Super Finding App

Chapter 2010: method

The presence of ethnic tribal people cast a shadow over the hearts of the people in the TV station of Jiangzhen City.

After all, no one wants to be called a curse.

The curse can be said to be more credible than unbelievable, especially when it involves the ancient ruins of the past. God knows what will happen.

But fortunately, the crew of the TV station in Jiangzhen City did not believe it. After all, if the villagers scared away because of the intimidation of the villagers, then there is no so-called scientific spirit. , It is not so-called archeology at all.

Even so, everyone in Jiangzhen's TV crew and others were still frightened.

Fortunately, there were no problems or accidents within two days after the minority people left.

Gradually everyone put this so-called curse behind them.

"Master, we have been here for three days. We should leave a little bit faster. I always have an ominous feeling. The curse that the ethnic minority said three days ago really made me quite equal. Dear, let's leave here quickly "

"I promised you, Master, to ensure your safety, Master, please obey me"

Xiao Zhou stood in front of Zhao Zhou at the moment. He had been patient for three days, and now his patience was almost exhausted.

"I said no, Xiao Zhou, do you really believe what the ethnic tribe said? Come on, if there is a so-called curse, it will already be a curse. If I say it is not at all Possibly, what age is it now, and who would believe it? I have been studying Ghana's monuments with Professor Lu of archeology for three days. I found it really interesting. I did n’t expect it to be in a small pillar. The pattern has so many sayings, it really has gained insight, and you know? Yang Juan'er has also eased a lot of attitude towards me recently. It seems that working with one another is effective and effective. "

Zhao Zhou had no idea of ​​leaving.

Compared to the days of lavish drinking within the Imperial City, he felt that he had a very fulfilling life here.

"Master Zhao ca n’t say that. We do n’t know if the curse really exists, but as a protection master, you will never expose you to any danger, whether it is a real curse or a false curse. Yeah, Master, please be sure to leave this forest with us tomorrow, otherwise I ’ll call Master

Xiao Zhou used his own killer.

Zhao Zhou, who was originally smiling, lost weight and took a long breath.

"Okay, okay, okay, okay, leave tomorrow and leave tomorrow, why haven't I found you so feudal and superstitious before?"

"Look at that minority tribe said that Shen Xiangrui was cursed. It ’s not all alive and well. There are no problems at all. If I say, this is simply impossible. It ’s just a joke. In this world, How can there be so many curses, there is no curse at all in this world "

Zhaozhou's voice had just fallen, and an exclaiming voice suddenly came from behind him.

"This pattern is quite good. It contains these three meanings. There should be these three patterns and expressions. It really feels amazing."

Professor Lu Renzhang is taking three students to carefully study the exposed ruins of Ghana's historic sites, and even to look into the entrance of Ghana's historic sites, hoping to find a way to enter Ghana, but so far nothing has been found.

They are cleaning and finishing the lines on the pillars and murals, hoping to analyze them.

Li An stood up and walked aside to think, looking at the interior of this Ghanaian monument.

The internal area of ​​the ancient monuments in Ghana is not too large. It is like a house of more than 70 square meters with pillars in the middle and frescoes around it. It can be said that if you do n’t know, you will think that this is true. A memorial service.

But in fact everyone who knows it knows that this is just the uppermost room where the ancient monuments of Ghana are exposed.

It is said that there is the mysterious Ghana city under the relics of Ghana, and this is the place that Li Bo is looking for

"How about Sun Boyuan? How did you go back to the village to inquire with the village chief in these three days? If I remember correctly, the village chief of your village came here three days ago and left a cursed word, and It ’s related to the demon, are you clear about all this? Is it really related to the so-called Ghana city, and what is the curse he said? "

Li An looked at Sun Boyuan, a man from the ethnic minority group, and asked, with a dignity in his eyes.

Like other people who do not believe in the curse of the minority, Li An is quite looking forward to it.

As one of the four members of the dust, he has also seen a lot of strange things, there are some so-called curses, in fact, they are all viruses.

However, this virus does have a curse-like effect. If it is unintentional, it releases certain creatures, which is quite troublesome.

Especially now that he remembers the mutant A. elegans he encountered when he went to the One-Eyed Temple, it was really creepy.

Sun Boyuan's face became extremely weird and he said

"Mr. Li, I did return to the village in the past three days and talked with the village chief in detail. Although the village chief was glaring at first, he finally told me that it is said that there are various things in the Ghana monuments Demon, these demon are very terrible. Once released, they will bring curses and even be as life-threatening as Yasha. Therefore, our tribe has been guarding Ghana's monuments for a long time to prevent anyone from entering Ghana's monuments. To the legendary city of Ghana, but how this can be entered into the city of Ghana, the village head is not clear, he just knows that the only way to enter the ancient monuments of Ghana is that only selected personnel can enter Ghana City! "

"And if it wasn't the so-called selected person who entered the ancient monuments of Ghana, it would lead to boundless curses and drowning, and there would only be a way of death."

"Is there only the one selected? It's just nonsense"

Li An laughed lightly and said coldly

"These ancient people will not just pretend to be deceiving. The so-called selected person is nothing more than a way to get into Ghana, or a key to get into Ghana, but it is just an excuse, but At least one thing can be said that there is indeed a way to enter this Ghanaian city within this Ghanaian monument. Perhaps there is a true one-eyed temple hidden in this Ghanaian city. "

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