Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 3110: On the journey

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"Fu Jun, you don't have to worry about our safety. I have the ability to deter all enemies!" At the critical moment, Fei Xianer took the heavy task of preaching.

"Xianer, thank you, I must go during this trip, please forgive me!" Chen Jiu thanked him, and also expressed deep apologies.

"Fu Jun, we know we can't stop you. In fact, we want to go, but we are afraid that the past is just chaos. You must be very careful when you travel by yourself!" The princesses reluctantly, they are actually more worried about Chen Jiu.

"Don't worry, Shenlong has been awake. If this trip is over, if I want to go, no one can stop my footsteps!" Chen Jiu comforted the concubines with confidence.

"Fu Jun, before I leave, I'll give it to you!" Jingxin walked out silently, looking at Chen Jiuman's face with shame.

"Oh? Have you thought about it, Xiner, don't embarrass yourself!" Chen Jiu was surprised, no doubt looking forward to it.

Women attach great importance to fame. In fact, as a man, as long as he really loves a woman, he will also pay attention to fame.

Some things, it is nothing to do secretly at night, only to let this woman follow you willingly and disregarding the world, then can make people feel very full.

This is just fine-like extramarital affairs, some women, she is willing to go out secretly to let you work hard, but she is still unwilling to marry you, the tragedies caused by this are not a few, love, only the true body and mind After unity, then it can last forever!

"Well, I think about it, if the husband wants to marry me, I can marry you immediately!" Jingxin responded sincerely, and no doubt made up his mind.

"Don't, if you marry your husband with this bone-eye, it's not waiting to pull the emperor's face in disguise, forcing him to swell!" Mu Lan stopped it.

"But this is the only way to show my heart and let the emperor completely die!" Jing Xin insisted on looking at Chen Jiu and looked back.

"Hey, the divine and pure God, the bodhisattva in the eyes of an outsider, such a holy and unparalleled person, is actually going to marry someone. I am afraid that it will make countless people startled and hate the husband!" Sigh.

"Fu Jun, do you marry or not, but a word for God?" Chen Hanxue looked at Chen Jiu for a long time and said nothing.

"I naturally want to marry, but now I am afraid that it is too late, so be careful, I will marry you after I come back from there, can you be optimistic?" Chen Jiu thought about it, but also embarrassed to say Road.

"It's okay, it's just the husband. People want to give you first!" Jingxin approved the room, and immediately asked again.

"Okay, there is no problem!" Chen Jiu naturally patted his chest and responded, because like pure heart of pure heart, he already wanted to dye it.

‘Zi ...’ There is n’t much time, but the pure heart has n’t made people wait for a long time. It ’s just that the core of his soul has come out, Ming. Mei shines, like the heavenly spirits are pure and unparalleled.

"Ah, what a beautiful fairy and a holy temperament, but unfortunately, those wonderful legs are about to be carried by others. It is really looking forward to ..." The concubines sighed, and even made Jingxin feel ashamed. Find a seam and drill in.

"That's right, I'm going to carry it!" Chen Jiu was ashamed and dead, and his soul came out. He actually carried the pair of wonderful legs on the spot, as Zhu Fei said.

"Oh, husband, don't be like this, it's too shameful ..." I felt that my secret was completely violent. Revealed, Jingxin covered his face with shame, and was a bit shameless.

"Don't worry about her, husband Jun, even if you enjoy her beauty, see how long she can be holy ..." The concubines suggested evil and evil again.

"Okay, it's really beautiful here ..." Chen Jiu really enjoyed the past, and the holy body trembled for a while. It was moving, bright and bright, and even more moving.

‘Papa! ‘Next, Chen Jiu was like a general and a demon. He controlled a cannon and could go in and out. No one could resist his edge.

"Ah ..." The style is infinite, the shameless jade hand finally released, looking at the uncomfortable expression on Jingxin's beautiful face, and then looking at what the general did, he was clearly a demon and almost !!

In the end, it was the general of the martial arts, or the ten unforgiving demons. With a scream, the two completely exploded and dissolved into one, which was completely indistinguishable.

After a long time, the chaos and mist moved, and the two of them separated again. At this time, the happy charm of the holy and wonderful man's face completely explained the problem, that is, the general of the martial arts is a good man!

"Xin'er, how do you feel?" Chen Jiu looked at Jingxin smugly and was very happy.

"Well, very good. I finally have my husband's heart all over. My heart is extremely peaceful. I feel that I have finally belonged in this life!" Jingxin full-headed, nodded, without regretting today's decision.

"Fathers, come together. I will be here for a long time. I will be filled with all the needs today." Chen Jiu gave an order, and the souls of the concubines came out, a great Melting together, it started again.

Beauty is beautiful, beauty is so beautiful that when the concubines can't bear it anymore, they know that the moment of separation has finally arrived!

"Fu Jun, you must be extremely careful when you go here. When you get there, it is no better than our temple. The main **** there hates you, the son of the god-forbidden god!"

"Rest assured, I also have acquaintances there, the water **** and the fire god, can never see death or save? Besides, this time I passed, it is not alone, I will take away the saint, and the top ten monsters, I He also took his defense away, and there will be absolutely nothing! "Chen Jiu naturally was not a rash person. In fact, he had already made plans for this trip to the magic temple, he must go!

"Fu Jun, no matter the success or failure, you must come back alive, we can't lose you!" The concubines strongly asked, no doubt they did not want Chen Jiuyi to be courageous.

In life, some concerns are always good. Chen Jiu nodded his hair solemnly and vowed: "You can rest assured that I will come back alive and bring you full happiness!"

"Oh, husband Jun, you talked around again, as if we were good to you, it ’s all for your big things, so hurry up, we don't want to be good to you ..." Chen Jiu took the opportunity to drive him away, but as soon as he left, tears began to flow.

"Magic Temple, I'm back again!" Chen Jiu's figure went back on his journey, and set foot on the journey again.

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