Super Finding App

Chapter 1593: set sail

"Yes, yes, this is simply impossible. How can there be such a good thing in the world, plus the two old men say that he can certainly guarantee it, but he cannot guarantee it at all."

"Yes, what guarantee can he have? He is the leader of the tribe and not the leader of our thug tribe. If he pits us, how can we know that it will be too late to regret it."

"Yes, yes, although we all want to leave the ship's cemetery, but first you have to keep this life, if you can't even keep our own lives, then you might as well stay in the ship's cemetery. Among them, at least we can still live "

"That is, that is, if I say it must be false. Didn't that person give us three days to think about it? Today is the third day. I would like to see if the warship will leave. This is simply impossible. of"

"Yes, yes, this is simply impossible"

The original inhabitants of the mob tribe stranded in the ship's cemetery did not believe that the warship could leave the ship's cemetery, you talker to me.


The whole earth seemed to shake, making them bumpy, and the sound of a whistle came from their ears.

This was the whistle of a warship sailing, spreading all around.

The whistle struck their minds like thunder and lightning instantly, causing them to stand up with a bang, with a look of astonishment on their faces.

No one spoke, but everyone could understand that this was the voice of the warship starting to set sail.

"Impossible, impossible. This is simply impossible. How could a warship start?"

"This is simply impossible!"

The original inhabitants of the mob tribe were stunned, and then thought of something like a crazy look running towards the three warships.

But they were a little far from the warship, and they had no time to go. They only ran to the top of the hillside and looked up.

I saw the three warships had sailed to the shore to make a deafening whistle, and left slowly.

"It's impossible, it's impossible. How could a warship leave? It's impossible."

"" I must be dreaming, I must be dreaming "

The original inhabitants of the mob tribe shook their heads and rattles, with remorse and astonishment on their faces, watching the three warships slowly leave the ship cemetery.

Into the endless sea, the tornado storm rises, and the reefs and vortexes are endless.

"They are looking for death, they are looking for death"

"The ship's cemetery is surrounded by tornadoes and whirlpools and reefs. The three warships will be buried in the sea and will die in the sea. They will never escape. They There is absolutely no way to escape "

this moment

The original inhabitants of the mob tribe entering the village have a look of regret and remorse, and even some puppets.

They can't believe everything they see.

Watching warships swear.

"These three warships will be unlucky, they will be unlucky."

But the ideal is beautiful, but the reality is that the skinny three warships lined up slowly into the vast sea and disappeared before their eyes.

In the shipyard cemetery, the original inhabitants of the mob tribe slammed onto the hillside with a variety of complex looks on their faces.

Suddenly one of the indigenous residents jumped up and rushed to the other leader and punched him in the past.

"It's all your fault. It's all your fault. You told us that the shipyard and cemetery cannot leave. It was you who told us that the rescue team was fake."

"At the beginning I just wanted to leave here. At the beginning I really wanted to get on a warship. It's all your fault. It's your fault that deceived us."

The aboriginals of the beaten leader of the mob tribe became angry and sullen and kicked them into the air.

"It's all about me, you can go, you can go. If you are not satisfied, why don't you get on the warship and come here now to tell me what? What do you come to tell me now?"

"They will die. They will die. No one can escape this ship cemetery. Absolutely no one can escape this ship cemetery."

In an instant

The original inhabitants of the gang of thugs who survived each other scuffled together.

No one cares about their lives.

At this moment on the three warships, many dignitaries and noblemen, as well as the original inhabitants of the survivor tribe and thug tribe above the warship No. 1 were stunned.

At this moment all stayed in his room, his face showed a dignified look, watching the storm and rain outside the window, but he was frightened.

"Nothing will happen, absolutely nothing. Father, you have to believe Mr. Cheng, Mr. Cheng can lead us into this ship cemetery, and he will surely lead us out of this ship cemetery."

Yang Zi wiped the sweat from her forehead, and her face was horrified, her hand tightly holding her father's boring arm, and she kept pumping.

Beside her, boyfriends Feng Zhifan and Zheng Yingying each held an object in the room, resisting the impact of warships swaying from side to side in the waves.

Looking through the window of the cabin, you can see a tornado storm that is connected by water and sky.

Countless water sprays are mixed with high winds, and even tough warships are constantly rising and falling like a lonely boat like the ocean at this moment.

"Stabilize, stabilize, stabilize quickly"

"Hold on, hold on, and stick to the navigation system. Don't deviate from the course. Never deviate from the course."

In the cockpits of the three warships, the captains of the warships looked dignified, carefully watching the lines marked by the internal connection in their mobile phones, and sweat was flowing on their foreheads.

Everyone knows that leaving the ship's cemetery would be a death.

Although they have all watched the video of Super Finding App in Yiping ’s hands, they know how to leave the ship's cemetery.

But entering the great whirlpool, and then slamming into the sky like ejected garbage, leaving the ship's cemetery, thinking of it is a matter of death.

After all, this is reality, not filming!

But everyone knows that this gambling is affordable, because they believe in Super Hidden App.

"Sure enough, let the warship of Tiantang No. 1 go in the forefront. This is indeed as I expected. Moving the warship of Tiantang No. 1 in the forefront can not only ensure your own safety, but these are also a double-edged sword "

"After all, no one can guarantee that the first warship entering the Great Vortex will have an accident, and it may be the first to leave the ship's cemetery safely."

Cheng Yiping was holding the edge of his window and felt the constant bumps of the warship in the storm. Looking through the window, he clearly saw who was up and down in the storm.

The first ship to take the lead was the Warship 1 with Survivor Tribe and Thug Tribe.

At this moment in the mind of Cheng Yiping, the soul is floating in the sky, standing on the surface of this stormy ship cemetery.

It was clear that the three warships were bumping like a lone boat under the storm, but they went straight ahead.

The tornado storm rose around them and seemed to be drawn into it as soon as they approached, tearing into pieces.

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