Super Finding App

Chapter 2094: Wait (a)

"Hello everyone, look here. Your task today is to follow the analysis and archeology of Ghana by Professor Ren Zhang. I hope everyone can continue to work hard and make persistent efforts."

Cheng Yiping tilted his head, leaning on a broken wall, stretched his hands around his chest, and narrowed his eyes slightly.

Looking up, looking at the dense tree-like branches in the sky like a protective cover, the fresh smell radiates from it. Occasionally, a little light can shine through the gaps in the forest.

"This temple is really very strange. If Sun Boyuan said that the legend in the village is true, I would have guessed one, but the words have come back. I did not expect that hundreds of years have passed. , This legend actually will be passed down in the form of fairy tales and in the form of ballads, which is really something unexpected. "

Fifteen days ago

Cheng Yiping talked to Li An and Sun Boyuan.

After hearing Sun Boyuan's legend, everyone reached an agreement and consensus, waiting for the moonlight to come.

Fortunately, although everyone is in the depths of the sea, the problem is that it does not take long for the full moon to appear.

It only takes 15 days, and the first full moon can be ushered in for almost half a month or so, so whether it is Cheng Yiping or Li Press, what to do now is to wait quietly

In this case, even if there was some anxiety, it calmed down completely at this moment, waiting for the full moon to come.

It seems that Zhang Dao of Jiangzhen TV station seemed to be quiet after he decided not to look for the temple again.

I carefully studied the archeological reality show and communicated with Professor Lu Renzhang every day.

See what tasks you can do and make them into various gimmicks

For half a month, shooting progressed quite smoothly.

For the staff of the TV crew of Jiangzhen City, what they do now is work

Although there are some hardships in life here, and it needs to support for two to three months, when everything is on track, it feels quite relaxed. After all, as long as you do n’t look for a so-called temple, To the depths of Lin Hai, in this city of Ghana, in the absence of danger, I feel quite good.

"This Ghana city is a little unexpected to me, but the only good thing is that within half a month it was really surprising and there were no problems. Now it seems that this Ghana city is really It's an ordinary city, but Mr. Cheng, today is the 15th day, and when the full moon recorded on the calendar comes, do you think we can find the temple tonight? "

Li An has a bright smile on his face

Compared with his ugly face 15 days ago, he was obviously quieter at this moment. He walked in front of Cheng Yiping and asked in two or three steps.

"This is indeed something we didn't expect, but it should be very fortunate for us. After all, there is no dangerous situation like mutant A. nematode in this city of Ghana. If the mutant A. elegans and the last dead body appear in the one-eyed temple that is being searched for, it is a very troublesome and dangerous thing, but it does not appear here now. We can only say that our luck is quite good. "

Cheng Yiping laughed lightly, remembering his encounter with Li An in the one-eyed temple

have to say

At that time, it was really dangerous. If you did n’t pay attention, you would feel completely left in the one-eyed temple.

In this city of Ghana, at least so far, it has been safe.

"Mr. Cheng, what you said is completely correct, and it is precisely because of this that I find it strange that there is no danger in Ghana. So in this case, why apply Xiangrui would be invaded by mutant A. elegans. Was it really done by people of ethnic minorities? Why did they do such things and actions? "

Within these 15 days

Li An is also observing and studying carefully. He knows that carefulness can make Wan Nian Ship

In most cases, it is very dangerous if it is not investigated in advance.

In the event of a dangerous situation, it is too late to regret it.

"This is indeed a very strange thing, but for us, at least no mutant A. elegans has been found so far. This is a completely worthwhile thing. At least I don't have to worry that we will be in danger."

After Cheng Yiping hesitated for a moment, he raised his head and shook his head gently.

For Cheng Yiping, as long as there is no danger, this is a very thankful thing

As for whether the next one is dangerous, then only can respond to it.

"Mr. Cheng, what you said is quite correct, but the main thing now is that when the night of the full moon is tonight, do you say that the moonlight can really shine? After all, there are really some worries. If you can find the temple, that ’s really a great thing, at least our efforts will not be wasted. ”

Li An can't wait for some

He lifted his head and looked at the sun-protective cover made of tangled trees above Ghana. There were some worries and fears.

With such a dense protective cover, can moonlight really shine in?

"I think there should be no problem. As long as the moonlight falls from the sky and comes to the city of Ghana, if the legend of Sun Boyuan is real, then we should be able to find the place of the temple, although hundreds of years have passed. Some problems and changes do occur, but I think the main thing is to wait for the moon to come. After the moon comes, we can determine what is going on. I think too much of it now, but it's just mediocre self-interference. "

Cheng Yiping lowered his head and said after a moment of meditation.

"Yes, yes, Mr. Cheng, what you are saying is completely true. Since this is the case, then we are waiting for the full moon tonight. I hope God ’s eyes will open, and it wo n’t rain. Otherwise it would be troublesome "

Li An frowned deeply

He is well aware of all kinds of unexpected situations in this world

If you really encounter dark clouds or rainy weather, it will be a shortfall.

Although it would take me three months to come back, it's been over a month now

Waiting for the next full moon to wait at least another month

This is definitely a torment for Li An.

Li An really didn't want to wait another month, and this waiting really made him feel uneasy.

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