Super Finding App

Chapter 2011: crazy

"One-eyed temple, Mr. Ang, do you mean that there is a so-called one-eyed temple in the city of Ghana below this Ghana historic site? What is this?"

Sun Baiyuan, a minority man, showed a look of astonishment, with surprise in his eyes

Li An shook his head and shook his head.

"This has nothing to do with you. You still continue to investigate, or that sentence, if you can really find Ghana City, after entering, find what I want, I will naturally give you 10 million rewards If I ca n’t find it then I can only give you 1 million. Of course, the prerequisite is that you must keep me safe here. ”

Li An said verbatim

"No problem, no problem, rest assured, this is absolutely no problem"

Sun Boyuan nodded and said,

Li An nodded slightly and turned to leave, and Sun Boyuan raised his head, watching Li An's face with a hint of complexity and inexplicable meaning.

Two people just walked out of the ruins of Ghana's monuments and suddenly

Only a voice of exclaiming and panic heard from the camp

This voice not only shocked Li An and Sun Boyuan, but even Professor Lu Renzhang and his three students, who were buried in research in the coming year, were awakened, raised their heads, and looked out of the camp. What kind of thing.

"Drink less water, Shen Xiangrui. The makeup artist just put on makeup for you. If you drink so much water, your body will sweat easily. It will be a bad thing to spend your makeup. And here in the forest, we do n’t have the ability and way to replenish cosmetics. Even if you want to go to the city, it will take a day or two to come back. You can save a little bit of use, less Drink a little water "

In the tent's dressing room, Yang Juaner was doing simple makeup under the makeup artist's hands.

Because they are in the forest, their makeup does not have a radiant makeup, but rather some light makeup, which makes the volume more pure and cute.

Wang Yaner is more charming and moving. On the contrary, Shen Xiangrui's makeup does have some weight, after all, his complexion is quite poor, and he is abnormally sloppy

Only with a lot of makeup can you cover the tired expression and turn into a handsome man

But even so, after applying makeup, Shen Xiangrui drank mineral water bite by bite, as if desperately given mineral water.

"I'm fine, I'm fine, I just feel thirsty, don't I feel thirsty and drink some water?"

It seems to be because the state of the body is getting worse and worse, and even some hysterical roars, the voice of the speech is low and gloomy.

If you look closely, you can see that there are tiny thin-line-like creatures in the vaginal bands in his two eyes flowing slowly.

"You nerve, what kind of temper do you have? I talked to you well, did you lose your temper like this? Do you really say that as the village chief of this minority said? Is there any curse? "

Wang Yaner was not a bad stubble. He immediately raised his head and looked at each other. The more he looked, the more he felt that Shen Xiangrui was very wrong.

"Even if you are not convinced by soil and water, you will not be so dissatisfied with it until now. See how much water you have drunk during this time. A person is almost like two boxes of mineral water. Jing, what the **** is going on with you? If you are really sick, you can hurry back now, do n’t delay our shooting and video here. "

"Less of nonsense, less of nonsense, does it matter if I drink some water? Does it hinder you if I drink some water? You shouldn't let me drink water, do you want me not to drink water?"

Shen Xiangrui made a roaring sound like a beast, and blasted all the cosmetics on the dressing table to the ground, shocking the entire dressing table staff and makeup artist, making them shudder.

Shen Xiangrui gritted her teeth like a wild beast and looked at her fiercely, and Wang's body was trembling, with an inexplicable terror.

Shen Xiangrui rushed forward like a beast, holding his hands tightly around Wang Aier's neck and growling.

"Just don't you let me drink water? Don't you let me drink water, don't you let me drink water"

"Push him away, hurry him away, hurry Shen Xiangrui away!"

After half a ring, the staff at the side responded, and quickly stepped forward and pulled Shen Xiangrui desperately.

But he was shocked to find Shen Xiangrui's strength was quite strong, and his arms were tied around Wang Er'er's neck, it seemed that he really broke his neck.

It took a lot of effort to pull Shen Xiangrui away.

At this moment, Wang Yinger was almost stunned. Once the neck was released, he immediately coughed vigorously. He stretched out his hands and could clearly feel the five fingerprints on the neck, and it was extremely painful.

This Shen Xiangrui really wants to strangle himself!

"You lunatic, you lunatic, are you crazy? Are you crazy? Are you really cursed?"

Wang Yaner raised her head and gritted her teeth, watching Shen Xiangrui, who was pulled by several staff members, shouting loudly.

Suddenly speaking halfway, a look of horror appeared in his eyes, staring at Shen Xiangrui and making a terrifying shout.

"Look at the eyes of Shen Xiangrui, look at the eyes of Shen Xiangrui"

Everyone looked down Shen Xiangrui's face

When a few staff members saw it, they were frightened and seized Shen Xiangrui's hand to let go.

In front of their eyes, Shen Xiangrui's face, countless bugs under the skin seemed to be squirming, constantly swimming up and down, making him look abnormally disgusting and horrifying.

Not only that, but various worms appeared under his skin.

He pulled his clothes

"Itchy, itchy, it's too itchy, it's too itchy"

"I want to drink water, I want to drink water"

Said to pick up the mineral water on one side, and then grumbled and filled it.

The water splashed down the corner of his mouth onto his clothes, even the open chest, clearly seeing the densely packed bugs in the chest and chest are constantly creeping, looking creepy and terrifying.

"Water, water, I want water, I want water."

Shen Xiangrui roared, slammed the empty mineral water bottle on the ground, and Liu rushed out of the tent, stumbled and disappeared into the shadow jungle.

After half a ring, everyone reacted completely, talking about it, with a look of horror

"What's going on? What's going on?"

"Did you just see it? Did you just see it?"

"Of course I saw it, I saw it, Shen Xiangrui's face and body were all covered with bugs, and it was inside the body and under the skin. This is really terrifying."

"Curse, curse, this is really a curse"

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