Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3070: Step on all

Dome the world.

In front of the door of Fei Xingmen Mountain.


The invisible coercion surged in the void, and the extremely suppressed fluctuations made people feel flustered and felt an inexplicable suffocation.

Everyone looked at the Xuanyi man who was stepped on the mountain gate, and their hearts were shaken.

A man in black robes stepped on the head of the man in Xuanyi, and stepped the man in the Xuanyi into the ground, relaxed and calm, as if stepping on an ant with one foot.

This is the commander of Lei Zewei in the Demon Ape Palace, a powerful monarch!

Even if it is not as good as the many princes of the Great Yin Dynasty, they are still resoundingly present. They are placed at the border, and they are the warlords of the army.

In Qingming State, apart from the Qingming King's Mansion, there are very few powerhouses at this level, and they are the ancestors of various forces.

Such an existence was stepped on!

And this black robe man is not the completely inconspicuous existence who has been following Qin Yi before.

A shot is like a shock!

"Let go of my lord!"

The man in Xuan Yi hissed wildly, his voice extremely stern.

Has He ever suffered such humiliation?

His original power surging, burst out all the power, the violent power shook thousands of miles of boundlessness, and the entire Nightless City was shaking, as if it was about to be overthrown.

The space around him was shaken clanging and trembling.

It's a pity that the black-robed man stepped on his head with one foot, as if the ancient sacred mountain was on top, it would remain motionless, and the years would not pass.

No matter how hard he struggles, he can't shake the black robe man half!

"Powerless struggle, meaningless action."

The black robe man's voice is indifferent.

This black-robed man is naturally Monkey King. He is inherently impatient. The man in Xuanyi has insulted Qin Yi, and he has long been unable to bear his anger.

Your life is humble like an ant, humiliating the emperor, like dust and talking to the sky!

Sins cannot be forgiven!

With one foot on it, with the power of his seventh state, how could the Xuanyi man resist?


Monkey King gently applied force, and the man in Xuan Yi wailed, his body fractured every inch.

"I am the commander of the Demon Ape Palace, Lei Zewei, and the commander of the Chaos Ape Hou, how dare you hurt me? Just wait for the soul to die!"

The Xuanyi man roared, his eyes were bleeding.


A vast world, emerging from its body, suddenly burst into radiant glory, as if burning fiercely.

A more turbulent force poured into the Xuanyi man's body.

Burn the original world!

The man in Xuan Yi was extremely angry and attacked his heart, and regardless of his disregard, he burned his original world in exchange for even more tyrannical strength.


With the blessing of the Origin World, the breath of the man in the mysterious clothing skyrocketed, and instantly broke through the peak of the third stage, and then continued to climb.

Even, there is a momentum to break through the fourth realm!

"Hi! God Lord Lei Ze is crazy, he doesn't even need his own foundation!"

The red armoured warrior shrank his pupils and his face was shocked.

Burning the original world, this is the last means of fighting for an emperor, and even using this trick shows how raging the man in Xuanyi is.

However, what horrified the Red Armored general was that even if the mysterious man burned the original world and gained infinite power, he could not shake the black robe man.


Monkey King snorted coldly.

Without seeing how much power he used, he gently stepped on his feet, firmly pressing the Xuanyi man under his feet, and even trampled through the original world of the Xuanyi man.

Smash the world with one foot, and crush Hunyuan!

What a character Monkey King, the gods and demons all over the sky on the westward journey were swept by him with a stick, let alone the commander of Lei Zewei?

What is the capital to make Monkey King move?

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