Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1706: I do n’t care about your two things

Nicole, the princess of the Easter Kingdom, came to the battlefield.

Qi Yuan looked at Nicole with surprise.

Although Nicole in front of her is a little embarrassed, she is really beautiful, and it is at least a planet-level beauty in the Earth Federation.


Qi Yuan's brain made up a story in a flash. It must be Yin Haojun who abandoned him and abandoned him. Now he has been approached.

Maybe, the woman even gave birth to the children, and in a million years, a good show of the father and the son will be staged.


When Yin Haojun was trying to say something, he felt a kick on his buttocks and suddenly fell a dog to eat shit.

He was aggressive and looked back at Qi Yuan with an angry look. He couldn't figure out what was going on. You were OK to kick me.


Qi Yuan said, glaring at Yin Haojun fiercely.

But after flying out with him, he saw the attacker, who turned out to be Nicole.

He was dumbfounded, I was in your early days, how you beat me, you were particular about it.

"You are not allowed to hit him."

Nicole watched Qi Yuan flew out and threw a few followers, and said very seriously.

Yes, just not allowed.

She was talking seriously, not joking at all.

It seems that next time Qi Yuan dares to beat Yin Haojun, she can work hard with Qi Yuan.

"Okay, I don't care about the matter between you two." Qi Yuan sat on the stump beside the injured and felt 10,000 points of injury.

"That one……"

Yin Haojun looked at Nicole with a complex expression.

At this moment, he didn't know what to do. It stands to reason that he was just a liar, but when Nicole hit Qi Yuan, how could he feel a kind of heartbeat.

No, he shouldn't have this emotion.

Liars have no feelings, and they should not be emotional.

"Hao Jun, I was wrong. Come with me. I'll take you to see my mother." Nicole said, his face was a little red.

See your mother, that's not see your parents.

Yin Haojun felt a bit unacceptable. He was not ready for this. Besides, he was a liar and a flickering god.

See your mother, what a joke.

"No." Yin Haojun simply rejected Nicole.

"You still hate me?"

Yin Haojun's so decisive tone made Nicole sad.

She doesn't think this is the reason for Yin Haojun. Yin Haojun likes her so much. There is only one possibility that she really broke Yin Haojun's heart. She stabbed into Yin Haojun's chest without hesitation, and now she remembers Yin Haojun's sad eyes. It was at that moment that she understood Yin Haojun's heart.

He didn't plot against himself, he really liked himself.

It was love, something she longed for.

"If you think I still hate you, then it's right. I still have something, don't block my way." Yin Haojun is about to leave. He is now anxious to collect the flowers and fruits. If it is late, wait The White Winged Snake King went back, or the news of the White Winged Snake King ’s killing came back.

"Sure enough, you just hate me." Nicole cried. She has never been more helpless than at this moment. It turned out that it is more difficult for a person to forgive oneself than forgive each other, and for the person you like to forgive yourself. It's more difficult.

Yin Haojun was also at a loss as he watched Nicole in Lihua with rain.

Isn't he a liar? At the moment he has a hundred kinds of lies that Nicole can laugh at, but he is silent.

"Why are you doing this to me?"

Nicole made a bold move, she went up and hugged Yin Haojun.

Wen Xiang nephrite is pregnant, Yin Haojun doesn't have any indiscriminate thoughts, but his body trembles a bit.

"I went and hugged them all." Qi Yuan was stunned, only one thought in his heart, Yin Haojun took off, and also found a planet-level beauty, and he was still single.

It's really jealous.


Yin Haojun lost his mind for a few seconds and resolutely pushed Nicole away.

"Women, what do you want?"

He shouted loudly, apparently flustered.

Yes, he panicked at this moment.

He has never been in love, and has never liked anyone. He is used to being single and is also used to being single. His association with Nicole was purposeful from the beginning. He also always felt that there was only a liar, a big flicker. He had lied to Nicole, and he was the winner. But just when Nicole hugged him, he suddenly realized that it didn't seem to be the case, and it seemed that he was the one who lied.

"Hao Jun ..."

Nicole's body was shaking. She didn't know how much courage she had used to find Yin Haojun, but it was definitely the boldest and craziest thing she had ever done in her life.

She desperately desperately did not expect to get this result.

"Stupid woman, haven't you understood that, I lied to you, all of you lied to me. I haven't been so kind to ask you good morning every morning, and I haven't been so kind to tell you stories and accompany you to the movies, Taking photos, all this is to get close to you and get information about your world. You really think you stabbed me, in fact, this is also a lie to you. I have already prepared to avoid the key points, so You didn't hurt me at all. "Yin Haojun said indifferently.

"Scam, this is simply a scam."

"You think I like you, don't deceive yourself."

"I won't like you or anyone, silly woman."

Said, Yin Haojun walked into the distance and entered the forest, leaving only one back to Nicole.

Nicole crouched down and cried with a headache.

When Qi Yuan saw this, he felt a little aggressive, what was the situation.

Yin Haojun is not crazy, how can he say such a heavy thing, and still be a beauty, this is not consistent with his usual style.

"Pretend, you pretend me."

Qi Yuan smiled, he wanted to understand.

The reason why Yin Haojun said such a heavy word was that he didn't even flick Nicole. There was only one possibility, and he was serious.

What is serious is that he is emotional.


The more Qi Yuan thought, the more he thought he guessed right, which made him feel very interesting.

"do not Cry."

Qi Yuan came to Nicole. He felt that he should help Nicole.

Also helped a handful of Yin Haojun.

After all, are you classmates? That's what he thinks.

As for whether this will pit Yin Haojun, who knows, loves the land.

"Here, tissue."

Qi Yuan said and handed Nicole a tissue: "Actually, he didn't like you, but he didn't dare to like you."

Nicole froze and looked up at Qi Yuan.

Seems to be asking what this means.

"Yin Haojun is a person with a lot of stories. He is not the most gifted in our college, nor is it the teacher and dean's favorite, but he is the best at disguising. He always feels that he can deceive everyone, He is the flickering god, but what he doesn't know is that even if he can deceive everyone, he can't cheat himself. "

Qi Yuan said, this is also his knowledge of Yin Haojun.

"From what I know of him, he has a hundred reasons to make you laugh and smile, letting you lie down and let you die for him. But he didn't do it. You know what this means, which means he doesn't If you have the patience to flirt with you, he feels that this is irresponsible to you. Therefore, he is really affectionate to you, which will make him so overwhelmed and even a little confused. "

It's true that Nicole's eyes are shining a little.

"He really likes you, at least he likes it." Qi Yuan continued, and then walked towards the forest.

He feels that his acting skills are also very good.

Take a look at this crying pear-flowered girl with a rain, she was stunned by herself.

"Yin Haojun, let me help you one last time." Qi Yuan thought for a while and laughed: "Nicole, there is one thing that can prove what I said. Look at the white-winged snake king and his snake generals on the battlefield. Now, their movements are very slow, and they are no longer your mother's opponent. In fact, you must not even understand what happened to your mother now, but I can tell you that it was all done by Yin Haojun. He knows that you are Dong The princess of the Kingdom of Thor knows that your Kingdom of East Throne will fight against the White Wing Snake King, so it lurks near the White Wing Snake King and gives biological poison to the White Wing Snake King and his 22 generals. "

Nicole froze, it was incredible.

"Are you hard to believe? In fact, this is the power of love." Qi Yuan sighed, looking envious, before chasing Yin Haojun.

If this doesn't catch up, Yin Huaguo will be taken away by Yin Haojun.

As for Nicole, after watching Qi Yuan leave, she immediately went to the battlefield, and sure enough he saw what Qi Yuan said.

The White Wing Snake King and his twenty-two snake generals have completely fallen into the downwind, and sometimes for no reason, their bodies cannot move.

She was crying with joy at this moment, only one thought.

Yin Haojun likes him. Those he just said to himself are just because of the deep hatred of love.

The more she did, the more she wanted to restore Yin Haojun.

In this way, Nicole, who was only slightly occupied, was completely occupied at this moment.

I would like to ask a woman who does n’t fall into love with a man who asks you warmth every day, and in order to go deep and dangerous, even if you do n’t care about your life and death.

Qi Yuan chased all the way, and found that Yin Haojun was waiting for himself in front of him. This guy didn't go to fetch the flowers and fruits.

"Why are you here now?"

Yin Haojun looked at Qi Yuan and felt that the other party was a bit wrong.

Qi Yuan hesitated, but did not dare to speak directly with Yin Haojun, and said, "Dynamite, I went to a toilet by the way."

Yin Haojun is speechless. Do you lie to ghosts? Everyone is a saint, and he will have diarrhea.

Qi Yuan didn't say, he didn't bother to ask again.

But if he knows Qi Yuan's assists, it is estimated that Qi Yuan's desperate heart will be there.

They ran all the way, and returned to the Snake Palace in less than two hours.

There weren't a few people left at the Snake Palace at this moment.

Yin Haojun and Qi Yuan did not dare to be too public, but quietly dived into the valley of Huahuaguo.

Here, there are currently two viper warriors of the Holy Spirit level guarding.

"You one, me one."


Qi Yuan nodded, and the two flew up at the same time.

The viper repairs of these two immortal levels are not very high, and the highest is only equivalent to the sixth immortal level, where are their opponents.

Moreover, the two still made a surprise attack and stunned the two vipers directly.

"Hey, the fruit is here."

Yin Haojun and Qi Yuan looked at each other with a smile, and rushed to the flower tree.

"According to the previous discussion, I have nine and you five."

"Alright alright."

Yin Haojun said impatiently.

The two got on the tree and looked at the calyx-sized fruit, which was full of discs. They were carefully picked and put into their sacs.

After finishing all this work, Yin Haojun and Qi Yuan both looked at the lotus flower and fruit tree.

The loquat flower is precious, and the tree that can bear the loquat fruit is certainly not extraordinary, if only the fruit tree could be dug into the college.

"Don't dig for the time being, although I'm not sure yet, but the composition of that flower and fruit is very peculiar, and it doesn't look like it can be grown in ordinary places. Transplantation is just transplantation, and whether we can produce such peculiar loquat fruit is also said. "Qi Yuan analyzed it from a very professional point of view and felt that it is not worth digging the fruit tree now.

"Understand, there is a saying how to say, orange is born in Huainan, orange, but born in Huaibei. But after we complete the task and return to the college, we can let the teachers of the college study it. Yes, it ’s better to transplant such a precious quince fruit tree to the college. Staying here, I feel that I will be ruined by the White Wing Snake King sooner or later. ”Yin Haojun said.

After going through such twists and turns, they finally got the fruit of Huanhua and were contented.

"Now we are fully aware of the situation on this continent, and we can go back to the college." Qi Yuan thought about it, they have been out for a while this time, and according to the dean's request, the task is almost completed .

"go back?"

Yin Haojun shook his head: "No, now we go back now, it can only be considered to basically complete the task, just like an exam, a perfect score of 100 points, which is 60 points. But if we do something more, we can even take it By ninety, one hundred points, you can even get extra points. "

"What do you want to do?"

Qi Yuan always felt that Yin Haojun was planning something big, and he felt a sense of fear.

After all, Yin Haojun is used to doing things, and every time he does things, it is unthinkable. To anyone, it seems like death.

"I plan to copy the old nest of the Whitewing Snake King."

Yin Haojun said solemnly, his eyes were burning, and he was bluish.

Qi Yuan couldn't see where, this was definitely Haojun Yin had long thought about, poisoned the White Wing Snake King, and then snatched the flowers and fruits, and finally even the White Wing Snake King ’s treasure house.

This guy is really scary.

The White Wing Snake King thought that Yin Haojun was harmless to humans and animals. He really did not know how to die.

"Do you want to do it?"

Yin Haojun looked at Qi Yuan: "If you don't go to ~ ~ I go by myself, and if you go, the contents of the White Wing Serpent King's Treasury can be distributed to you 30%."

"No, this time I want five or five."

Qi Yuan thought about it. As the saying goes, the courageous starvation of the timid and the timid, and he followed Yin Haojun, how could he be so consciously unconscious.

"Who's five?"

Yin Haojun said casually.

"Of course it's me five!" Qi Yuan hated.

"You're not five, it's two." Yin Haojun laughed. "Okay, let's go for a big wave now. If it succeeds, we should have passed the sixtieth. At least we can add twenty. Eighty is good. "

"That makes sense." The two left the valley all the way, lurking towards the Snake Palace.


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