Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1703: Listen to me continue to flicker

? Yin Haojun is also thinking, although they are six people, but the six holy immortals playing three first-order gods of the second-order gods, there is really no chance.

The most abominable is that the other five people have a way to escape, he did not.

Well, we must find a way to let the five of Ye Ying stand.

But he just had this idea, Luo Qiuhu among the six people then retreated one kilometer away.

I rub, what are you doing?

Yin Haojun was stunned, this situation is a bit wrong.

Followed, only heard Luo Qiu shouted: "Dear students, these three big snakes are too strong, I will go back now and ask for help."

After speaking, he directly crushed the randomly transmitted matrix magic amulet, and people disappeared.

"Shameless, shameless."

Yin Haojun shouted, you **** run so fast, you go back and ask for help, do you know how to go back.

The group of vipers is also aggressive, which is a little different from the imaginary scene.

"Well, I still have something to do and leave first."

Ye Ying said, the figure flashed into the flying boat, and rushed out in a hurry, the speed almost reached the limit of space.

At this time a group of vipers also responded.

"Catch them!"

The General Seventeen shouted, all the vipers suddenly rushed up.

But Ye Ying's flying boat was too fast. When they intercepted it too late, they couldn't stop it.

"Everyone, the wind is shouting!"

Suddenly, the rest of Ren, Qi Yuan and Long Tianyu also began to escape.

However, the three were not so lucky. Qi Yuan's space ejection device had not been used yet, and he was stunned by General Seventeen. Long Tianyu is the same. He is really proficient in arrays and illusions, but he never imagined that Viper's eyes had the ability to see through imagination and insight into the true nature. As a result, he was vomited a few liters of blood by the tail of another General of the snake He was entangled with his tail, as if he had been raped.

It's Rennes, this guy's dying fairy is really weird.

He self-directed a spontaneous show, and he was so heroic that others thought he was dead. In fact, a million miles away, he appeared weirdly. From a skeleton, slowly growing flesh and blood, it was no different from before the explosion.

Six people ran three and the remaining three.

Among them, Yin Haojun remained indifferent from beginning to end, completely indifferent.

"Why don't you run?" General Seventeen looked at Yin Haojun curiously.

"I'm here to see the King of Snakes, why run?" Yin Haojun laughed. "Don't you think I'm like them, so stupid, dare to enter the heart of the King of Snakes. Do not hide the general, in fact, they are the ones I brought It is a meeting gift for the king of snakes. "

"They, meeting ceremony?" General Seventeen Snakes pushed me hard. I don't read much, don't lie to me.

"Yes, the King of Snakes is the supreme in this world. Although he has eaten all kinds of delicious food, he certainly hasn't eaten it." Yin Haojun pointed to Qi Yuan and Dragon Sky Fish.

"That's right, they include you and those outside are really different." General Seventeen nodded. "It looks really delicious."

"Yes, that's right." Yin Haojun smiled, "I lead them over, I want to take them all the way to the snake king, but the general suddenly came out, let them realize that this is a trap, but five people ran After three, how do you tell me to the snake king. If this snake king blame, I can't afford it. "

Said, Yin Haojun frowned.

General Seventeen Snake thought about it for a while, as if it seemed that he had done something wrong.

At this moment, Long Tianyu and Qi Yuan, who had just woke up, looked at Yin Haojun, who had a bright lotus flower, and were completely dumbfounded.

I've seen nonsense, I've never seen such nonsense.

In a blink of an eye, you become the messenger of the King of Snakes, and we are a gift.

Even more annoying is who you say is a silly fork.

"Well, take me to see the snake king. I have something to tell the snake king." Yin Haojun thought for a moment and said slowly.

"Okay, okay." General Seventeen Snakes said, always feeling weird, something seemed wrong.

Yin Haojun secretly squeezed his sweat at this time. You are all right, every one has a means to escape, but Lao Tzu is not bad, Lao Tzu's mouth is invincible.

No matter what time, as long as I don't block my mouth, I can give the enemy Huyou doubt life.

"I don't know what to call it?" The General of the Seventeenth Society thought for a while and asked.

"Why do you want to change your name or sit and change your last name? The little white dragon in the waves is right there." Yin Haojun babbled casually.

"Little white dragon in the waves ... good name." General Shishishe praised, "Come, let me introduce you, I am the Seventeenth General Baker under the White Wing Snake King, this is Eighteenth General Burke, This is the nineteenth general Geck. "

"Brother Baker, Brother Burke, Brother Geek, fortunately."

"Haha, go, I'll take you to see the snake king."

"Okay, okay."

"Right, what about them?" Baker pointed to Qi Yuan and Long Tianyu.

"Bundle them," Yin Haojun said casually.

The teeth that Qi Yuan and Long Tianyu hate are itchy. The gap between this person and the person is sometimes really bigger than the difference between the person and the dog.

Everyone was taken captive together, how could you be as good as a fish, why are you so good.

Yin Haojun looked at what the two were still trying to say, and hurriedly added: "Yes, they blocked their mouths, and if they leak, they won't taste good."

Qi Yuan and Long Tian were stunned.

Leaks make them unpalatable. Do you treat them as inflatable?

On the way back, Yin Haojun relied on his three-inch tongue, which made a group of vipers who were still doubtful about him, and now he was about to worship him as a brother.

"Brother Bailong, there is the Snake Palace in front."

"It's an honor to meet the distinguished Lord of the Snake King. The three elder brothers will go and introduce me."

"Walk around, what are you waiting for."

Yin Haojun followed the three generals and entered the palace of the snake king.

Inside, at this moment, there were circling over a thousand snakes, and the weakest of these snakes was the Holy Realm.

In the middle of the palace, a blazing flame was burning, with tons of meat on it.

Yin Haojun glanced at the situation in the snake king's palace and knew that he had entered the snake's nest. If this is not good, he must be put on the shelf for roasting.

Soon, he noticed a large snake with a pair of white wings and eating meat pieces. This large snake was 10,000 meters long when it was coiled, and it was estimated to be 100,000 meters long when it was stretched out.

"Ah, Lord Snake King, your wings are really beautiful, just like the white clouds at the sky."

Yin Haojun walked over and said half-knelt.

The White Wing Snake King, who was eating a piece of meat, didn't feel a tremor at this moment, which was captured by Yin Haojun keenly.

"you are……"

"I'm your guest from afar."

"Guest?" Whitewing Snake King froze, seemingly wondering when he had this guest.

"Yes, I heard your deeds and came to visit you specially." Yin Haojun hurriedly said, "I didn't expect you to be more powerful than I expected, especially the pair of wings, really beautiful, I I can't believe there are such beautiful wings in the universe. "

"This ... it's really good to say, come here." The White Winged Snake King couldn't help but whispered, seemed very happy, "Give me a seat, and enjoy the meat."

"Thank the snake king." Yin Haojun sat down and knew that this was the first pass.

Then, I only saw that Baker took a piece of meat from the shelf and put it in front of Yin Haojun. There were dozens of Yin Haojun in the meat.

Yin Haojun looked at Baker and was really speechless.

Do you have a brain damage and think I can eat such a big piece of meat.

"Little white dragon brothers in the waves, you are amazing." Baker secretly.


"You are the first alien to arrive at the Snake Palace and be rewarded with meat by the King of Snakes."

"I'm going, it's true." Yin Haojun was dumbfounded. "Is it because I just exaggerated that the wings of the snake king are beautiful?"

"do not know."

"Speaking of which, your wings are all black, why are the snake kings white?" Yin Haojun asked, and he was a little curious as soon as he entered.

"The snake king is dyed," Baker whispered.

"Dyeed ... Dyeed." Yin Haojun was speechless, black wings well, why was it dyed white.

"There are two snake kings in our world, one is our white-winged snake king, and the other is the black-winged snake king. In fact, our snake king was originally called the black-winged snake king, but that snake king defeated our snake king and forced us. The wings were dyed white. Later, our snake king was called the white-wing snake king, and the one was called the black-wing snake king. "

"I'm going, what is this Nima?"

Yin Haojun looked at the wings of the white-winged snake king, and really wanted to laugh, which turned out to be dyed.

To the white-winged snake king, these white wings should be his lingering humiliation. He came up and praised that the white wings were very beautiful. It seemed that the humiliation of the white-winged snake king was not humiliation.

It can be said that Yin Haojun walked into the heart of the White Wing Snake King with a word and made the White Wing Snake King look at him differently.

But how do you eat so much meat, but if you do n’t eat it, you will not be disrespected by the snake king.

He ate two or three bites desperately, really terrible.

But yes, where do these snakes know what cooking is? It is good to know how to cook them on fire.

"What's wrong, appetite?" The snake king looked at Yin Haojun and asked.

"This ... is indeed a bit of an appetite." Yin Haojun thought for a moment, but he could tell lies, but just said that this was very delicious, but Nima would eat a ton of this kind of meat, it might as well kill him.

"What did you say?" There was a snake general unwilling to immediately, a horrible coercion shrouded Yin Haojun, and feeling this coercion, even reached Jinxian level 2.

"I'm just telling the truth, in fact, the snake king, you haven't eaten real roasted meat." Yin Haojun thought about it and planned to go out.

"Real barbecue?"


The snake king frowned. He used to grab a few outside cooks, but the skills of those people were not stingy.

"You can do it?"

"I will." Yin Haojun thought for a while, "But why, this time when I came to see the King of Snakes, I had brought an exquisite chef to the King of Snakes, and he especially made barbecue."

"Where is it?" Whitewing Snake King said immediately.

"That, Brother Baker, put the captive down." Yin Haojun pointed to Qi Yuan.

"Brother Bailong, didn't he give us the Snake King to eat?" Baker was dumbfounded and couldn't understand the situation.

"At this moment, he was a cook. In fact, he was the chef, and the rest was left to eat. You just have to take care of that." Yin Haojun said casually, and the bound dragonfish wanted to cry, how to blink? Hara was also released.

After Qi Yuan was released, he trot came to Yin Haojun and was very moved.

"Yin Haojun, go back to my laboratory after you go, take whatever you want."

"That's what you said."

"of course."

"But the priority is, do you make barbecue?"

"You can rest assured that I have taken elective cooking, and I have a nine-level chef's license."

"I knew pharmaceuticals. No one wouldn't cook."

"Is it like this?"

Next, Qi Yuan started making barbecue.

The seasoning prepared by him is quite complete, even if the seasoning is missing, he can find alternatives from this world.

The barbecue was done, and a whole ton of large pieces of meat was swallowed by the snake king, and his expression of surprise was immediately revealed.

He has never tasted this delicious.

Qi Yuan knew at this time that he was alive.

Sure enough, this culinary art was not learned in vain, and Long Tianyu was about to cry. He also took elective cooking.



It goes without saying that Qiyuan made vomiting for three days in a row, but Qiyuan was about to vomit, but it was better to serve a group of uncles.

"Little white dragon in the waves, do you say you are from outside?"

"Yes, my master is a cosmic god, otherwise you think I can come here."


"Snake King, don't laugh."

"Then you keep talking."

"Okay, listen to me continue to flicker, I'm here to actually do business with you ..."

"Continue flickering?"

"Snake King, oops, I'm a bit overwhelmed, oops, drunk, drunk!"

Then, Yin Haojun fell to the table.

A group of big snakes laughed.

Three days after the blink of an eye, Yin Haojun had a good time in the Snake Palace.

However, the White Wing Snake King was obviously not so good, and he still guarded him, so he would not let him out of the Snake Palace.

"Brother Li Bailong."

"Brother Baker."

The two met as if they were brothers.

"Let ’s go, the flowers and fruits are ripe. The snake king invites you to come over. I have to say that this time you are here to catch up."

"Spiritual fruit?"

Yin Haojun said for a moment, how he felt like a treasure when he heard the name.

"You'll know when you go ~ ~ Well, good."

Yin Haojun is also very excited. It seems that the snake king is really a good man, and he did not praise him.

When he sees the snake king, he must kneel and lick again.

He doesn't plan to do anything.

No, it's long gone, anyway, whoever wants it and who wants it.

Along the way, this snake king's palace is also big and boundless. At this time, Yin Haojun saw a place surrounded by many peaks, and now there are large snakes circling on the peak.

The White Wing Snake King is in it, his gaze is looking at a place among the mountain peaks, or a fruit tree.


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