Super Finding App

Chapter 1693: Letter Z

Cheng Yiping, Zhang Xiaona, Zhou Hui, and the crew of Jiangzhen City TV Station took a short break in Fuyuan County, refueled the car, ate dinner, and made physiological convenience, and continued to return to Jiang in the business car The town and city TV galloped away.

For Cheng Yiping, Cheng Yiping didn't care about all the disputes that occurred in Fuyuan County, or he didn't have the kind of careless mind.

Although many people in Tiantang like to make fun together, Cheng Yiping doesn't like it. After all, it is better not to make fun.

Sitting in the commercial vehicle at this moment closed his eyes. With the commercial vehicle galloping on the highway, the ups and downs made Cheng Yiping gradually got some sleepiness, and closed his eyes slightly.

Suddenly I noticed the vibration of the mobile phone, and Cheng Yiping had some strangeness. Is anyone still looking for himself at this time?

Taking out the phone, the eyes suddenly lighted up, and I saw the Z letter pattern of the phone beating constantly. A red one appeared on the screen, showing a message.

Immediately afterwards, the news became two or three, and the number was constantly increasing.

what happened?

How could anyone come to me?

Cheng Yiping really has some weirdness. Now the Super Hidden Object App has become the social software of most people in the whole Tang Dynasty. Cheng Yiping has not really used it until now.

In particular, after I have the Super Hidden App for people in real life, the previous relationship is also much less connected through Z letter. I did n’t expect that this time someone would come to find themselves?

Who is it?

Is it ...?

Feeling strange Cheng Yiping just opened the application of friend in letter Z, and he wrote in the application for adding a friend.

[Super Finding App, I need your help,]

Followed by a series of friend application requests

【are you there? are you there? I really need help, need help]

[Can you really help us find anything? 】

[Can you really find anything? 】

A series of messages and letters from friends can show the anxiety of the other party.

In contrast, Cheng Yiping was even more shocked. How could anyone add me to this letter Z?

And is it still a super finder app?

Is it the post of the Super Hidden App that I posted on the Internet before?

Is anyone still paying attention?

Cheng Yiping really feels very strange. Since the backup system of Super Finding App was uploaded to Aqua Blue Star, almost everyone has a Super Finding App.

Therefore, I don't know what kind of place I have been submerged in, even if I have forgotten it, I forgot to delete it.

I didn't expect anyone to come to me now, which is really strange.

Cheng Yiping thought for a while and shook his head funny, but if you think about it carefully, this is indeed possible.

After all, even after the Super Find App has been uploaded to the entire Aqua Blue Star, to use the Super Find App, you must use faith points. Obviously, not enough people have enough faith points today.

After all, most ordinary people use the Super Hidden Object App as a bundled junk software placed in their mobile phones.

Thinking of Cheng Yiping here, hesitated, then clicked the button to agree with the friend application, and sent a sentence at the same time

[Hello, what can I do for you? 】

"Is it useful? Is it useful? Is this Super Hidden App really useful? Although we all know that there is this Super Hidden App, we also have Super Hidden App in our mobile phones. All of them need to use faith points to use. We simply Without belief points, even if there are, I'm afraid it's not enough to use the Super Find App, so what you said about this Super Find App is really effective and really useful? "

A place for tourists to rest in the current scenic spot of Fuyuan County, Li always raised his head, holding his mobile phone in his hand, and looked at the young girl in front of him with a look of aggression and anxiety.

On the side of his wife, Zhao Cuilian, was also full of doubt, with a puzzled look in his eyes.

"Of course it works. In fact, if you notice this Super Finding App post, you will find that it was published before the entire Super Finding App appeared. It can be said that no Super Finding App appeared in This post has already appeared when I was on my phone, and I did look at it when I was there. "

"He has really helped me find something for this super finder app, so if you really want to help you find someone, I believe you have no problem finding the finder app. He can definitely help To you, of course this is my own words, if you do n’t believe it, it ’s completely irrelevant. "

The talking girl is a wonderful young girl. If Cheng Yiping is here, she will be surprised to find that the wonderful young girl is the so-called net red.

At the same time, she also helped a missing old man to find his child with a young girl volunteer.

After that, Cheng Yiping had almost no contact with him.

I did not expect that he would be in Fuyuan County.

Li Yongyuan and Zhao Cuilian glanced at each other with an uneasy look on their faces, some hesitation, and finally biting their teeth and saying

"What is the husband waiting for, whether it is true or not, as long as there is any point we hope we must seize it. Although the police are now reported, the police can also help us to investigate, but who knows if it can be found, We do n’t even have counts in our hearts, even if we do two-handed preparations. ”

Li nodded forever

"I understand, I understand, I have contacted him now. If he can help us find our daughter, I will give him as much as he wants."

If in the ordinary time, someone told Li forever about this online post super finder app, he would definitely not believe it, 100% think it is a liar.

But now he doesn't think so, or he doesn't let himself think so.

This is also the main reason why scammers can succeed.

That is, the victim was caught in the weakness!

When the child is missing, for Li Yong and Zhao Cuilian, as long as there is any hope of regaining their child, even if it is a ruin.

Thinking that Li here always bit his teeth lightly, his face became a little hesitant.

This is not that he didn't trust the police, he just wanted to do two-handed preparations. If the police really couldn't find his daughter, at least he could get his daughter back by himself.

As long as there is any first-line hope, he will never give up!

Suddenly the mobile phone in my hand was shaking, and I quickly looked down, only to see that in the letter of Z, the other party had agreed to add your friend application, followed by a line of text.

[Hello, I'm a super finder app, what can help you]

it works.

it works.

It really works!

Li raised his head forever, with an excited look on his face, the hands holding the mobile phone were shaking constantly, and he typed a line carefully

[I need help, my daughter is lost. 】

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