Super Finding App

Chapter 1692: monitor

Zhao Dongqing sat on the ground with one butt, looking up at the boss Xia Li in front of him, and the fruit knife in his hand fell to the ground and said with a sad face.

"Boss, boss, what do you say now? What do you say now? This little girl definitely saw our true face. If he let him go back, we would be in trouble if he called the police. what should I do?"

Xia Li's face became abnormally dignified, and he fiercely gnashed his teeth and stomped his feet. He took the first two steps and slaps him on Zhao Dongqing's head with a cold voice.

"You idiot and idiot, even if she finds out our true colors? Please, we can only be regarded as theft at most. Even if we are caught, it will be sentenced to three to five years. If the amount of theft is small, even as long as we are detained, of course we are stealing a car, and of course the amount is larger, but it is better than killing and trafficking in people. Even if you have no conscience, think about it if you think about the trafficking Is a sentence of ten years "

"Hell, I don't want to be sentenced for more than a decade, or do you think we can escape the police? We steal some people's wallets, even if they steal cars, and the police's arrest is definitely not as strong as buying and selling children. The police have stepped up the hunt, then we are absolutely difficult. "

"You really think that the gangster can ignore the police, that's a movie, not reality!"

"I see, what should we do now for the boss? What should we do with this little girl, should we still go back?"

Zhao Dongqing got up from the ground, patted his dusty butt, and asked, his face full of doubts.

Xia Li shook his head and said

"It is impossible to go back now, that is the act of finding death. Now go to the nearest city and find a way to see what the contact method of this little girl's family is. When the time comes, let his parents come to pick up people. We must not show up "

"Also, this little girl really needs to take good care of us. If she had an accident, then we can't say anything about it."

Xia Li rubbed his temples with a headache. On the other side, the two couples who lost their children in Fuyuan County were so anxious that they searched almost the entire Fuyuan County, but there was no trace at all, their faces were pale and bloodless, and they were flustered.

Even Zhao Cuilian, who always pays attention to her appearance and her clothes, can't pay attention at this moment, and she is pale.

They are watching the monitoring with the police at the monitoring center in Fuyuan County. Fortunately, there is a monitoring system in the parking lot. However, there is no case that the so-called monitoring system fails if an accident occurs.

At this moment, the couple is accompanied by the police to watch the surveillance video.

"This is our car. This is our car. It must be our car. Someone stole our car. Our daughter is in the car. Our daughter is in the car."

Although it is not possible to accurately see where your car is located through the surveillance video, monitoring is performed at the entrance and exit of the parking lot, as well as at the main intersections in the middle zone and aisles.

When a black commercial car slowly pulled out of the parking lot, Li shouted forever with excitement, pointing at the video on the surveillance video with excitement

"This is our car. This is our car. Someone stole our car. Someone must have stolen our car."

The policeman coughed and said twice.

"Calm down, calm down, Mr. Li, we have been very clear. Your car was indeed stolen. We will investigate in a while to see who stole your car, but you. Can you be sure? Your daughter is really in your car? "

As the policeman said, he looked up at Li Yongyuan and Zhao Cuilian's eyes. It was me who didn't read much. Don't lie to me. Li Yong and Zhao Cuilian were shocked all around and looked at each other. A bitter smile appeared.

Heaven and earth conscience, they really did not expect to leave their daughter in the back of the car and said

“It ’s true, it ’s true. Today we came to Fuyuan County with our daughter. When we arrived in Fuyuan Town, we rushed to Fuyuan County and got off the bus. I thought my wife was Will bring your daughter down, who knows she did n’t

Zhao Cuilian shouted immediately upon hearing

"Forever Li, what do you mean by this, do you mean you blame me? But your daughter, when you got out of the car, why didn't you just say that you had to look at your daughter and ran in front of you, now Are you here to blame me? "

"There are so many things I am busy with. Do you think I did it on purpose? Or do you think that this daughter is the one who cares about you after you have a daughter?"

Zhao Cuilian said with her hands on her hips like a tigress, she said she was fangs and grinned.

As soon as the police heard it, he persuaded

"Calm down, calm down, I think there should be some mistakes on both sides. But if you can be sure that your daughter is indeed in this car, then I am afraid she was taken away by the car thief at this moment, you Rest assured, we will investigate immediately, and never let the child out of any danger. "

Li Yongyuan and Zhao Cuilian glanced angrily, looked up, and looked at the policeman's pleading look.

"Comrades police, comrades please help us, please help us, it ’s okay to lose the car, it ’s okay to lose the money, we must return our daughter, we must return our daughter "

"I understand, I understand, now record this video to me, I will immediately pass it to the police station to let the surrounding people investigate, and at the same time we will call the surrounding surveillance video, we will record this as soon as possible The vehicle and the suspect were arrested and found your daughter. Please be assured of both of you. "

The police nodded, and said intently that he knew very well that under such circumstances, parents would be very worried:

But this kind of thing is really worried. According to the current situation, time does not pass too long, and today the Skynet system has been quite perfect. It should be possible to retrieve both people and vehicles.

"Police. I'm really bothering you. I'm bothering you. Please help us. Please help us."

Li Yongying and Zhao Cuilian both hurriedly said, their faces were full of anxiety.

The daughter is the meat of their hearts, and Baozhongbao really doesn't want anything to happen.

If it is because of the mistakes of the two of them that they lost their daughter, I am afraid they will never forgive themselves in this life.

"I understand, I understand, don't worry, don't worry, please believe us, please believe us"

The policeman looked up and said rightly.

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