Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1702: So scary ...

"Okay, I agree." Ye Ying first spoke. She didn't like Long Tianyu. Because of Long Tianyu, a girl who should have joined the Goddess League, she finally joined Yixian Society.

"I don't have any opinion, but it just feels so cumbersome." Luo Qiu followed.

Qi Yuan saw that the two had agreed, and could only agree.

"Okay, I'll get Laryn into the crowd now."

"it is good."

Several people said, a cute new group.

"Meet a few big guys."

"Ryan, we will be allies in the future."

"Yes Yes Yes Yes."

"Renne, our six largest communities have been established for the longest time. Although the competition in the college is fierce, we still need to be united at a critical time."

"Good, unanimous."

"Everyone is right, everyone, let's kill the little cub, Tianyu."

Ren immediately followed suit, kneeling down and licking.

However, he already had four MMPs in his heart, and what he said was good. If it wasn't enough for Yin Haojun to be interesting this time, it was because this guy was easier to buy. The four of you and Liu Fan would do it alone, where would you leave me.

What are you talking to me about now?

But he was secretly lucky.

The Goddess Alliance, Xianmeng League, Yandi Society, and Kewu Society even secretly formed an alliance. He finally got on the last train, which was really good luck.

If he didn't join the alliance, he would definitely perform the worst this time back. In the end, the dean gave the place of the alien club to the dragon fish of the alien club, and he still has the face to be the vice president of the alien club.

Good luck.

Next, he knelt and licked again, feeling more secure.

How cheap!

He himself feels shameless, but it feels great to join the league.

Well, really fragrant.

The five became an alliance and Long Tianyu didn't know it yet.

It just seemed to him that it seemed that the five people looked at him a little bit wrongly. How did it feel like he was pitying him.

There is something wrong.

He secretly thought, thinking about how to get some benefits in this Viper continent.

His goal has always been Liu Fan, and now Liu Fan has broken through to the immortal realm, but he is still the immortal realm, which makes him have a lot of claws.

No, he has to break through.

In addition, he must break through with first-class rules, so that he can compete with Liu Fan in the future.

Liu Fan's goal has always been Su Yu, and Su Yu must be regarded as an enemy. In fact, Dragon Sky Fish is better than it.

However, Liu Fan is all about coming and going. He wants to surpass Su Yu, but Long Tianyu seems to be more low-key. Although he wants to surpass Liu Fan in his dreams, he is not strong enough to compete with Liu Fan. .

Several people continued to hunt snakes, took snake blood, and tempered their bodies.

"This forest is really big. We walked a billion kilometers and went out. It seems that we have not yet entered the core area of ​​this forest." Luo Qiu stood with a bow and arrow on the top of a 300-meter-high tree.

"It's strange. When we came to this Viper continent, I calculated that the entire Viper continent is about 60 billion kilometers long and wide." Qi Yuan said scientifically and rigorously, "In this world, The only Easther Kingdom occupies less than a tenth of the area, the others are occupied by vipers. "

"This ... I think the core area, let's not go there." Yin Haojun thought for a while.

"Why not? There must be a higher level of viper in the core area, and countless exotic treasures."

"That's what it says, but five of us are Shengxian Xiuwei. After entering, it ’s okay to meet the Jinxian Viper. If we encounter the Jinxian Viper, we won't stop."

"Six of us, can't we fight the Viper of Jinxian II?"

"Ha ha."

Yin Haojun saw the expressions of several people secretly.

Is this a word that hurt the pride of the four, why is he proud of it?

Three days later, they went hundreds of millions of kilometers deeper, and in these three days, they had a lot to gain, especially Qi Yuan found a lot of precious biological research materials.

The viper at the peak of the Holy Fairy, they also caught three and drew blood.

The six were resting at this moment, but at this moment, there was a sudden sound.

"No, there is something ..."

Ye Ying first discovered the anomaly, immediately took out his long sword, and looked at the distance.

Luo Qiu pulls his bow and draws an arrow, and the three arrows bow, ready to shoot out at any time.

Long Tianyu held the knife and felt that three powerful breaths swept away from him. It was as if he was going to get rid of him, which made him very upset.

Yin Haojun was anxious. I said that you would not let you go any further. You must not listen. This time, I was fine.

Rennes was still stupid, some puzzled. Isn't everything going well these days? Why is there a sudden disaster?

"Well, I feel the breath of three Jinxian levels. If I lose the next one, I will take the flying boat first." Ye Ying thought for a while, and the flying boat was given to her by the frost.

"I still have a random array of magic symbols, which seems to be used." Luo Qiu thought for a while, followed.

"Well, the president gave me a space ejection device, and it should be possible to escape." Qi Yuan thought about it.

"I am proficient in illusions and formations, and I think I can escape." Long Tianyu proudly arrived.

"Well ... I also have a technique for the death of immortals, which should be able to hide the eyes of ordinary gold immortals." Rain thought for a while, shouted.

Yin Haojun listened to the words of five people, and the whole person was dumbfounded.

It turned out that the five of you dared to continue to deepen, all have means to save lives, but I do not have it.


He felt hurt by 10,000 points. Is this the president and deputy president of the people, without this?

You bastards, I believe in your evil.

"Ten ... seven generals, just ... that's them." At this time, an extremely angry voice came.

Seeing only the air, a viper was pointing at them, uttering words, looking extremely angry, and his eyes were about to get angry.

"My grass, isn't this the viper that we caught and drew blood two days ago, he can speak." Yin Haojun was dumbfounded, and the others were aggressive.

"According to the record, the viper evolved to Jinxian realm and could spit words." Luo Qiu gave Yin Haojun a white look. When you were in the city's main house, did you just remember picking up the girl?

But looking at other people's looks, it is clear that they just knew it.

Luo Qiu felt the repression of IQ instantly, it was really cool.

"But ... this snake really can't reach Jin Wonderland?" Ye Ying looked at Luo Qiu and asked.

"This ..." Luo Qiu was at a loss, yeah, this snake is really not Golden Wonderland, "I rely on it, the people in the city are too deep and lie to me."

Everyone is silent ~ ~ Your reflection arc is really long.

It's wrong now.

"Who lied to you, my second child wouldn't speak, but I was scared by you, and somehow he could speak. Is it interesting to say that?"

"Interesting, interesting, but he was really frightened, too timid?"

"The courage is too small? You stabbed him with such a thick needle and drew his blood, so scary the snake ..." General Viper Seventeen with black wings gestured.

Beside him, there were two winged vipers.

All six people know that these are all viper snakes in the Jinxian realm.

Do you want to take a break?


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