Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1641: See the dean

Su Yu didn't feel choked.

Naturally, everything about the dean cannot be disclosed to outsiders. However, in order to save him, Tianhe Jiuyu had almost caught up with his life. If he refused directly, it would be a bit too ruthless.

He pondered for a moment, intending to pick some unimportant and talk to Tianhe Yanyu.

"Our dean, he is a great man."

Su Yu thought for a while and slowly spoke: "About 100,000 years ago, our Earth Federation has not entered the interstellar era, and the level of technology and cultivation is very average. There are no spaceships, no intelligent robots, and the strongest practitioners are also It can only reach the real **** realm, which is the force realm in the universe. Also at this time, our dean appeared, and he founded the earth ’s first practice school based on 'Xiuxian', and started Recruiting students and spreading Jinxian Avenue, and I was the first group of students to enter the college at that time. "

Speaking of which, Su Yu is still a little embarrassed.

Time is running, and he never thought he would achieve what he has today.

"That is to say, it took you more than 100,000 years to break through to the immortal realm." Tianhe Yuyu was shocked. The number of those who can practice at this speed is also one of the few in the universe, and they have realized two first-class laws. It is estimated that there is only Su Yu.

Su Yu smiled. He was not the first one in the college to break through to the immortal realm, nor was he the last one.

"After the establishment of Xian Academy, the dean selflessly imparted to us all kinds of cultivation knowledge, and led our college through difficulties one after another. The earth also entered the interstellar era because of our Xian Academy, and now it has become an influence The powerful universe nation in the entire star field. The earth ’s human beings are very grateful to the dean. They think that without the presence of the dean of the Xian Academy, there would be no human being today, so the dean is great.

The reason why a person is great is that he must have great deeds.

The dean of the Immortal College clearly did it. He led a group, a country from backward to advanced, from weak to strong, and naturally a well-deserved great man.

Tianhe Yan Yu somewhat understands why Su Yu and Zhong Shan both felt that the dean of Xianxian College was amazing.

On the new day, classes begin every day in the college.

"Liu Xiaoneng, hurry up to the classroom. You will be late. The swordsmanship class will be called today." A man was under the wind, and rushed towards a floating island, behind him, a young man There was also a hand grabbing the cake, walking slowly.

"You must also let me finish eating after calling." This boy is Liu Xiaoneng.

Many other students are also rushing to the floating island where students are taking classes, for fear of being late, and this is just the scene of the junior middle school of Xian College.

The same is true of elementary and high school.

"The cultivation atmosphere of Xianxian Academy is really terrible." Tianhe Yanyu was really shocked to see this scene.

In such a training college, it is no wonder that it can train so many excellent students.

At this time, a woman came over: "Teacher Tianhe Yu Yu, please come with me, the dean wants to see you."

Hearing this, Tianhe Yanyu froze.

She looked towards the speaker and found that the woman turned out to be a first-order practice of immortality.

Following the woman's journey, she came to the Institute of Cultivation, or the Institute of Cultivation, which involved research in various aspects of cultivation, including exercises, immortality, and blood.

An office in the institute, the door was hidden.

"Dean, Tianhe Yanyu is here."

The woman said, and opened the door.

I saw what Wang Xing was recording inside the door, and there were many recorded manuscripts in a nearby cabinet, with thousands of copies.

Tianhe Yanyu was so embarrassed outside, she didn't know why Wang Xing chose to meet her here.

"Let her come in, hard teacher Huang Rong." Wang Xing said slowly.

"You go in." Huang Rong said.

Tianhe Yan Yu nodded and walked into the office.

She looked at Wang Xing, and the first feeling was that Wang Xing was young and insane, almost no different from the students of Xianxian College.

At this moment, Wang Xing was still writing something, and she glanced at it, only to see that what was written above was about the fusion of laws. Then she also noticed the cabinet behind Wang Xing, and saw that the dense manuscripts above were each a research record.

She was so shocked that the dean of the Immortal Academy in front of her was far from her imagination.

"What, surprised?"

Wang Xing looked up at this moment, and put away his latest research manuscript: "Welcome to Xianxian College, Tianhe Yanyu."

Tianhe Yan Yu froze.

At this time, she found that Wang Xing was staring at her. She immediately felt that she had no secrets in front of Wang Xing, and everything had been seen through by Wang Xing.

"Tianhe Jiuyu, the youngest daughter of the ancestor of the Tianhe Universe, aged three years and ninety-nine thousand years old, the title **** of the League of Nations in the Shenhe River, beheaded and killed an injured Horn god. He has been rebellious since childhood. , Was not liked by the ancestors of Tianhe, and later broke through to the immortal realm with a third-class rule, and was considered a shame of the Tianhe family by the ancestors of Tianhe, but you refused to lose and broke into a magnificent name with a third-class rule , The achievements far surpass those brothers and sisters who broke through the second-class rule to immortality. "

Wang Xing said very blandly, and looked at Tianhe Yanyu with some approbation.

"Can you read this information from me?"

Tianhe Yan Yu still couldn't help but speak, this is really shocking. What kind of cultivation is the dean of the Immortal Academy in front of? Is it really a state of omnipotence?

She had thought that the dean of the Immortal College would be amazing, would have unpredictable methods, and would be mentally prepared, but it was too scary.

"Read this information?" Wang Xing shook his head but shook his head. "That's not true. I just looked at the gossip message on the interstellar network, and it was written on it."

Tianhe Yan Yu: "..."

"Ahem ~ ~ This is not the point." Wang Xing smiled. He knew it must be Tianhe Yanyu who regarded himself as a peerless powerhouse. She only thought too much, but if she really wanted to leave Tianhe There is actually a way to read some information on Yu, but it takes too much soul power, and he will do it silly. "First of all, thank you for your assistance to our college student Su Yu."

Tianhe Yan Yu nodded, Zhongshan had already thanked him before.

"Then, let's talk about your current situation." Wang Xing thought for a while. "Your kingdom is collapsing, and the gods of the universe's original laws are collapsing. If it is not what I expected, continue this way. , You have only a 10,000-year life span. "

"Ten years?"

Tianhe Yanyu shuddered, which was shorter than she expected.


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