Super Finding App

Chapter 1885: Transaction (2)

"What did you say? You said it again, didn't you lie to me. Is my grandma's painting really so valuable? You need to know that I owe a million yuan in debt outside, Can my grandma's painting really be worth 1 million yuan? "

Zhao Gang's mouth opened his eyes wide, and looking at the art businessman Zhao Fei was like looking at a neuropathy now.

You should know that even if he is a slightly famous painter these years, his paintings may not be able to sell for more than one million yuan, or tens of thousands of yuan. Hundreds of thousands are already considered very good things.

The price of 1 million can only be sold by the most well-known painter, but now the art trader Zhao Fei said that his paintings, which are not the painter's grandma, can be worth more than 1 million, which is simply impossible.

This is simply a matter of fate.

"You are not wrong. If any ordinary painting can buy 1 million, then this painting is really too valuable. I am afraid that all people will become painters. The reason why some people paint Make money, some people ’s paintings are not profitable, it depends on whether they are famous. Your grandma ’s painting is really not famous, and it is not worth so much money, but who made your grandma ’s painting be part of the friendship painting, your grandma ’s My friend Bai Jinglan is one of the most famous painters. "

"You should feel fortunate that your grandma's painting is part of Teacher Bai's painting, so it is worth so much money. If it is not, your grandma's painting can only be called graffiti, or ordinary painting. It's nothing. "

Zhao Gang's breathing became more and more rapid. In front of the art businessman Zhao Fei, he didn't hear everything, or even if he heard him all, it didn't matter.

Among the ears in his mind, there was only one sentence said by the art businessman Zhao Fei, and his grandmother's paintings were close to a million!

I was just about to speak, and suddenly a surprise shout came from my ear

"Sir, can you be sure? A painting can really be worth a million?"

The sound was unusually sharp, with a surprise in the sharpness, and turned around. Wu Juan and Zhao Guo had already walked in. They had all kinds of food in the two big plastic bags in their hands.

At first glance, Zhao Gang walked over in two or three steps, came to his parents, and said everything through.

Zhao Guo and Wu Juan looked at each other, listening as if they were listening to heavenly books, turned their heads and looked at the art merchant Zhao Fei in front of him to confirm again.

"If you are joking, I hope you tell us directly now, after all, this kind of thing can't be joked"

Zhao Guo's breathing became more and more rapid, even for him, more than 1 million is not a small number.

It took him a long time to survive, and now his mother could sell a painting for a million. This is tantamount to a pie falling from the sky.

"No, no, did you say something wrong, the main reason why Ms. Zhang Huanlan's painting is worth over 1 million is because his painting is part of Teacher Bai Jinglan's painting, understand?"

"Without Teacher Bai Jinglan, your grandma's words would be worthless, but now that it is part of Teacher Bai Jinglan's name Friendship Painting, it is naturally worthwhile. Of course, whether it is really worth so much money will still be up to the broker. The premise is that you have to sell the painting to me, after all, painting can be the highest value in my hands. "

"No problem, no problem, of course there is no problem, we will surely convince my mother to sell the painting to you, we will surely convince my mother to sell the painting to you"

Middle-aged woman Wu Juan said eagerly, her eyes were glowing.

For her now, as long as there is any opportunity to make money, she will never give up.

Especially a painting can be worth more than millions and millions

This is definitely good news for the pie falling from the sky

She definitely won't give up!

"The lady, please sit down, don't get too excited."

Wu Juan's husband Zhao Guo and son Zhao Gang also expressed excitement.

"We understand that we will surely let grandma sell the painting she painted to you. It will, definitely will. Although the painting is more important, but I think it will be more important if you have your own. Is grandson more important? "

Artistic businessman Zhao Fei showed a brilliant look, looking at the excited Zhao Guo in front of him, Zhao Gang and Wu Juan twitched slightly.

Sure enough, anyone in this world will have a price. Without negotiation, it is just that the price has not met the requirements.

There are times when you want to accomplish something. It is also necessary to make detours when the straight path is not possible.

Cheng Yiping, Zhang Xiaona and Zhao Zhao Xiaohui walked upstairs to the attic of the second-floor building under the guidance of Grandma Zhang Huilan.

Grandma Zhang Huanlan was busy in the attic, and found the innermost box among a lot of items, and carefully moved the box out.

Open it, there is a picture scroll inside. This is a painting that has been slightly pale. It was gently handed into Zhao Xiaohui's hands, with a hint of confusion and uneasiness in her eyes.

"Take it away, this is the painting. I really didn't expect to take it out in my lifetime. Now think about it, maybe there is a destiny in it."

Who can think of 30 years later, the previous agreement between Zhao Juan and Bai Jinglan may really be completed within a lifetime.

Zhao Xiaohui's hand was shaking constantly, carefully taking over the painting, and unfolding the painting little by little

The painting looks more and more ancient, but the maintenance is quite good.

This painting is quite exquisite. It can be clearly seen that the back of a girl is standing on this painting. In front of him is a waterfall from the sky, converging into the water pool in front of the girl, left and right. A corner of the clothes can be seen from the side, which is obviously the middle picture arranged among the three pictures.

Sure enough

Sure enough.

"It's exactly the same as we thought and speculated."

Cheng Yiping looked at the picture in Zhao Xiaohui's hand, and instantly understood

Zhang Xiaona's eyes are full of wisdom.

"It is true. The painting obtained from Grandma Bai Jinglan should be the leftmost painting of the whole painting, and now this painting by Grandma Zhang Huilan is obviously the middle one. The one on the far right should be the painting belonging to Grandma Zhao Juan, but I do n’t know where it is now. ”

"I want to find it. It should not be considered a very difficult thing. After all, Zhao Xiaohui is Zhao Juan's grandma. She also has a notebook given by her grandmother before his death. This notebook should have clues."

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