Super Finding App

Chapter 1594: Provocation (1)

With a flat screen of breath, her eyes closed, her right hand tightly holding the edge of the bed, feeling the warship bumping in the storm.

But he already saw the soul avatar in his mind, only to see the soul avatar, the cemetery of the ship, was standing quietly on the sea.

A violent storm rained down in the sky, and the rain instantly penetrated the body of the soul's avatar, and could not cause him any harm.

The tornado storm rolled up around the sky, and the horrible vortex rolled up the sea water on the sea into a horrible waterspout.

But these horrible tornado storms have no effect on the soul clone.

I saw the soul stepping on the virtual step, stepping through the tornado under the storm, and looked down.

I saw that three warships, like three lone leaves in a storm, were up and down in the storm and stormy sea.

There are countless swirls and reefs around these three warships, and from time to time, tornado storms pass easily.

These tornadoes gently swept across the warship like a beautiful woman's hand made a stroke.

This light stroke was a catastrophic disaster for the three warships. The monstrous waves tore the warships and made a crunching sound.

The surrounding reef hit the warship, and the hull made an overwhelming squeezing sound. Fortunately, the warship repaired it is also very solid. Otherwise, these warships may have been hit by the reef without travelling to the destination, and the hull leaked. After sinking or being directly rolled up by a tornado storm, it was swept up by a vortex and buried in the deep ocean.

Countless swirls around him seem to be pulling the three warships like a sickle of death.

If the power is not enough, it will be caught in the gravity of this vortex in an instant, and then the vortex will be drawn into the deep ocean.

At this moment, the original inhabitants of the survivor tribe and the thug tribe above warship 1 became extremely ugly, holding the objects in their hands tightly, feeling the torrential storm around and the hellish scene outside the window, Stunned, his teeth were snoring, and he kept cheering on himself.

"It's okay, it's okay, it must be okay, this warship is a warship and it can take us out of the ship cemetery."

"Yes, yes, it's okay, it's okay, we can take us out of the ship's cemetery, not to mention that there are three warships in total, they won't pit us, they won't pit us"

"It's terrible, it's terrible, what to do next? What to do next? This is really terrible, this is so terrible, I want to go back to the ship cemetery, I want to go back to the ship cemetery"

"Less nonsense, less nonsense, even if you want to go back now, you can't go back at all, okay?"

"Hold on, hold on, we have to trust the rescue team, we have to trust the rescue team."

The survivor tribe above the ship No. 1 and the original inhabitants of the mob tribe were frightened. In the ship cemetery, they had seen too many ships sailing out of the ship cemetery and eventually buried in the deep sea.

And now the sea once again made them feel the natural horror and terrible, and once again felt the threat of nature, it was just creepy and almost desperate.

"We were fooled, we were fooled, everyone, we are at work, the rescue team wants us to die, the rescue team wants us to die"

In the hall where the original inhabitants of Warship One Thug Tribe gathered, Li Xiaoxuan jumped up and jumped to the table and screamed loudly. The storm and storm outside hit the ship to the left and swayed, showing that his mood at the moment was How excited.

"Everybody, everybody, we have been fooled, we have been fooled, we must have been fooled, the dignitaries on the Shuiyue International Luxury Cruises have treated us as dead ghosts, and this rescue team has treated us as dead ghosts."

Li Xiaoxuan hissed and shouted exhaustedly, his face was sore and painful, like a crazy devil

"Li Xiaoxuan, what the **** are you talking about? Don't be fooled here."

"What do you mean by this?"

"Yes, yes, Li Xiaoxuan, do n’t be fooled here. We have now boarded the warship No. 1 and left the ship cemetery. Now that we are on the sea, you are still talking about something here. What the **** are you still here? "

"That's right. That's right, Li Xiaoxuan was because you almost let us not board the warship. You didn't leave the ship's cemetery. Now you're still here to confuse the crowd. What are you trying to do?"

"Don't listen to what you want to say, don't listen to Li Xiaoxuan, everyone we have boarded this warship and left the ship's cemetery. Don't forget that on this warship, besides us, there are also the aboriginals of the survivor tribe. Do the staff on the warships say that the rescue team would treat them all as cannon fodder? "

"That's right, that's right, you're right, don't listen to Li Xiaoxuan, don't listen to Li Xiaoxuan."

Li Xiaoxuan's face became abnormally dignified and unsightly, his teeth were gritted and his eyes became fierce.

He knew that now he had to convince the other party. If he couldn't convince these people, he would never get the power of the tribal leader again!

Taking a deep breath, he said with a dignified look on his face and gritted his teeth.

"Calm down, you all calm down to me. I'm telling the truth, but I'm telling the truth. Use your brain to think about it. Why are our ships in the first and why are our warships in the first "

Why would our warship be first?

Li Xiaoxuan's words instantly flashed into the minds of the original inhabitants of the thug tribe, like a flash of lightning, all hesitated.

I saw that Li Xiaoxuan's face became abnormally ugly, he said with gritted teeth.

"That's because the rescue team on the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship all used us as cannon fodder, and all of us as cannon fodder."

Li Xiaoxuan's face became abnormally crazy, with words of confusion

"If you think about the first warship that entered the sea, it will definitely encounter the most dangerous situation, the most dangerous thing, and in this case, the so-called rescue team on the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship Actually, we were arranged on the first warship. This is undoubtedly the use of us as cannon fodder. Do you still want to be deceived? Do you still want to be deceived? "

"Shut up, shut up, Li Xiaoxuan, what are you talking about? What are you talking about? Don't forget, in addition to our runaway tribe, there are also survivors of the tribe. The original inhabitants of the tribe also have old age, and And the servicemen who opened the warships, as well as the soldiers and crew. "

"Are they also treated as cannon fodder?"

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