"Sun Wuben, you are such a good person, as good as an idiot, giving me food, and losing control of me. This is the first time I have seen you who are so good that people suspect that there is a brain problem. !" Buu cried, "I'm very powerful, I don't understand, why did you let me go? Don't you fear me and don't want to seal me?"

"You are indeed very powerful, but it has nothing to do with whether I control you or not, in my opinion." Sun Wuben said lightly.

"It's ok?"

Buu blinked blankly.

"The reason why I control you is because Babidi controlled you. I can't understand him very much. In order to make him painful and angry, I control you." Sun Wuben opened his eyes and said nonsense. "Now Babidi is dead. Now, why should I control you?"

"That's why you controlled me?" Buu screamed.

"Otherwise, what do you think? Of course, if you are really happy to be controlled, I can fulfill your wish." Sun Wuben said with a smile, "but you have to pay, otherwise I can't be too lazy."

"It's impossible!" Buu was so frightened that he waved his hands. "I don't want to be controlled. Okay, let's not talk about this. Then why are you giving me food?"

"I don't understand what you mean by this?" Sun Wuben seemed to be puzzled. "The rules of our people on earth are that people are always paid to do things, unless they are friends and relatives. Just like those people, it's all me. Invited." Sun Wuben pointed to the people on the Flying Fortress, "I pay for them to do things, and I will not pay for them because I am stronger than them, and I can kill them. Earlier, I asked you to protect the Flying Fortress. Originally I wanted to pay you, but I think what you like is food, and it seems that you are not used to spending money on food, so I just decided to give you food. Is there anything wrong with this? "

"Yes, yes, it's so right!"

Buu clapped his hands and shouted, then his eyes flashed: "You just said you can buy something to eat?" Although he was full, he was still a little excited about food.

"Sure enough, you are not used to spending money to buy food. In this world, you can buy food with money no matter where you are. Only you will turn things into chocolate when you are hungry." Sun Wuben said helplessly.

"I think it's still more convenient." Buu said, rolling his eyes: "Are you rich?"

"It's not ordinary rich. I earn all the money. By the way, I also ask you to do me a favor. Of course, I will pay, and you can eat what you want." Sun Wuben said.

"You pay? Great!" Buu didn't really understand anything, he clapped his hands and cried, "What do you want me to do for you? Kill people? Or destroy the city? Or turn someone into Rotten egg?"

"Fight me." Sun Wuben's face suddenly became serious.

Buu couldn't help smiling happier. The fight was too easy for him. The only thing he worried about was that Sun Wuben's skills were too bad.

"It's okay to fight, but if I accidentally beat and hurt you, will you break your promise afterwards and not give me money?" Buu cried out worriedly. He recalled the battle between Sun Wuben and Babidi. In his eyes, these battles were as weak as children playing house wine.

So in Buu's heart, Sun Wuben is also the same character as Barbid, and the real power lies in his ability to control and seal Buu.

"Don't worry about this. I'm a big star on the planet, a public figure, I pay great attention to image, I can't lie to you, and I'm not bad for money, don't you want to give it a try?"

"Big stars, public figures don't lie? I don't believe it, but you are right. I can really try it. Anyway, I have just eaten and there is no other fun to find. Shall we start now?" Cried Ou.

"First of three chapters of the law, the first is that we are better than trying our skills, not to hurt anyone, and our battle is only between the two of us, so the first is that we can’t hurt others or cause too much to the ground. Hurt." Sun Wuben said.

"This is easy, you can't hurt me, I'm not dead, I'll hit you... You are very funny, I will be lighter, but..." Buu has a headache, fighting will hurt people, no matter how careful you are It's hard to guarantee that it won't hurt people, but his eyes lit up quickly, "Even if I hurt you, it doesn't matter. I can treat you. My healing magic is very powerful."

"Don't worry, I'm not that fragile yet, I need you to treat me, and you don't have to be merciful, for fear of hurting me. You can hurt me because you have your ability, even if you don't have that strength." Sun Wuben snorted.

"I don't have the ability?" Buu stared unconvincedly, his nostrils sprayed.

Sun Wuben continued: "The second is that our battle lasts for three hours. If you are hungry, you can stop it. We can rest once and eat something, but only once."

"I like this." Buu exclaimed excitedly.

"Third, you can't run away if you can't beat it. That's all my conditions." Monkey King said.

Buu's face is weird: "No one in this world can beat me. As long as you don't escape, how could I escape? This doesn't exist at all. Okay, I promise you. Let me say what other conditions are."

"No, let's start, I'm going to strike." Sun Wuben said that his breath rose to 1 billion, and then Sun Wuben's body shot out.

Just like a ray of light disappearing in the void, Monkey King's movement, like goose feathers floating in the water, heavy snow flying, seemed silent, but was approaching the extreme.

Originally a funny face, Buu Sha's body collapsed tightly during the time, and his level almost disappeared from the traces of Sun Wuben from the induction.

But it became more terrifying when I saw it.

"So fast?"

Buu was taken aback. When he saw Sun Wuben and Babidi fighting just now, his movements were like a snail, pitifully slow, but now Sun Wuben's movement speed has reached at least 3 billion level.

The strength of Sun Wuben's breath is indeed only 1 billion, and so is his strength.

The strength of 1 billion, for many people, is not even capable of exerting the combat power of the 1 billion level.

But Monkey King.

In the past seven years, I have been comprehending Dao Wen, which has brought about the continuous ascent of the soul level.

Although he didn't work hard to study the martial arts, but the improvement of the soul brought the control of the body, the control of the power, and the improvement of the overall martial arts realm.

In seven years, the soul has been transformed and improved again and again. Today's Sun Wuben, with a body strength of 1 billion, can display a stronger combat power of 2 billion, 3 billion, or even 4 billion, 5 billion.

Therefore, Sun Wu hadn't improved his vitality much, but he could easily kill Dapura in a second.

Obviously knowing that Buu is desperately strong, but Sun Wuben has not been afraid, let alone Buu, even the stronger Vegett, Sun Wuben does not care.


The fist hit Buu Fat Huhu's face hard, and the skin on Buu's face softened like clay, and Sun Wuben's fist plunged into Buu Fat's face.

"call out!"

Sun Wuben returned to the original place.

"I said Buu, don't underestimate me. As I said, I was only acting with Babidi before. The real me is extremely powerful."

Buu patted his fat face with both hands, one, two, three, three times, just as if a ball was filled with air, the pit hit by his fist completely disappeared.

I saw Buu looking at Monkey King in surprise.

"You are so fast, and it hurts me!"

Monkey King was speechless, and you should be surprised if it hurts.

"Sun Wuben, you guy is really surprising. I thought you were a magician just like Babidi. I didn't expect that although your skill is not strong, it is rare to be strong!" Buu Cry, his words are certainly not contradictory. Although he has been asleep for so long, the memory before he fell asleep still exists.

Like the level that Sun Wuben shot just now, reaching 3 billion combat power, in Buu's memory, in addition to Vegeta, Monkey King, and Klin, the Great Realm King God reached this level.

So although Buu still didn't think that Sun Wu was so strong, he was a strong one besides him.

"Buu, I didn't use my full strength just now. I just warned you. Don't think that I was very weak when I played like Babidi. The next blow, my strength will be stronger. Be careful!" Sun Wuben said The figure turned into streamer again.

"I won't let you hit this time." Buu concentrated, but he still miscalculated Sun Wuben's shot.


Buu's face was once again stamped with a fist.

"You are swindling, why did your power increase so much all of a sudden?" Buu was a little angry. Sun Wuben didn't play his cards according to common sense. The speed at which he rushed was about 3.3 billion. Buu thought this was Sun Wuben I tried my best, so I used the same strength to deal with Monkey King.

After all, he wasn't trying to kill Monkey King.

But in the end, after Sun Wuben punched, his power soared to at least 3.5 billion.

This made Buu caught off guard again, and he was clearly prepared but caught.

"I can't blame me for this, I can only say that you are a bit stupid. I said just now that I didn't use my full strength, just to warn you, so the next blow is definitely much stronger than the previous one. Who made you too careless. Sun Wuben smiled and said, "Attention, this time it's even more terrifying. Don't get hit by me again."

Like a leaf waving in the wind, Sun Wu's own shadow is erratic, fast and slow.

"What is his speed..."

Buu pondered how to protect himself, and saw Monkey King throw a punch, seemingly fast and slow ~www.NovelMTL.com~ and finally printed on Buu's face. This time at the last moment, Monkey King's speed increased to 4 billion.

This is indeed beyond Buu's calculations, so he was hit again, which also woke him up, why should I stand here and let you attack?

"Damn it, it's my turn to attack this time!" Buu rushed towards Sun Wuben angrily. Although he won't be injured, the pain made him unbearable. Moreover, Sun Wuben's strength increased by hundreds of millions in one shot like this. It is very likely that he The strength is much higher than what is now revealed.

The two figures were intertwined in an instant, and Buu shot with almost full force.

It's just that Fat Buu is not angry to a certain extent. His combat power is largely determined by the strength of his opponent, which is why Klin can fight Buu for six hours.

In a blink of an eye, the two played against each other for a hundred rounds.


Sun Wuben's fist hit Buu's fat stomach, but to Sun Wu's expectation, his fist was completely plunged into Buu's belly, and he couldn't pull it out for a while.

"You got Fooled!"

Buu kicked Sun Wu himself, and then his fists rained down on Sun Wu himself. This violent blow caused Sun Wuben to be seriously injured, and he couldn't fight back at all.

"Yeah yeah!!!"

After Buu knocked Sun Wuben into the air, he danced with excitement.

He was frustrated just now, and now he finally broke the game.

Buu only jumped once or twice before turning his eyes.

"No, this guy is very difficult, I can't just let him go."

Taking advantage of his illness and killing him, Buu knew this truth well. At this time, Sun Wu was injured by a series of blows by him. It was when he was unable to organize a force to resist, Buu's best offensive period.

A ray of red phantom shot at Monkey King, and Buu launched a quick attack again.


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