Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4273: Chen Xuanming's breakthrough

Shenxiao Mountain.

Countless Divine Firmament Sect powerhouses are waiting quietly. As long as their headmaster, the Supreme Chen Xuanming, breaks through the king-level power, they will send troops to Tianqing City.

I will kill all the thieves who dare to kill the sons and elders of the God Xiaozong,


At this moment, a monstrous weather surged into the sky, shaking the universe.

A deep black Tianhe emerges out of thin air, traversing the sky, I don't know where it starts, I don't know where it ends, and there are rolling waves from time to time.

This is the Xuanming Tianhe formed by countless Xuanming Divine Water, and each drop of Xuanming Divine Water weighs more than 100,000,000 tons.

And this Xuanming Tianhe is formed by the gathering of countless Xuanming Divine Waters, and its weight far exceeds the imagination of countless creatures, and is even comparable to the weight of countless thousands of worlds.

If this Xuanming Tianhe falls, I am afraid that the entire Shenxiao Sect, and even Beiyue Prefecture and dozens of surrounding states will be razed to the ground.

You must know that the Great World of Creation is not only a huge territory, comparable to the territory of hundreds of Great Thousand Worlds, but also the strength of space barriers is also a hundred times that of Great Thousand Worlds.

Qin Yi had asked Dao Zun Yimu to try it. If Dao Zun Yimu made a full effort, it would only be able to destroy half of the territory of the great world of creation.

Daozun Yimu is a late-stage celestial lord in the virtual fairyland. Looking at the five realms, he is second only to the oldest illusory gods in the five realms such as Zulong.

It is conceivable, how terrifying is the strength of the space barriers that create the great world?

This Xuanming Tianhe smashed down and could destroy more than a dozen major states, which was already tyrannical enough.


The Tianhe rolls and the waves roll.

The tyrannical power fluctuations fell from the Xuanming Tianhe, bringing unimaginable pressure to the people of the Divine Firmament Sect. As time passed, this pressure became more and more terrifying.

However, the people of the Divine Soaring Sect were not surprised but delighted, with expressions of excitement on their faces.

This is a sign that the Supreme Master is about to break through!


The Xuanming Tianhe in the sky is surging more and more violently, and the momentum from the hall of the headmaster is also constantly rising, as if there is no limit.

Until a certain moment, as if breaking a certain boundary, the momentum skyrocketed again.


The next moment, the law roared, and countless visions fell.

A phantom of gods and demons appeared, blowing the conch, triggering the law of heaven and earth, and the golden lotuses fell, as if congratulating.

"This seat has finally broken through the king level!"

In the hall of the headmaster on the top of Shenxiao Mountain, the door slammed open, a figure rose into the sky, black hair danced wildly, and suddenly let out a long howl.

It was Chen Xuanming.

At this time, Chen Xuanming was dazzling with dazzling radiance all over his body, stepping on the Xuanming Tianhe, raising his hands and feet, causing a roar of lawlessness, as if he was surrendering to him.

Straight into an ancient **** who stepped into the mortal world, holding the supreme power in his hand.

"Congratulations to the headmaster for the supreme breakthrough and the successful title of king!"

All the disciples of God Xiaozong immediately bowed down and said aloud.


Chen Xuanming looked up to the sky and laughed loudly, his laughter was extremely wanton, as if the thunder burst, and he vented the joy in his body and mind without any scruples.

"This is the power of the king-level, what a wonderful power."

Chen Xuanming's face was intoxicated, but he could realize how powerful he is now just by comprehending the power in his body.

With his current strength, it is too easy to defeat the self before the breakthrough.

The difference is like the difference between a baby and an adult.

In the same way, just feeling the surging power of his own body, Chen Xuanming felt more and more happy in his heart.

After dozens of epochs of hardship, he finally broke through this barrier, broke the bottleneck of the king level, successfully sealed the king, and became the top existence of the Great Li Imperial Court.

In the great world of good fortune, no matter which force it is, it is impossible to ignore a king-level power.

As long as he is willing, he can open up a party that is not inferior to the Divine Soaring Sect at any time.

In the same way, with Chen Xuanming's breakthrough, Divine Sky Sect will also rise, no longer need to be suppressed by Beiyue Wangfu, and no longer need to be suppressed in Beiyue Prefecture.

You must know that in the case of the decline of the Dali imperial clan, some forces that do not have king-level powers can occupy a state and dominate one side.

Divine Soaring Sect has a king-level power, but because of the Beiyue Wangfu, it can only be locked in Beiyue Prefecture, and even Beiyue Prefecture cannot be occupied.

Even in the Dali Imperial Court, many forces did not know the name of the God Xiaozong.

However, all of this will become history. From today, no one can suppress the Divine Soaring Sect, and the name of the Divine Soaring Sect will hang like a great sun in the Great Li Imperial Court!

"Everyone in the Divine Soaring Sect obeyed the order and set off with this seat to destroy the enemy!"

Chen Xuanming was in high spirits and scolded Fang Qiu.

"Abide by the Supreme Imperial Order of the Headmaster!"

All the disciples of the Divine Soaring Sect responded with a bang, a strong man of the Divine Soaring Sect rose into the air, and battleships rose into the air.


At this moment, the gate of the guardian sect outside the mountain gate of Shenxiaozong suddenly made a huge roar, as if someone was attacking the guardian formation.

"what happened?"

"Enemy attack, someone is attacking the guardian formation!"

"Who dares to offend my Divine Soaring Sect?"

The expressions of the disciples of the Divine Soaring Sect changed, and before the disciples of the Divine Soaring Sect could find out the situation, the guardian formation of the Divine Soaring Sect shattered.


Qiongtian was like a mirror, shattered by a powerful force and shattered directly.

"Impossible, the guardian formation is actually broken!"

"how can that be!"

"How could the guardian formation be broken?"

Looking at the shattered sky, the disciples of the Divine Heaven Sect looked incredulous.

Divine Soaring Sect has been standing in the imperial court for countless years, how can it be a force that is easy to get along with, without any means?

The great formation of protecting the sect outside the Divine Soaring Sect, but a grand formation of the king level that the Divine Soaring Sect spent countless years setting up, can resist the attack of the king-level power.

However, this great formation was directly smashed, how could this not shock all the disciples of the Divine Firmament Sect?

You must know that even when the Divine Soaring Sect was at its most critical in the past, the Divine Soaring Sect's guardian formation was not broken.

"The guardian formation was actually broken?"

Seeing this scene, Chen Xuanming also flashed shock in his eyes.

With his current power to break through the king level, he doesn't think he can smash the guardian formation without disturbing everyone in the Divine Soaring Sect.

"Could it be that someone betrayed God Xiaozong?"

For the first time, Chen Xuanming thought that there were ghosts in Shenxiao Sect.

Only the existence of the inner ghost can make the intruding enemy so easily break the guardian formation of Shenxiao Sect, and the status of this inner ghost must not be low, otherwise, it is impossible to know the weakness of the guardian formation. .


Chen Xuanming's face was gloomy, and the killing intent in his heart was surging like a tide.

No matter where the power is, the inner ghosts are the most disgusting people.

Of course, Chen Xuanming is also very clear that now is not the time to look for inner ghosts.

He has this confidence!

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