Super Finding App

Chapter 1738: Body

For Chen Yiping, the dissection of the corpse had never been encountered in reality, even if it was only seen on television.

Even on TV, it ’s just a pass, even if it ’s a TV series in Europe and the United States, it ’s a pass, and it ’s not going to be so careful. When I was in my heart, I hurried to the side and vomited.

The same is true of the four undergraduates of Xizhou University on the other side. For them, the autopsy and the human anatomy are completely different. Although they also took an anatomy class when they were at Xizhou University, in the final analysis, that is The corpses that have already been processed for deplaning are not as rotten and mutated as Liu Zhiyuan's corpses are now.

Even if you just pull the clothes apart, you can see the decaying flesh and the stench.

"Be careful, everyone, be careful"

Li An nodded slightly, watching the researchers turn around and said

Several security guards quickly surrounded the operating table. If they could bear it, they would take a look around, and if they couldn't bear it, they hurried to the side and vomited.

Even so, there was still a stench in the air.

Although Managers Cheng Yiping and Bai felt an unusual stench, they still resisted the stench and stayed at the side of the operating table. Watching the scientific researcher take out the cold scalpel, they easily cut Liu Zhiyuan's Dead body.

The smell of abnormal stench came from the face, and then I saw the wound was red, the long intestine leapt out, and it broke out from the wound in the abdomen like the heavenly girl scattered flowers, which scared the researchers. Shouted quickly

"Avoid it quickly, avoid it quickly."

Cheng Yiping and Manager Bai quickly backed up a few cloths, avoiding them far away. Liu Zhiyuan's abdomen had been ripped open, and a long bug had exploded in his abdomen, which looked extremely disgusting, and his internal organs had become rotten.

The most weird thing is that there are red insects in these internal organs that are moving.

"Look at it, look at it. Liu Zhiyuan has bugs in his stomach, and Liu Zhiyuan has bugs in his stomach."

Zhou Guoqiang yelled in surprise, his eyes wide open, revealing a look of astonishment.

There are indeed parasites in a human's stomach, but if there are parasites up to several tens of centimeters, it can be quite weird and creepy. The main thing is that there are so many parasites in the intestines.

After seeing these bugs jumping out, they swam frantically around and swarmed towards Cheng Yiping.

"Resolve these bugs, resolve them, don't get infected by these bugs, don't get infected by these bugs"

Although Cheng Yiping didn't know what was going on, but the instinct from life told him that he couldn't let these bugs touch his body, and God knew what would happen.

Speaking of this, he quickly picked up the stick on the side and smashed it at the long bug under his feet, smashing it into a slump.

On the other side, Zhou Qiming, the top three adventure treasure hunters of the Explore Club. Fan Gang and Fu Yongan also did the same. They quickly picked up their weapons and solved the worms close to one after another.

In contrast, the four undergraduates of Xizhou University are relatively slow. For them, I am afraid they have never thought about what is happening now.

"Fix it, fix it, fix these bugs quickly"

Wei Qing's face was abnormally pale. Even if they were not medically educated, they could also know how disgusting and dangerous the insect that came out of Liu Zhiyuan's stomach was the one who had broken it.

Quickly picked up a side weapon and knocked on the bug, smashing it into a slump.

Suddenly, an exclaiming voice came.

"Save me, save me. A bug has got into my hand. This bug has got into my hand."

Everyone quickly turned their heads to judge, and saw that Li Wei's face was pale, the sweat on his forehead continued to flow down, holding his right wrist in his left hand, and was terrified.

The palm of his right hand was constantly swaying, and a long worm in the center of his palm was digging into the palm of his palm, and even into the palm of Li Wei's palm at a speed that was visible to the naked eye.

It can be clearly seen that the bug has penetrated into the arm of the right hand and swims quickly under the skin.

"Li Wei, you have nothing, Li Wei, you have nothing"

Wei Qing, Liu Wei, and Wang Yan from Xizhou University immediately tangled up, with panic on their faces.

They absolutely do not want the accidents of their companions.

Li Wei raised his head, his face was covered with cold sweat, and his head was lowered, looking at our own right hand, there was already a small wound in the palm of the right hand, and he shook his head.

"I'm fine, I'm fine, but this bug got into my body. What the **** is going to do?"

Li Wei really doesn't know what to do. Although he feels nothing is happening now, but he can clearly see a bug crawling into his body. If there is no problem, it is simply impossible.

At this moment he was pale, with a look of horror on his face.

"Have Li Wei to me as soon as you can control it. We have medical personnel here to treat him immediately. We don't know what the bug is, but since it got into the body of a person, There must be a reason, we will get this bug out. "

Cheng Yiping's face changed drastically, and he said quickly, although he didn't know the specific role of the bug, but it was definitely not easy to know with the butt.

"It's okay, it's okay, I'm okay, I'm okay, I can't feel the worm after it has penetrated into my body. It should be okay, maybe he's just a parasite, maybe I just need to eat You can pull it out if you pull it up. "

Li Wei's head shook like a rattle.

Speak words that you don't even believe.

"Enough. Enough. What you say is just deceiving yourself. No matter what, there is indeed a bug in your body. Although you do n’t know what the bug does, now Li Wei must take care of it. We You have to know if this kind of thing is harmful to the human body, I think you should cooperate. "

Li An looked up and said word by word that the security guard Liu Ming came slowly behind him, holding Li Wei under control.

Although Li Wei was desperately struggling, everyone knew that Li Wei's current situation was definitely not simple.

After all, did the red bug penetrate into the human body, and did it affect it?

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