Super Finding App

Chapter 1884: Transaction (1)

"What do you mean?"

Zhao Gang watched the man in a suit and leather shoes in front of him with vigilant expression in his eyes.

Lack of money?

Not to mention him. In the whole village, now who knows that he borrowed money outside and owed a debt to others, do you still need to come and talk? What exactly does he want to do?

"Hehehe, don't worry, don't worry, I'm not a bad person, let alone if you want to greet you for something, you think you are the one who owes money now and even forces your grandma to sell her ancestral home, Is there anything I should remember? "

Looking at Zhao Gang with vigilance in his eyes, Zhao Fei, an art trader in suits and shoes, laughed happily.

Although it was not good, it hit Zhao Gang's voice instantly, making his body shake unbearably twice, and his face became a little ugly.

indeed so.

I am now a debt-hiding person. Is there anything on his body that is worth remembering?

Not at all!

I am now a poor ghost who hides from debt

"What exactly do you want to say?"

Looking at the restraint and vigilance in front of his eyes, there were even some overwhelmed Zhao Gang, the art businessman Zhao Fei shook his head gently, reached out and picked up a glass of water on the table. He took a sip and opened his mouth. Say

"Nothing, I'm just here to help you"

"What are you talking about? You're here to help me, can't you help me pay off my debt?"

Zhao Gang sniffed and said

How could there be a pie in the world?

This is simply impossible.

Is this man in front of a neuropathy?

Thinking of Zhao Gang here, there is some remorse. After all, this man is wearing a suit and leather shoes, and all of them are designer clothes. How could it be a neurosis?

"I'm not fooling around or fooling you. Everything I say is true. I can really help you."

Zhao Fei, an art businessman in a suit and leather shoes, laughed grinningly, but what he said was like a poisonous snake digging into Zhao Gang's heart.

For him now, nothing is more important than money.

If the other party can really help him repay his debts, I'm afraid Zhao Gang is willing to do everything. When he thinks of breathing here, he becomes a little hasty and his face becomes very excited.

"What the **** do you want to say? You also saw that I have nothing worthy of your memory at all, do you really come here to give me money for no reason? It is simply impossible, although I Relatively naive, but I'm not an idiot "

"Yes, yes, even if someone wants to help you, it is impossible to help you for no reason. This is simply impossible. Everyone is an adult. This is very clear, but there are You are wrong, you have what I want here. "

Zhao Fei, an art businessman, grinned

The words of reality spoke out of his mouth, but they looked so bright.

"I have what you want, what do you mean? I don't have what you want, what do you mean?"

After a long day of hard thinking, Zhao Gang always felt that he didn't have what he wanted.

If you really have something valuable, you would have sold it to pay off your debts. How could you have come to this grandma, or even forced Grandma Zhang to sell her ancestral debt?

This is really ridiculous.

"Calm down, calm down, of course you don't have what I want now, but this doesn't mean that your grandma Zhang Huanlan doesn't have what I want. How about a deal?"

Zhao Fei, an art businessman, smiled lightly, and stared directly at Zhao Gang in front of him. What he said really made Zhao Gang full of doubts and puzzlements.

Zhao Gang, you have some doubts

"What exactly do you mean by that? What kind of transaction can you and I have?"

He is really very weird. I don't know what kind of deal he can now have with the former art trader Zhao Fei in suit and leather.

But then again, if he can really make money, even if it is a crime, he is likely to do it.

After all, he was too short of money.

"Relax, rest assured, I am a legal person, and I will never do anything illegal."

The art businessman Zhao Fei seemed to see through Zhao Gang's thoughts and shook his head gently.

What he said made Zhao Gang's original uneasy heart a little calmer, but he still felt very strange. To know that people have no wealth, no horses, no grass, no fat, and the money they owe is not tens of thousands. Thousands, which is close to millions, how could it be so simple to make money?

And it ’s still not possible without breaking the law.

"Calm down, calm down, if it ’s a normal time, then of course it is impossible. After all, money is not so easy to make, but it ’s different now. Who wants you to have a grandma, you have a good one. Where is grandma? "

"I have a good grandma?"

Apparently stunned by the art dealer Zhao Fei in front of him, some hesitant Zhao Gang suddenly froze, his mind flashed like a flash of aura.

"My grandma, what do you mean by that picture?"

Zhao Gang is not a stupid person, otherwise he would not be mixed up outside, although in the end the money was spent completely and even owed a **** debt, but he is not a very stupid person. A flash of light in my head said

"You mean the painting of my grandma, and the painting of your grandma?"

He instantly remembered what the art businessman Zhao Fei said to his grandma.

He wanted to buy a painting painted by his grandmother 30 years ago. Although it was really strange to Zhao Gang, was it really worthwhile to say that 30 years ago?

He knows that his grandma is a famous designer, but this is still very different from the painter.

"Yes, Zhao Gang, that's what you think. The deal I made with you was a picture painted by your grandma thirty years ago. As long as you can persuade your grandma and ask your mother to sell the painting to me, I Think about how much money you sell should be enough to pay off your debts. "

"Impossible, impossible, you are just kidding, do you know how much I owe?"

Zhao Gang said sarcastically.

"I don't know how much money you owe outside, but looking at this ancestral house should be able to know how much you owe outside, if not much, how could you sell the ancestral house, but I What I want to tell you is, as long as you can persuade your grandma to sell me the painting, the money should be enough to pay off your debt, even if it is not enough, it will not be much worse. "

"How, is this deal done or not?"

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