Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3071: I want to see if there is any trouble

"Get out of my way!"

The Xuan Yi man roared.

Countless divine glory bloomed from him, and his power was urged to the extreme, like the Yangtze River rushing wildly in his body.

Just like the ancient gods who want to move the sun and the moon, the power is vast.


No matter how hard he struggles, Monkey King will not move at all, stepping him firmly under his feet!

"No, impossible, who are you?"

The Xuanyi man yelled in panic, with a look of horror in his eyes.

He burns the original world in exchange for more tyrannical power, has touched the fourth stage, and has the power to fight against the general Hou Ye.

However, he still couldn't compete with Monkey King, and he was as powerful as a cow into the sea, and he couldn't make any waves at all!

Such power still surpasses the pinnacle of the third realm!

This is a Lord Hou above the fourth realm!

"Master Hou, I am the commander of the Demon Ape Palace. If you kill me, my son will be furious and fight you!"

The man in Xuan Yi yelled and quickly moved out of his backstage in an attempt to shock Monkey King.

At this time, where does he dare to be arrogant?

"I just didn't know Taishan, and bumped into this adult. I will kowtow to this adult and confess my mistake, and ask the adult to have a lot!"

The Xuanyi man even lowered his head to admit his mistakes to Qin Yi and set his posture extremely low.

In the end, he is a strong emperor, able to bend and stretch, and understand the overall situation.

If there is only Qin Yi, even if Qin Yi is the arrogant of the great forces of the Demon Realm, he is backed by the Demon Ape Palace, and he is not afraid.

Even rebuke it!


With Monkey King, a strong man above the fourth realm, it is different.

If Monkey King kills him, maybe the son will be angry and fight against Monkey King, but he will eventually fall.

Therefore, he decisively lowered his posture and bowed his head to Qin Yi to admit his mistake.


The Red Armored general sighed in his heart.

He didn't want to offend Qin Yi and his party. How could he not have a guardian who came from the devil's Tianjiao evildoer and experienced the Great Yin Dynasty?

Who ever thought that the Xuanyi man would be rude and anger him.

No, I hit the iron plate!

"This lord, Brother Lei was confused for a while, straight-talked, and so offensive. Please forgive me, forgive me for bypassing him this time."

The red armored general gritted his teeth and stood up and said.

Although he didn't want to wade through the muddy water, he also had to speak to help the man in Xuanyi.

If the Xuanyi man died here, he would not be good.

"The enemy is suitable for knots, but it is not suitable for you to solve. The Lord of the Ape Hou of the Demon Ape Palace is within the Fei Xingmen. If you kill this person, you will have trouble.

The Red Armored General said so.

"Master Boxing, please let this adult stop, I will take you to find Missy."

This Red Armored warrior has a clear mind, and in a few words, he will explain the interests of each China. If he is replaced by another person, he may stop there.

However, what he met was a lawless demon saint.

Even the heavenly courts that are overwhelming the Three Realms dare to attack with their own power, not to mention, how can you care if you use the name of a Demon Ape King's Mansion.


Monkey King chuckled, his feet pressed hard, and the majestic force pressed over the entire body of the Xuanyi man, and the emperor body of the Xuanyi man split instantly.

"My old grandson wants to see, what's the trouble!"

Monkey King didn't care.

With a little bit of force under his feet, he crushed the man's emperor body in Xuanyi.


At this moment, a shocking roar erupted from within the Feixing Gate.


A majestic coercion swept the world in an instant, shaking the Quartet.

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