universe may not have more than ten, but each one is more than a perfect god.

However, although there are few Taigu true phoenixes, there are many creatures with the blood of Taigu true phoenixes.

This is mainly because it is extremely difficult for the Taigu true phoenix to be born. It may happen that there is only one Taigu true phoenix in several epochs, and in order to continue its bloodline, it will not make the Taigu true phoenix disappear from the universe. They do not hesitate to let other creatures fuse their bloodline, and they also show a vital point, because their bloodline level is very high, if the life that merges with their bloodline has continued to evolve, it will eventually evolve into true Archaic Real Phoenix.

Some of the existing ancient Phoenixes nowadays have evolved from other life.

Regardless of whether they are real Taiguzhenghuang or the life with their bloodlines, they belong to Taiguzhenghuang.

In the universe, this race is very powerful, and they are also members of another giant organization of the sky and the Star Alliance, generally no one dares to provoke.

At this moment in the spacecraft, there are three people who have the blood of Taigu Zhenhuang.

One woman is called Alfie, and the other is a man and a woman, like her men, called Alicia and Alden.

"Sir, does this Wuxingshan star area that we are going to really have a clan who has awakened the ancient blood of the ancient Phoenix?" Alicia asked, but she was still unbelieving.

Because she awakened the ancient blood of the ancient Phoenix herself, but she knew how difficult it was to awaken.

This is not at all awakened by using one or two drops of Taigu Zhenhuang's blood.

"There should be no mistakes, and this tribe who has awakened my blood is very pure, otherwise it will not be perceived by the adults in the Shenhe River, and I will arrange to pick her up in person." Fei thought about it, and she can be said to be the person in charge of the Taigu Zhenhuang family outside Shenhe. It is generally awakened by the people of the Taigu Zhenhuang bloodline where she needs to be picked up, and even she is too lazy to bother.

"I checked, the location of this Wuxingshan star field is very remote." Alden said at this time. "Some adults in the Shenhe River just sensed that the people who awakened my blood were in Wuxingshan star field. Now It ’s not necessarily the case that we are gone. We may have returned in vain. "

Hearing this, Alfie also felt that this was possible.

But since the above was open, naturally she couldn't even come.

"Hurry up, you will be at Wuxing Mountain Starfield soon, then investigate and talk about it. If the awakened tribe is still there, take it away at that time, and you ca n’t let the tribe with my tribe's blood Exile. "Alfi thought.

There are few Taigu true phoenixes, and there are not many people in the same vein.

Therefore, they cherish every tribe. Generally, as long as such a tribe is present, they will be brought into the tribe and protected and cultivated.

The three said that they had entered Wuxingshan Star Field.

"The largest universe in the universe of stars is called Wuxingshan Universe, but the strongest of this Wuxingshan Universe is also an emperor, which is really weak and pathetic. Not to mention my tribe, who are the giants at the core of the Shenhe River. There is no immortal town behind the universe country, and some even have the perfect **** town. "Alden said, disdain the Wuxingshan star domain.

He can really disdain. After all, they are too ancient. The Zhenhuang family is several times stronger than the Wuxingshan universe.

Not only the strength outside Shenhe, but even more inside Shenhe.

"What's weird about these places, because they are so remote, is actually no different from what we mean by a hunk." Alicia also said lightly.

Like Alden, she has a great sense of superiority.

In fact, even Alfie, their noble blood makes them proud.

"Go and investigate, if there are any people with my bloodline here, it should be easy to find out."

Alfi thought for a while, then added: "You go, I won't go."

In this small matter, he believed that Alicia and Alden could be detected.

The two took the lead naturally and went out immediately.

Almost indiscriminately, they entered the Wuxingshan Universe and went directly to the capital of the Wuxingshan Universe.

"Is that the palace of the lord of this universe?"

Alden pointed, and smiled on his face: "Just grab the owner of this universe and just ask him."

He would not spend so much effort investigating one by one, and possessing absolute strength, he would only adopt the simplest method.

Alicia thought for a moment and nodded.

Within the palace of the lord, Wuge is still the lord of the universe of Wuxing Mountain, and he now has the third-order cultivation of the kingdom of the kingdom.

He practiced very fast. After all, the resources of the entire Wuxingshan Space Country were freely available to him. Of course, there was another reason because he was not demanding and did not dream of any first-class rules. Already.

At this moment, Wuge is dealing with the government affairs of Wuxingshan Universe.

But suddenly, two powerful breaths enveloped the entire palace, making him tremble in his heart.


At this time without waiting for him to speak, a man drank.

This man, called Talon, is the newly promoted emperor of the Wuxingshan Space Country in these years, and is now stationed in the capital.

"Master, there are two people coming towards you, these two are very strong."

Talon said, stopping in front of Wuge.

At this time Wuge had seen it, and a man and a woman appeared in the hall.

"You are the head of the Wuxingshan universe?"

Alicia pointed to Wuge, with a slight disdain: "It is just a third-order cultivation of a kingdom king. This Wuxingshan star area is really no one, and anyone can be the owner of the country."

Alden also nodded.

In the universe, the leader of a giant-sized universe country does not want the emperor to cultivate it.

"What do you mean, trespassing into a cosmic country is considered as declaring war on this cosmic country." Wuge angered, he felt that these two people were really too presumptuous and did not take their cosmic country at all.

It's the same with Talon, the man and the woman are so arrogant.

"Declaration of war?"

Alden couldn't help laughing: "You guys deserve it too? Our two little hands can make your universe nation into a fly ash. In front of our eyes, you, including your universe nation, are actually not stronger than the ants. . "

"What the two are going to do? We Witch Mountain Universe haven't offended you?"

Talon calmed down, and he knew he had to hold back now.

Really offended these two people, Wuxingshan universe may be in danger of overthrow.

"Don't bother with them, just tell us where we are." Alicia waved and motioned to Alden.

She talked about witching off the throne of the lord, and sat up on her own.

Very presumptuous.

Wu Ge's heart was extremely angry, but he didn't dare to show it. The two killers who didn't know where they came from were really not what he could provoke.

Alden has slowly said at this time: "In fact, it is not a big deal. You are the owner of this universe, with so many people and intelligence. Help us find someone, a person who integrates the blood of Taigu Zhenhuang, and Awakened this bloodline. "

Hearing this, including Talon, were stunned, and at the same time, my heart became increasingly angry.

The two were so arrogant and arrogant that they were only looking for one person.

"it is good."

Wu Ge gritted his teeth and could only agree.

Next, Wuge immediately convened people to query this information. The entire Wuxingshan universe was jumped by chickens and dogs.

Ten days later.

"Kingdom, there are results."

Talon looked at Wuge and whispered.

"We in Wuxingshan Star Realm really have people awakening the true Phoenix bloodline?" Wu Ge was shocked. "I also learned in the past ten days that these two people should be of the ancient Zhenhuang family. It is right that you did not have the impulse at first, otherwise Starting with these two people, we are indeed not his opponents. "

Talon also nodded.

Everyone in the Taigu Zhenhuang family has the blood of Taigu Zhenhuang. Few people in the same rank are their opponents.

If he did, he would just die.

"I have passed this message to the dean of Xianxian Academy. I don't know why there is no action yet. After all, we are nominally affiliates of the Earth Federation. They shouldn't care." Wuge thought about it.

"The lord, the dean of Xianxian College is so busy, where will I notice the news you passed. But Xianxian ca n’t do anything about it, because I found that the person who awakened the blood of Taihuang Zhenhuang is exactly Xianxian College Sophomore Zhang Xiaomeng. "Talon said.

These two Taigu Zhenhuang people are looking for students of Xian Academy. Naturally, Xian Academy cannot sit idly by.

He knew it was no better than their cosmic country ~ ~ xian college.

So many forces in the surrounding star domain have been suppressed by Xian Academy, and even Pan-Eastern Commercial Banks did not dare to touch the brow of Xian Academy. If these two people of the Taigu Zhenhuang family dare to do the same to Xian Academy, naturally Xian Academy will pack they.

"What are you mumbling in secret?"

What happened to Alden was displeased, "It's been ten days. You guys have found out who we are looking for."

Wu Ge and Talon looked at each other at this time, and immediately made a decision.

"It was found that one of the more than 100,000 people in the Wuxingshan Star Field had indeed awakened the bloodline of Taigu Zhenhuang." Talong slowly said. ,

"Is there such a person?" Alden and Alicia both had their eyes brightened, but they did. It seemed that this was the person they were looking for.

"Yes, this person is called Zhang Xiaomeng. At present, it is the cultivation of the pinnacle of creation." Talong continued, then hesitated again and again, "Zhang Xiaomeng is currently on the planet earth of the Federation of the Earth. If you want If Zhang Xiaomeng is there, you can find him there. "


Alden murmured, he didn't know where it was, but that was the result he wanted.

They can go report.

"Let's go."

Alicia said, "Next stop, Earth!"

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