Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4274: Tibetan Front Army, defeated

If Chen Xuanming hadn't broken through the king rank, he might still be flustered in the face of the current situation, but it's different now.

He has broken through the king level, and now the Divine Soaring Sect has two king-level powers in charge. Looking at the entire Dali Imperial Court, they are also one of the top forces.

The current Shenxiao Sect is not afraid of any challenges!


Chen Xuanming looked up, and saw ancient and huge warships flying out of the broken sky and descending on the Divine Sky Sect.

Standing on the warship were soldiers in battle armor, with their backs and their waists arrogant, and they looked at the people of Shenxiao Sect.

The monstrous aura was raging, and a red flag fluttered in the wind.

On the flag, the word Beiyue!

"Beiyue Wangfu!"

Chen Xuanming's eyes sank, and a cold light flashed in the depths of his eyes.

He recognized at a glance that the man in the sky was the Tibetan Front Army of the Beiyue Wangfu, a legion built by the Beiyue Wang for countless years.

The soldiers and soldiers in the Tibetan Front Army have the lowest cultivation base and the cultivation base of the sixth realm of the emperor, and the leaders of them need the cultivation base of the seventh realm of the emperor.

There are even numbers of lords of the ninth realm.

Not to mention, the Tibetan Front Army is the elite selected by King Beiyue from the frontier army in the frontier land, and each of them has been baptized by countless blood and fire.

In the way of killing, the soldiers of the Tibetan Front Army are far superior to those in the same realm.

Of course, because of this, the Tibetan Front Army had a very small number of only 3,000 people.

However, the three thousand Tibetan Front Army soldiers set up a great formation, and it is rumored that they have the ability to fight against the king-level great powers.

Otherwise, just relying on some means, how could Beiyue Wangfu suppress the Divine Firmament Sect?

After all, in this world, the strong are respected after all.

"Tibetan Front Army?"

Looking at the Zangfeng soldiers in the sky, Chen Xuanming grinned, revealing a cruel smile.

In the past years, it is not that he has not fought against the Tibetan Frontier Army, but every time he fought, he ended in defeat.

Several of the ninth realm's Fenghou-level powers, together with many Tibetan frontier soldiers, together are enough to break out the combat power far exceeding the peak of the eighth realm.

Although Chen Xuanming had previously been known as the first person in the Dali court, he was still slightly inferior to the Tibetan Feng Army.

But after breaking through the king-level power, he realized that the Tibetan Front Army was definitely not his opponent.

The so-called saying that the three thousand Tibetan Frontiers can rival the king-level great power is just a joke, a joke that the Tibetan Frontiers put gold on their faces.

"Today, this seat will tear up this joke!"

Chen Xuanming sneered, with a biting chill in his eyes.


The next moment, he shot directly.

The Xuanming Tianhe River under his feet trembled, rolling up a monstrous wave, like a sky, sweeping towards the warships in the sky.

It seems to be engulfing many Tibetan front soldiers.


The faces of the Tibetan Front Army soldiers changed, they shouted angrily, and they rose into the air one after another.

A stalwart **** and magic figure appeared out of thin air, holding a magic knife in his hand, lingering with endless evil spirits all over his body, roaring to meet the descending Xuanming Tianhe.


As soon as they came into contact, the magical image of the **** was like hitting an eternal mountain, and the whole thing collapsed directly.


The soldiers of the Tibetan Front Army opened their mouths, and the blood spurted out of their mouths, and their breath shriveled.

Tibetan Front Army, defeated!

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