Super Finding App

Chapter 2095: Wait (two)

Time goes by little by little.

The staff of the Jiangzhen TV station's filming team were talking in chatter, and a bright smile appeared on everyone's face.

"This time is really very interesting. I thought this Ghana city would be very dangerous. We would not get used to it here, but now I want to live here is quite good, at least I can sleep At daybreak, there won't be so many messy things. "

"Yes, yes, this sentence is exactly the right one, but do n’t forget that when you are in the city, you have to get to work so early every day, but it ’s different in Ghana. You can sleep up to eight At nine o'clock, and the daily workload is not too much, after all, it is an archaeological reality show. Most of them only need to be filmed. If I want to come now, I really have some vacation feeling. "

"Yes, that ’s all true. What we say now is a misfortune. Who can think that when we were in the ancient monuments of Ghana, it was quite dangerous to find Ghana. I did n’t expect to enter now. It feels like this after arriving here in Ghana, but there is not much danger, and this is only the case in Linhai. "

"No, no, you can be wrong about this sentence. The depths of Lin Hai are quite dangerous, so in this case we must all be careful, but only in Ghana It's a safe place, but even then we have to be careful and be careful, after all, except Ghana, we don't know what will happen in other places. "

"Yes, that's right, this forest is really dangerous around us. We must be careful and careful. I believe that as long as the archeological reality show is finished, we can go back. In the city, it ’s okay to spend a few days alone in Ghana. If you want to stay in Ghana for a long time, this is really unbearable. "

"That's true. After all, everyone is very clear. People in our city are not in the wilderness. To be honest, in this city of Ghana, there are no tasks for a few days alone. It ’s a problem, but if we want to live there for a lifetime, it ’s quite a troublesome thing, it ’s not practical at all ”

"Yes, it is impossible for us to live in Ghana for the rest of our lives. There is no electricity and no internet. We really can't stand it. Fortunately, it only takes more than a month to complete the archeological reality show. If the filming is completed in advance, we can leave here and return to the city in advance. I really miss the cola and burger in the city. "

Everyone in Jiangzhen TV Station filmed a conversation

The same is true of the three 2 stars, Shen Xiangrui, Wang Yaner and Yang Juaner.

For the archaeological reality show, they started to learn.

After a while, archaeological reality shows will become easier and more comfortable.

Compared to the show, they think of it as life

A little bit lost in time

When night fell, the dazzling light shone through the gap above the forest to the city of Ghana

Seems to give this Ghanaian city a silvery glow

Everyone and everyone else in the TV crew of Jiangzhen City was talking.

Cheng Yiping, Li An, Shen Xiangrui and others stood on the same platform at the moment, looking up at the entire city of Ghana.

They are waiting quietly

"Yes, yes, God is really quite open this time. There is no so-called rain, or other messy things. I did not expect that it was a full moon, and the moonlight was quite strong. It is so beautiful to think of such a scenery. These silver moonlights shine through the gap, giving people a way to put the entire Ghana city directly in the silver light. It is really beautiful. "

The sight in front of us is indeed unexpected

The silver moonlight was shining through the gap, and the entire city of Ghana was illuminated little by little, as if entering the moonlight.

This tranquil and beautiful is full of gorgeous scenery

"This is indeed pretty, but what we are looking for is not the so-called Ghana city is not beautiful. What we are looking for is this so-called legend. What is going on with this legend, can we really find God? Where is the temple? "

Ghana City is indeed pretty beautiful, but even if it is pretty, he doesn't care about Li An at all

His main thing is to find the temple. Only finding the temple is the most important thing.

"It's true. According to Shen Xiangrui, the so-called legend means that when the moonlight shines on love, the gods will come. If this is the case, what is this love exactly? You look at the moonlight. Throughout Ghana, the ghost knows exactly what it means "

Li An said as he raised his head, looking at Ghana City in front of his teeth.

She's really overwhelmed

"It's true, but what Mr. Ang said, I think the legend in our village should be true, but we don't know what it means. This is indeed a very strange question. If we can know what this love is, we may be able to find out where it is. "

Minority Shen Xiangrui also frowned and was puzzled

Looking up

Looking at the silver light in front of him in Ghana, he was really at a loss.

After all, it is a legend hundreds of years ago, the ghost knows whether it is true or false

"Mr. Li An, although that's what I said, but I think everyone just needs to be able to guess the main reason. Don't forget that Lu Renzhang told us what is the so-called love from the beginning, everyone, are you guys Forgot the inscription under this statue? Did you forget what the city of Ghana was built for? "

Cheng Yiping looked up and said word by word that his eyes fell to a certain direction in Ghana Village

"Mr. Cheng, you mean that"

Li An froze for a moment, then raised his head and said word by word.

"I see, I see, Mr. Cheng, I understand what you mean. The reason why this Ghanaian city was established is because the two tribes of Rakshasa and Shura are merged into one, and why are these two tribes? The only thing is that because the male and female groups of the two tribes of Raksha and Shura have become one, they form a family, and they are united by love, so this so-called love refers to the statue in Ghana! "

"Yes, the so-called love is the statue found by Professor Lu Renzhang"

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