Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1707: Spelling out one may come out

? But the snake king's palace is guarded tightly. If the snake group knew the intention of the two, they would surely coax and eat the two.

Along the way, in a blink of an eye we reached the gate of the snake king's palace.

Yin Haojun saw the two large snakes guarded at the gate of the snake king's palace, and he knew that at least two thousand white-winged snake king's assassin warriors were hidden in the surrounding forest.

"How to do?"

Qi Yuan frowned, and trying to enter the Snake Palace directly was not easy.

Type in?

Don't joke, how could the two be rivals for so many Viper Warriors.

"Cold dressing."

Yin Haojun said, without hiding his body, stood up and walked toward the Snake Palace.

Qi Yuan's face changed for a moment.

I'll go, and you just walk directly to it, isn't it freaky?

The point is that if you die, don't bring me.

Yin Haojun had been exposed, and he couldn't hide, so he had to keep up.


Two caretaker Viper warriors stopped Yin Haojun, and the one who spoke was the one who was scared to speak after the blood was drawn by a group of them last time.

Yin Haojun remembers that Baker called him the second child, but everyone likes to call him Er Ha.

In fact, he wanted to tell this Er Hateng snake, Er Ha is actually not a snake, but another animal.

Now they meet again, it seems they are very destined.

Yin Haojun looked at the other side and showed a very kind smile: "Brother Er, you don't know me anymore, I am your guest of the snake king."

The other side listened to Yin Haojun's words, and said with resentment: "Why didn't I know you? The last time I took my blood, you also have a share, and you draw the most."

Yin Haojun is embarrassed. Let's not be entangled in the past, can we look forward.

"Brother Er, why are you so vengeful, just draw some blood, and you can't die. You see that after you have been drawn blood, you have been promoted and raised to become the guardian of the snake king. Say that you are blessed by disaster, but Thanks to me. Especially when I heard the snake king recently, now that you can speak, I will help you to become a snake general immediately. I feel that the snake king might give you a pimple flower fruit. And he noticed that the elder brother's eyes really brightened.

A snake that doesn't want to be a snake general is not a good viper.


He asked in a low voice, even if it was a good cover, but Yin Haojun could see his inner excitement.

"That is of course. I'm the red person beside the snake king. I prepared every ton of snake king meals. This is what I heard from the snake king. When you become the general of the snake king, maybe you need to bring a little brother "Yin Haojun said with envy.

"If I really become the general of the King of Snakes, then you will not be held accountable for drawing my blood." Er Ha thought for a long time and said very seriously.

Yin Haojun is speechless, you are really stingy.

But now is not the time to make sense with the snake.

"Brother Er, the King of Snakes is about to win. Let's come over to prepare the dinner, you see ..." Yin Haojun pointed to the door of the King of Snakes, and the meaning couldn't be more obvious. You let me in. I go in Preparing a dinner for the snake king, not stealing things.

Er Ha pondered for a moment: "Really, the battle will come to fruition so soon?"

"Of course, the King of Snakes is awe-inspiring. King Dongse isn't an opponent at all. He was beaten and lost. Now the King of Snakes is pushing his men all the way and invincible. Why don't you believe in the strength of the King of Snakes?" Yin Haojun asked, "The snake king chose you to be a guard. I didn't expect you to have so little confidence in the snake king. It seems that the snake king chose the wrong person."

"You fart, I naturally believe in the strength of Lord Snake King." Er Ha immediately said, but this is a matter of principle. If he did not believe it, he would not confuse in Snake King Palace in the future.

"That's all right. The King of Snakes is about to return in victory. Let me come back to prepare the dinner. Look, can I go in now?"

"But the snake king said that no one or snake can enter the palace of the snake without his permission."

"Did I just say that it was the King of the Snake who asked me to come back to prepare the dinner? This is not the permission of the King of the King of Snake. Think about it carefully again, is it true?"

"It seems ... it seems."

"Then I went in."


Er Ha nodded, and finally seemed to understand the logic.

Yin Haojun and Qi Yuan entered the snake king's palace all the way, and then went straight to the treasure house of the snake king without pause.

"We're rich, we're getting rich this time."

Yin Haojun was very excited, and Qi Yuan was the same.

The entrance to the treasure house was sealed with a large stone, and there was no other means of defense.

The two pushed away the big rock, and then they saw a huge space in which there were many things cluttered.

"I'll go, so many flint cores ..."

Yin Haojun saw a pile of things in the corner, which turned out to be thousands of kernels.

Now they each have a kind of fruit core, which is rewarded by the snake king.

"Received, harvested, the fruit core is also effective for strengthening the body. It can be sold for a large price if it is ground into powder."

"Also try to plant it."

"Yin Haojun, what are you doing? Say half of it."

"Sorry, forget, forget ..."

After collecting the coriander seeds, Yin Haojun saw many snakes shed.

He tried to pull, and couldn't pull it at all.

He took out a fifth-tier Force weapon and severely chopped it, and found that it could not be punctured at all.


"You make a lot of money, you look over there. There are sixty or seventy of these snakes. Each of them can be made into the inner nails, and you can make hundreds of inner nails. Nagar, how much is this? "

"Get rich."

You are a pair of them, I am a picture, and in a blink of an eye, it is finished.

Qi Yuan had not responded at this time. The snakes that Yin Haojun assigned to him were all low-level.

Especially the snake king's decomposing snake was immediately separated by Yin Haojun.

"Here, these glittering stones ..."

"This snake king is not a dragon, and he likes to do such bright things."

Yin Haojun touched the stones and found that there was no value at all, and he immediately groaned.

"There are many weapons here."

"It's not a good thing, but since it's here, let's take it."

"There should be immortal stones and immortal crystals, but there is only such a thing."


The two searched and evacuated the entire treasure house of the snake king.

But the best things should be those snakes and stamens, others are better than nothing.

"Hurry up."


The two were about to leave the Snake Palace, but at this moment the earth shuddered.

Only saw a 100,000-meter-long body descend from the sky and plunged into the palace of the snake king, not who is the white-winged snake king.

"Don't let anyone in."

The voice of the White Wing Snake King came, and all the snake fighters outside were frightened.

Yin Haojun and Qi Yuan were hiding in the treasure house.

The White Wing Snake King did not die, and he returned.

The point is that even if you come back, this is not the right time. They just blocked them.

This can be done.

If you go out and be seen by the White Wing Snake King, you must have swallowed both of them.


A strange voice came, and the two looked at it curiously.

All I saw was the White Wing Snake King lying on the ground, with a body and a ghost, and was snoring.

"My biological poison is still working."

"It would be better to poison him."

The White Winged Snake King is not dead, but they are finished.

Fortunately, the White Wing Snake King should not care about them now, otherwise they must have found them.

In this way, time passed slowly, and in an instant, it was three hours.

They watched the White Winged Snake King stiff as if he was dead, then bounced up again, and then fell heavily, feeling up and down.

"The snake king should be detoxifying." Qi Yuan thought for a while and said very seriously.

"Detoxification?" Yin Haojun was a shocking spirit. What does this mean? After the snake king has exhausted all the poison, they will not die.

"The toxin is still spreading. When it spreads completely, it is the time when the snake king's poisoning is the deepest. If we want to escape, then it is the best time. If we miss that time, then we really will be cool. Qi Yuan analyzed.

"The deepest poisoning?" Yin Haojun brightened his eyes. "What will happen to the snake king at that time, will he lose the power of complete resistance, not even our two opponents?"

"What do you want to do?" Qi Yuan looked at Yin Haojun in horror. Do you want to kill the snake king?

What a joke, the two of us are only the ninth level of the immortal, even if the snake king is poisoned, that is the third level of the golden fairy.

How many realms has been crossed, and did not die like this.

"The snake king is full of treasures, and nothing else, his blood, do you know how much immortal crystal is worth it." Yin Haojun licked his tongue, watching the snake king's still writhing body, his saliva was almost left.

The holy immortal viper blood can strengthen their bodies to the strength of the first-order **** body. If the golden immortal viper blood is used, they don't even need to use the viburnum fruit, the body can strengthen to the second order God body.

After all, 畲 花果 let the body evolve itself, and it may take millions of years to evolve to a second-order **** body.

But the blood of the snake king may complete this process in less than a century.

"You are crazy."

Qi Yuan's body trembled, and in his opinion this was life-threatening.

He is highly educated ~ ~ He does not say that he is 100% sure, but at least 80% is necessary. But he followed Yin Haojun, and every thing he did, there was a 50% chance of success. However, Yin Haojun did it without hesitation. It seems that he dares to fight for as long as there is a possibility.

"Qi Yuan, this is the difference between me and you. In the final analysis, you are still a scientist, and I am a true practitioner." Yin Haojun looked at Qi Yuan and said seriously, "You always take science View cultivation from a different perspective, and solve the problems in cultivation, and I ’m not the same, I will only work hard. One in ten may fight, one in 50 may fight, and one in ten may fight, even if it is not possible, one May come out. "

Speaking of which, Yin Haojun is a bit heavy.

Yes, everything is spelled out for him.

Otherwise, how did he change from the ordinary student with only B-level talents at the time to become the outstanding person of the college today.


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