Super Grandmaster of Dragonball

Chapter 887: Billion level


Like a machete, one foot slashed on the bulging abdomen like a ball of Buoppi. In a short moment, Sun Wu had recovered from the blow and organized his strength to counterattack.


The horrible energy swept in all directions.

The strong wind caused by the battle stirred the world, even though Sun Wuben and Buu had carefully controlled them, and even far away from the flying fortress, the flying fortress seemed to be in the center of a typhoon, torn by the wind.

On the flying fortress, everyone trembled.

"It's scary!"

"Is this caused by the battle between Master Monkey King and Majin Buu?"

"Although this time, Master Sun Wuben and Babidi fight differently, there is no dazzling light and shadow changes, but it feels more dangerous! Fortunately, Master Sun Wuben previously reminded us to maximize the power of the flying fortress and not open the hatch. "The staff who broadcast live on the Flying Fortress were shocked, because when the two started fighting, they felt a kind of fear inexplicably, and some of them even sat down directly on the ground.

Although after a while, one by one returned to normal.

But something that gave them a headache happened, because there was no picture of Monkey King and Buu fighting at all.


In the blink of an eye, half an hour passed, the most terrifying thing about Monkey King was his martial art realm. He obviously used little power, but he was always able to avoid Buu's attacks and defenses and let Buu eat turtles.

Therefore, Buu became more angry, and his martial arts value also soared. The battle between him and Klin lasted for three hours before reaching the level of 6 billion, and it lasted six hours before reaching the level of 7.5 billion.

But this time, in just half an hour, under the extreme pressure of Monkey King, Buu's intensity increased to 6 billion, and it was still rising rapidly.

Above the heavens, a group of figures stood on the square in front of the main hall.

"This is Aben's strength?"

A drop of sweat dripped from Bick's forehead down his cheek. Next to him, Bobo and Dandy were also excited and excited.

"As expected of Sun Wuben!"

"For a long time, I thought that Sun Wu had delayed the martial arts because he was not doing his job properly, but I didn't expect..." Dandy and Bobo watched the battle in the lower realm, and the scene they had seen before could not help appearing in their minds.

That was more than an hour ago.

At that time, Monkey King was fighting Buu, both of them showed terrifying power and martial arts, and they had been fighting for more than an hour.

Just when they are worried and nervous.

A figure appeared beside Babidi, it was Monkey King.

As soon as Monkey King appeared, Babidi was so frightened that Buu and Monkey King ended the battle because of this reason, and the rest of the battle became incomprehensible.

It seemed that Sun Wuben was saying something to Babidi, and Babidi seemed to be extremely stimulated and looked very afraid of Sun Wuben.

In short, in the end, Sun Wuben and Babidi also fought.

In the beginning, Bobo and Dandi couldn't understand why Sun Wuben played with Babedi. That's right, in the eyes of Bobo and Dandi, Sun Wuben played with Babedi.

However, when Bobo carefully watched the flying fortress next to him and the actions of other humans on the earth, he realized that Sun Wu was broadcasting live.

Know the live broadcast.

Dandy and Bobo were speechless to Monkey King.

In the end, Sun Wuben actually killed Babidi, and he killed Babidi in front of ordinary people on the Flying Fortress. The strangest thing was Buu.

When Sun Wuben and Babidi were at war before, it was enough to watch the play.

But then, Babidi was killed by Sun Wuben, and he was actually watching the show. This is a bit abnormal. It is impossible to eat an octopus from Sun Wuben and sell his master?

But this time is the beginning.

In the next conversation between Sun Wuben and Buu, Buu was so happy as a child again and again, and looking at his expression, he seemed to like Sun Wuben very much.

In short, Dandy and Bobo couldn't hear the conversation between Monkey King and Buu.

Then came the battle.

Everyone was worried about the battle between Sun Wuben and Buu, but now it seems...

Monkey King was not afraid of Buu at all.

And this is not Buu's release, because the level of combat power on both sides is too high, reaching 6 billion in just half an hour!

6 billion!

Think about how many billion Vegeta lasts?


When Popo, Dandy, and Piccolo were shocked by Monkey King and Buu’s 6 billion level, no one would have thought that all this was just the beginning. In less than 10 minutes, the intensity of the battle broke the 7 billion mark, and then less than 5 Minutes, it broke the 8 billion mark, and after three minutes, it was 9 billion!

9 billion, how terrible is this?

But after a minute, the intensity of the battle has reached the highest level of 10 billion!

Of course, it was just that the fighting intensity and Buu's Qi reached an astonishing tens of billions level. In comparison, Sun Wuben's Qi was actually not strong enough. After all, Sun Wuben's soul level was too high and he didn't need to use so much power.

In the blue hall of the sky, Monkey King pointed Alans and Monkey King to practice the Medamo fusion, but this fusion gesture is not so elegant and beautiful, which makes Alans hard to like.

Suddenly, Monkey King was stunned.

"Has Buu's qi reached 10 billion?" Sun Wukong's eyes were surprised. "Fighting with Aben, Buu used the strength he had in the previous fight with me. Is Aben really that strong?"

Sun Wuqi felt that there was another qi in Buu's qi. At least, Sun Wukong felt far less powerful than Buu's qi.

"That's Aben's qi, and it's terrifying. It's hard to imagine that Aben would be so powerful." Sun Wukong said with emotion that Sun Wuben's current qi is far less powerful than Buu's, but this intensity is also beyond Sun Wukong's expectation.

"Buu's anger is so strong." Sun Wutian also stopped practicing at this time, but looked in the direction of the battle in surprise.

"Well, his aura is the same as when Uncle Wukong fought." Alans also shouted, "Weird, except for Buu, there doesn't seem to be as strong as his aura, although the aura is a bit like Ah. Uncle Ben is also very angry, but he is far behind Buu. It's really strange. What happened there?"

Vidili was always on the sidelines, and asked worriedly at this moment.

"What happened? Sun Wu would have something to do?" Vidili called to Sun Wukong.

"Vidili, don't worry about Aben, he is very powerful." Monkey King said repeatedly, after all, Monkey King knew that Monkey King could control Buu.

"Very powerful?" Bi Dili felt relieved.

"If I'm right, that guy Aben is acting with Buu again." Monkey King had a smile in his eyes. He didn't see the battle with his own eyes, and Monkey King's anger was so different from Buu. Press Common sense, how could Sun Wuben be Buu's opponent, so there is only one possibility.

Sun Wuben used his ability to control Buu and asked Buu to act with him.


Just like the previous battle between Monkey King and Buu, after reaching 10 billion, the breath of terror will spread throughout the universe, and many people on New Nameck stared at the direction of the earth in shock.

"Before it was Monkey King and another breath, who is that this time?"

"Why does such a terrifying atmosphere always appear on the earth?"


Realm King God Realm, Realm King God, Jiebite stared at the direction of the earth again, and Monkey King was dumbfounded with his sword on his back.

"There is no father's breath in this breath, who is Buu fighting against?" Son Gohan cried, and the terrifying breath that came out was very similar to Buu's breath, and it seemed that there was some Sun Wuben breath in it.

"Who would it be? Is Buu fighting with people again?" Jebite tried his best to distinguish the huge breath.

"It should be Buu. Another one who is many times weaker than Buu's is like Sun Wuben, but..." The Realm King thought in his heart the answer that he analyzed, and he couldn't believe it.


The capital of the west is more than a thousand miles away from the south.

"Fat Buu's combat power is the lowest." Sun Wuben easily resisted Fat Buu's attack, and the battle at this time was different from the previous one.

Previously, Sun Wuben pressed Buu to fight, making Buu suffocated so much that he almost wanted to vomit blood.

But now, it was Buu pressing Sun Wuben to fight. This feeling of turning over to be the master made Buu so excited that he almost wanted to dance.

"It's so pitiful, you can't even see that others have let you." Sun Wuben was very proud of him. Yes, he is indeed giving Buu right now, and this kind of concession makes Buu a martial arts genius not to see it at all. When it came out, it was obvious that Monkey King was not a bit stronger than Buu at this time.

"However, I am also a little helpless."

Knowing the strength of each Buu, Sun Wuben understood that although tens of billions were not Buu's limit, they had reached the Buu's limit before him.

Buu has the worst xinxing training.

In the original drama, the evil Buu was born because someone wounded Satan with a gun. Although Buu healed Satan's wound and Satan persuaded Buu in every way, Buu was still very angry, and he split into two in an angry mood. One Buu, one is himself, the other is evil Buu.

Sun Wu didn't want to get the evil Buu out for his own reasons.

If you keep pressing Buu like before and keep Buu unable to spit out a single breath, it is very likely that Buu will be split into two Buu in the end.

Of course the most important thing is that Sun Wuben needs to hide his clumsiness now.

"Two Buu, evil Buu was born, but it is not the time to destroy them."


Peak battle is very physically Not long ago, Klin and Buu continued to fight for six hours, and the battle power has been rising endlessly, so that the kings of the world, Monkey King, Piccolo, Bobo, Dandy and others were shocked.

In the original drama, Monkey King just used Super 3, that is, 10 billion combat power to fight Buu for a short while, which consumed a lot of his physical strength and made him have to return to the underworld before the end of the day.

This time, Buu used 10 billion Qi to fight against people.

For a terrifying demon like Buu, whether it is Bobo, Dandy, Pic or Monkey King, or the **** of the world, Jebit, he knows that his physical strength is not so easy to consume.

But no one thought that not only did Buu's physical strength remain at 10 billion forever, but the other guy who fought with him actually kept his combat strength down by no point.

This battle actually lasted for three hours, and then it was abrupt, Sun Wuben and Buu stopped fighting, and then seemed to say something, Sun Wuben left Buu and flew to the flying fortress where Satan and the live broadcast team were located.

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