Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1642: Advanced Law

Wang Xing nodded, in fact, it may not be for ten thousand years.

Because this collapse is getting faster and faster, maybe thousands of years later, the kingdom of God in Tianhe Yanyu will disappear.

"The practitioner of immortality, the Trinity of Godhead, God Body, and Kingdom of God, is like a triangle with three sides. When there is a problem on either side, the practitioner will get sick and die. And now you actually have all three sides. If something goes wrong, it ’s already lucky to live to this day. ”Wang Xing slowly said,“ The godhead is the root, the kingdom of God is the source of energy, and the **** body is the container. To solve your problem, you must start from the root. ”

Tianhe Yan Yu was shocked by Wang Xing's theory.

She knows that some people study this, and there are many scholars in the universe who practice, but like Wang Xing, few theories have been formed.

"Also ask the Dean for advice."

Tianhe Yan Yu has really regarded Wang Xing as a senior at this moment, and is very respectful.

"There are three ways."

Wang Xing opened his mouth and smiled: "The first method is a bit rude. I can separate your soul from the godhead and prevent your soul from dissipating with the godhead, and then arrange your reincarnation, or find you another one. Secondary body. But in this case, everything will come to you, you will have to re-cultivate and re-forge the **** body, and I will not be able to achieve the current achievement in the future. "

Tianhe Yan Yu was a little excited when she heard that there were three ways, but the first way made her half cold.

Retraining is easy to say, but it is too difficult to implement.

It took her three epochs to have her current practice, and if she re-cultivated, she might have to spend another three epochs.

"The second method is relatively gentle. I can use external forces to help you stabilize the collapsed kingdom and gods in your body and maintain your current situation, but in this case, the kingdom and gods you have collapsed ca n’t be restored. In the end, your cultivation can no longer be improved. Even, because your kingdom of God has collapsed a lot, your cultivation may have to fall to the level of perfection, even the higher level.

Wang Xing continued, and this method was the safest.

Tianhe Yan Yu was silent, and Wang Xing's ability to do this was actually far beyond her expectations, so that she would not only die, but also maintain the practice of immortality, although she would fall into the first or second order.

She was a little emotional, but suddenly thought of something, she immediately gave up the idea.

She is the title **** of the League of Nations, an existence that the father doesn't despise. If her cultivation falls to the state of perfection or even a higher god, what face will she face?

At that time, her title and land will be taken back, and she will be laughed at by those brothers and sisters.

To her, that was a shame.

"The third method is a little more radical. The so-called indestructible cannot be broken. Now that there is no cure, it is better to desperately find a new way. The rule you now understand is the third-class fire rule. According to my research, the law should not be divided. Equal order, any rule is the strongest. The third-order rule also has the potential of not being weaker than the first-order rule. The key is how to motivate the potential of this rule. For this, I have a theory called a rule Advanced theory. "

Said, Wang Xing took out a research record manual from the shelf behind him.

Tianhe Yan Yu was curious and couldn't help taking it over to study.

I saw that the entire record manual was also written by Wang Xing, which contained the theoretical basis of the advanced rules and the feasibility conditions. It also listed some examples of advanced rules in the universe, and finally it was an experiment by Wang Xing himself. Looking through it, this is like a textbook. It is not difficult to understand, but the content is too shocking.

Unconsciously, six hours have passed.

Tianhe Yan Yu slowly raised her head at this time, only then noticed that time had passed so long.

"how about it?"

Wang Xing is sorting things out, saying casually: "Is it shocking? In fact, it is exactly what I wrote in the manual. The advanced rule is not fictitious, but it is real. There is a master **** in the Orc Alliance in the universe called Kui Shi, who has been immortalized by the third-class soil rule, but his combat power is not weaker than those super geniuses who have practiced the first-level rule in the same realm. According to my guess, he actually completed the advanced rule, let The laws of the earth have mutated and have reached a level comparable to first-class laws. "

Tianhe Yanyu pondered, this example is not in Wang Xing's manual.

She has also heard of this Kui Shi. The other party can rely on the third-level rule to fight against the super genius of the first-level rule, and even to kill the enemy, it is legendary several times more than herself, which cannot be explained at all. Some people in Shenhe speculate that Kui Shi integrates other laws, but Kui Shi has never acknowledged it, but how can the law of cultivating earth be so strong? This is simply impossible.

"Is it really possible to advance the rules?"

Tianhe Yan Yu can't help but have some doubts. Is there really a way to promote this law? If it is true, then this is a subversion.

"Now the practitioners mainly follow the path of fusion of laws and understanding of higher laws as much as possible, so few people delve into this. But I can be sure that the advancement of laws is real." Wang Xing said absolutely, "So, if you choose the third method, as long as you can realize the first advancement of the law of fire that you have realized, your godhead will reunite, and your kingdom will be re-established on the old ruins. Not only will you not become a fall, you will become stronger. "

Tianhe Jiuyu is an exciting spirit ~ ~ Especially getting stronger makes her heart.

She knew that Wang Xing might just treat her as an experimental subject, but if the experiment was successful, it would be self-evident to her.

"First advance?"

Suddenly she asked, "If the dean's theory is correct, is there a second, or even third, progression of the latter rule?"

Wang Xing nodded: "Yes, but in theory, the second advancement will definitely be more than a hundred times more difficult than the first one, but once completed, it will even break the universe." 'Say.'

Tianhe Yanyu felt that the thunder was rolling in general, and was really shocked by Wang Xing's theory.

Knowing the universe, the highest achievement of a person who comprehends the third-class rule is the realm of the Lord God, because the level of the third-class rule is said to be too low to look into the origin of the universe. But if you advance through the law and raise the level of the law, you can break this trance, which is simply subversive.

I believe that by then, the entire universe will boil.

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