Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 3111: Still not bully

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The magic temple is a sacred place of blessings in the world of gods. I don't know how many people broke their heads. They want to live next to the temple and listen to the teachings of magic gods day and night!

The vastness and boundlessness, the palace is tall, and it is close enough that one can find those who emit the myriad gods' light, which is actually a statue of the gods. [.Super much]. Updates are fast.

Towering the sky, majestic, and enjoying the worship of the world, these idols are a symbol of the immortal monument and supreme power of magic temple!

At one time, because of these idols, Chen Jiu was scared and scared. He didn't dare to have any presumptions in this courtyard, but this time when he returned, he looked at these idols with contempt.

"Well, magic gods, I advise you better to be a visual point. If you really" force "my mother with a gang of people, then don't blame me for Chen Jiu's killing here!" Chen Jiu warned, he came There is no doubt that there is no possibility of dealing with the mother's affairs here.

‘咻…’ Chen Jiu's figure paused for a while, and immediately ‘shot’ into the magical temple and disappeared.

Yuanli Shrine, Chen Jiu just left, the main gods have been vaguely aware of it, especially the Inu Shrine, which has smelled a good time, and turned into a few dark shadows, trying to plunder the beauties, go back and enjoy!

"Bark, Hefang thieves dare to deceive me at the Nine-Five Years of Immortality, find death ..." Hei Ying was discovered just after entering, and Niu Mang led people, a new member of the association, to work together, it was a group attack.

"Ah ... so many people, let's go ..." Several dark shadows were particularly sadly reminded, and they were only attacked by the gods and groups, but they fled without any effort.

"The power of the Nine-Five Years of Immortals is already in force, I'm afraid it won't be so easy to offend ..." The tiger tigers did not look at the Nine-Five Peaks with good intentions, and after all they were still jealous and couldn't take the shot. txt complete download

"Well, I don't think so. I heard that Chen Jiu's mother was married. He has left. Although there are many people at the Nine-Five Years Fairy Club, it must be a group of black people. It's nothing!" Yes, hate is full of eyes.

"The Emperor's wife is about to be robbed, I don't believe he can sit still!" The happy Taoist looked forward to playing with taste.

"Yeah, if the Emperor shots, then the ninety-five cents will die, and then our opportunity will come!" Countless people began to cheer up.

The wind and the wind spread, and when the emperor heard the wind, he naturally couldn't sit still, and decided to take action to protect his rights and interests!

"Jingxin God, come out for a narrative!" Rendi shouted aloud, hoping to call out Jingxin, but things went against her wishes, and Jingxin stayed with the consorts and never went out at all.

"Emperor, let's say something right. We are innocent and can't say anything!" Jing Xin responded loudly, no doubt expressing his own heart.

"Jingxin, I have prepared a gift for you here, you must accept it!" The Emperor did not come forward directly, and then covered the sky with one hand, saying that it was a gift, but it came to Jiuwufeng.

"Oh? I picked it up for my sister!" Fei Xianer calmed Jingxin within the Nine-Five Peaks, and a piece of "Jade" hand left the sky.

'Snapped! ’The two of them met with a palm of their hands and trembled with each other, but they only had a rough assessment of the strength of both sides. Among them, the Emperor was naturally most surprised and could not believe it.

"Hey, Emperor, you call yourself Emperor, and said it was a gift. Actually, you brought it with both hands empty. Ask your gift, is it just this hand? You know, a man who can only use his hand, that can't please us The 'girl' is happy! "Fei Xianer ridiculed amidst the shock.

"This ... haha ​​..." They all understand people, and after understanding Fei Xianer's meaning, all the main gods couldn't help laughing.

His face was so damaged that the Emperor could not help but stepped over. "Who are you sacred? Hidden in my sanctuary, what do you mean by" desire "?"

"Well, my girl can't change her name, she can't change her last name, so is Fei Xian's master Fei Xianer!" Fei Xian'er was very charming, and she also showed her demeanor in the bright world.

Wushuang Beauty is ‘beautiful’, Ling. Long and colorful, her flawless skin, and the inherent ‘fairy’ qi, which is enough to make people move, it ’s amazing aphasia!

"There are still such" female "spirits in the world, who can be seen in this life, and there is no regret in death!" Countless main gods have fallen for their temperament, and they are all "loves".

"Fei Xianjiao, you ... you are still alive!" When the gods were drunk for their beauty, the emperor's shocking words undoubtedly made them even more concerned.

"Yes, not only am I alive, but also the King of the Immortals that year was destined to return again, Emperor, and be loyal to the Lord, I will say a few words for you in the future, so that you can also do an errand under the King of the Immortals, how? "Fei Xianer actually held out an olive branch.

"This ... The Feixian leader joked and laughed. If there was such a day, I would definitely visit the King of Wuxian personally, and today's thing is my fault!" The emperor dreaded no further conflict.

"Rendi, come and tell me when you think about it, I think you have a good skill!" Fei Xianer shouted, and she was all the rage and admiration.

The Emperor failed, and the appearance of Fei Xianer even cut off the calculations of those Xiao Xiao generations. Jiuwufeng temporarily obtained a period of calm, and no one dared to come over and offend!

The palace of Emperor Emperor, I thought that Chen Jiuyi would leave, and it would be easy to destroy the Nine-Five Peaks and destroy the Nine-Five-Year-Old Fairy Club. Who knew that he would lose as soon as he took the shot. Already.

"Emperor, how could this be the case, isn't that 'woman' person Chen Chen's 'woman' person? How could she be the goddess of Fei Xian, then what is Chen Jiu's evil spirit, and how can Fei Xian's master be able to take over?" The prince is unacceptable, because compared to Chen Jiuyi, his previous proud advantages are nothing.

"Miss, man, all the 'girls' in this world are mean. Man!" The Emperor hated, dissatisfied, and said, "However, they will not be arrogant for a long time. Chen Jiu went to the magical temple. It will be difficult to come back alive. At that time, these gangsters will always be in our pockets when they are 'sexual'!

"Emperor, if you marry them all at that time, wouldn't it be possible to set up a huge harem?" The Prince's eyes brightened, and she suggested.

"What? You asked me to pick up this kid's second-hand 'woman'!" The Emperor stared and smiled angrily again. "Haha, although these 'girls' are second-hand, they are better than the best, and no one will presumably Care!"

"Ah, the Emperor God has a clever plan, and he will pick up these second-hand 'woman's. No ... it will definitely build a large harem, which will shock our Emperor League's majesty!" The Prince Prince was surprised and quickly complimented. --6610 + dmth + 19100691->

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