Super Finding App

Chapter 1737: Anatomy

One-eyed temple!

All the people present took a breath of cold air, and their faces became extremely ugly.

They know it better than anyone. The reason why they come here is to find the one-eyed temple.

And the survivors in front of them killed one of them by cutting their throats, and directly trapped in the wild swamps. They had no idea what to do about the rescue, no matter which one was creepy.

Does it really have a terrible existence in this one-eyed temple?

"What do you think, what do you think, now all this is nothing more than imagination, please, even if there is really danger in this one-eyed temple, do we just let it go? Do we not enter the Duye Temple? This How is it possible that we, as adventure treasure hunters, did not experience painstaking efforts at that time, and there was no danger of life at that time, was it not disease? Is it not poison? Is it not evil? As long as we can know, these survivors Why is this happening, and then we can avoid it. "

"Simple, what you said is really too simple, Zhou Guoqiang, you tell me how to deal with this situation now. This survivor is just like a demon. We do n’t know why this happened. We even No survivors can be found, how can they know what happened to this one-eyed temple, and if it enters it, it will probably be recruited, and that one will surely die. "I

Wei Qing opened her mouth aside and said quickly

He had already started to retreat, and the excuse of speaking was to confuse other people not to enter the one-eyed temple together, which was too weird.

"Wait, in fact, we have other survivors besides this one, have you forgotten it?"

Li An suddenly opened his mouth and said, his eyes were shining with light.

Cheng Yiping and Manager Bai suddenly froze. Suddenly, the same thunderbolt struck his mind, and he said.

"Li An, you are talking about Liu Zhiyuan's body?"

Li An nodded, looking at Cheng Yiping, with a hint of approval.

"Yes, although we did not find a living survivor, but we have the body of Liu Zhiyuan. It seems that the reason why Liu Zhiyuan committed suicide was probably related to the survivors in the swamp. Maybe they were too. The same virus, in other words, maybe in his body we can find out the problem and then strengthen the prevention "

"It's easy to say, but if you want to dissect the body, you need professionals. Come on, we are all adventure treasure hunters. If you say some first aid, maybe we are completely fine, but you have to It ’s anatomy and research, we ca n’t do it right? ”

Fu Yongan shook his head the same way, revealing a sarcastic look.

Looking at Li An seems to be looking at what heavens and nights.

But when Li An shook his head slightly, he hit a ring finger and said

"No, no, this is not a problem. You don't have such equipment, it doesn't mean that I don't, and that you don't have such a person, it doesn't mean that I don't have such a professional."

Between words

I saw one of the seven or eight security personnel behind him, one of the thinnest stepped out and took off his suit, revealing a white coat of a medical staff.

Then the rest of the security personnel came to the off-road vehicle, and carried out several boxes three or two times. In the eyes of the surprised eyes of the equal people, these boxes combined into an experimental bench.

When you open the box, there are all kinds of delicate medical equipment, as if you are reading a heavenly book.

"Just kidding, kidding, it turns out to be like this, who is this Li An? You can even carry such experimental equipment with you, and there are really scientific researchers, just kidding."

Not only Cheng Yiping and Manager Bai Xi, but the three top adventure treasure hunters of Tanyou Club were equally stunned, watching Li An felt that their brains were not enough.

Not to mention the fact that four young people, such as Wei Qing from Xizhou University, were really persecuted by Li An's actions.

"Don't be so surprised. As the saying goes, if you want to get things done first, you must attack its tools first, so if you want to solve things, then you must make good preparations in the early stage."

"The dozen or so people in the Youlu Club can enter it, and no wave of people has come back. This is enough to explain the unusual danger in the one-eyed temple. In addition to the traps in the one-eyed temple, I think there should be life The phenomenon, not to mention the fact that there are many kinds of bugs in this swamp. If they can be infected with some diseases, or if they are infected by viruses, it is entirely possible. "

"That's why I prepared some of these people in advance, prepared medical equipment and scientific research personnel in case of an emergency. I didn't expect to have used this one-eyed seed now."

Not simple, not simple, Li An in front of her is definitely not an ordinary person.

Compared to Li An, who talked eloquently, Cheng Yiping's face became abnormally dignified. He is clearer than everyone else, or after listening to Manager Bai ’s words, now he finally understands what Manager Bai ’s words mean. .

Even if you want to find a scientific researcher, it is undeniable that a qualified scientific researcher is of high value, and now Li An can let this scientific researcher serve as his bodyguard.

This undoubtedly indicates a problem, this Li An's energy is very large

As big as this researcher can't refuse.

This also shows from the other side that Li An has a huge power behind the scenes.

Thinking of this, Cheng Yiping has some fear and anxiety.

After all, he is only one person after all. If the other person's purpose is to find the one-eyed temple, not to find the super-finding app, the faith-seeking debris, then everything is fine.

But if the other person's target is also a fragment of the Super Hidden App, the result is self-evident.

To deal with the forces behind Li An on his own, Cheng Yiping did not have such confidence.

At this moment, Cheng Yiping had a deep fear on Li An's face!

He knew that Li An was definitely not simple.

"It's terrible, it's terrible, even this kind of thing happens, and it's too exaggerated to carry medical scientific personnel with you."

Wei Qing, Li Wei, Liu Wei, and Wang Yan from Xizhou University were stunned and stern:

Not only that, the three top adventure treasure hunters of the Explore Club have the same aggressive look, and they are at a loss when they look at everything in front of them.

Although they are top adventure treasure hunters, they have also experienced all kinds of dangerous and difficult things, but their consciences in the world are really not as well prepared as Li An.

He even thought of all the ideas, the most amazing thing, he actually brought the scientific research personnel together.

This is too exaggerated.

Although everyone felt abnormal doubts and puzzlements, they all came around one by one, holding their breaths and watching the security personnel behind Li An lifted Liu Zhiyuan's body over and put it on the patchwork shelf

The untidy clothes had just been untied, and a rotten smell spread instantly.

The students of Xizhou Road couldn't help but ran to the side and vomited.

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